In 1949, the Newark College of Engineering granted its first Master’s degrees, two each in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. To date, NJIT has awarded more than 4,500 Master’s degrees. In addition to the theses from the more than 50 master’s programs, this collection includes theses for the professional degrees awarded prior to the establishment of the Graduate Division and theses for graduates with the designation Degree of Engineer. The library has accepted electronic submissions since 2010 and has been digitizing new theses and dissertations since 2000. We continue to digitize our catalog working backwards and by request.
The Robert W. Van Houten Library provides this service in an effort to make our graduates’ research more widely available.
Theses from 1990
Digital correlators for spread spectrum communications, Raymond B. Chadwick, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Taiwan's economic development, Liwen Chang, August 1990
School of Management
Improving the throughput of plasticating extruders : measurement of the interparticulate friction coefficient for polymeric particulates with circular and profiled cross sections, Aiping Chen, August 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Impacts of treated municipal waste-waters on development and growth of Hudson-Raritan estuary fishes, Chien-Min Chen, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Multichannel input moniter, Geng Lin Chen, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Monolithic induction-sourced AC-to-DC power supply design, Jianhua Chen, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Point pattern matching by a genetic algroithm, Minghwang Chen, August 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Studies of Nitro-PAH on ambient air particulate matter, Yadan Wang Chen, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Configuring maps for a satellite communication network by self- organization, Yizhong Chen, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Improving solids conveying in plasticating extruders : an investigation into manufacturing processes and manufacturing systems for profiled thermoplastic pellets, Oommen Cherian, June 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prestressed concrete columns under bending and axial load, Ajit Chiplunkar, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Removal of nitric oxide from flue gas with ferrous cysteine solutions, Chun-Chiao Chou, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Quantitative determination of formaldehyde in ambient air, Wen-Shao Chou, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A study of values and managerial practices, Po-Wen Chuang, January 1990
School of Management
Three dimensional finite element analysis of a tibial ankle prosthesis, Harrison Philip Crowell III, May 1990
Biomedical Engineering
Ligament reconstruction : a biomechanical cadaveric test of autogenous repairs and the in vivo evaluation of synthetic scaffold materials, Anne Marie Daly, September 1990
Biomedical Engineering
The role of African women in informal industry : a case study, Ayorkor Eulalie DeGanus, January 1990
School of Management
The use of self-managed teams in service industries, Henry F. De Mena, September 1990
School of Management
Multiphase solid-liquid-liquid mixing in stirred tanks, George R. DeRitter, May 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A comparative study of edge detection techniques, Jaskaran Singh Dhaliwal, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Thermal desorption of contaminated soils, Chengdi Dong, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
International technology transfer : America via China, Lijie Dong, September 1990
School of Management
The oxidation of methylene chloride over manganese dioxide catalyst, Jun Du, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The role of multinational corporations in Nigeria : a case study, Eteng Bassey Eno, May 1990
School of Management
A micro-based machine vision system, Hsueh-Chung Michael Feng, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Small disturbance stability as affected by excitation controls, Alfredo Flores, June 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biodegradation of hexachlorocyclohexane in sand and wastewater using immobilized phanerochaete chrysosporum, Ajaykumar C. Gami, December 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A proposed model for comparing the performance of neural networks and statistical approaches in predicting project profits of an asphalt paving company, Josephine Giaimo, December 1990
School of Management
Analysis of the effects of biofeedback on cardiovascular and neuromuscular system, Andreas T. Gikas, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biodegradation of polymers and isolation and crude characterization of proteins from these studies, Sunil S. Godbole, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A critical analysis on cogeneration policy, R. Tjahjokartiko Gondokusumo, August 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Hardware algorithms for computing transcendental functions, Xin-Pei Gong, August 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The application of microwave technology to the remediation of non- volatile organic-contaminated soil, Huiping Gu, May 1990
Newark College of Engineering
An investigation of OptoElectronic Integrated Circuit receiver, Dinar S. Gupte, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Teaching mechanical design using the axiomatic approach, Lisa E. Hailey, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Decomposing non-product form queuing lattices through genetic algorithm, Wei Han, August 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Reliability of titanium dioxide capacitors, Md. Badrul Hasan, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microwave treatment of hazardous wastes : benchscale and pilot plant studies, Yaoli He, December 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Conditional artificial dielectric waveguide, Hsien-Wen Ho, August 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optimization of bandwidth allocation in ATM nets through simulated annealing, Chien-Long Hou, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Benzo(a)pyrene ingested from composite meals : analysis and method development related to total human exposure, Che-Han Hsu, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A code verification system for ink jet printing, Daniel Liang Hsu, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
How affirmative is affirmative?, Shu-Fen Hsu, December 1990
School of Management
Non-parametric dominant point detection algorithms, Kuo-wei Huang, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adaptive stack filtering by LMS and perceptron learning, Yu-chou Huang, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Investigation of material erosion by abrasive water jet cutting, Fang Hu, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Synthesis and study of polymers containing inorganic ions, Lateef Aderoju Ibikunle-Sofoluwe, January 1990
Newark College of Engineering
Performance analysis of a dynamic reservation multichannel local area network, Abubakar A. Ibrahim, January 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy studies of soil containing chromium immobilized by microwave treatment, Nagui Ibrahim, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Manufacturing Automation Protocol implementation guide, Richard H. Infantino, December 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A detailed mechanism for initial phases of oxidation and pyrolysis of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), Wen-Chiun Ing, September 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Photo-induced electrochemical etching of InP semiconductor in a thin film cell, Bungsu Iskandar, October 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Integrated component-based computer design modeling system : the implications of the representation of control parameters on the design process, Allen D. Jablonski, December 1990
New Jersey School of Architecture
An optically powered CMOS on-chip power supply, Jaeyong Jeong, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analytical and experimental study of robotic peg-in-hole insertion, Yilun Jia, January 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Quality assurance studies for collection of whole air samples in stainless steel canisters, for volatile organic compound determinations, Weifang Ji, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Evaluating the feasibility of a vendor certification program for a mid-sized pharmaceutical company, Clarice P. Johnson, May 1990
School of Management
Design and development of CCD camera for document scanner using optical fiber bundle, Aniruddha P. Joshi, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adhesion effects in micro mechanisms, Dennis Alan Kalgren, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Analysis of field distribution of a dielectric resonator and its applications, Manohar R. Kamath, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multiprocessor system design tutor : expert system approach, Rakesh Kamdar, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Max/Min : a novel rank order based filter family, Raafat E. Kamel, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of a CMOS temperature sensor with EEPROM error correction scheme, Jin-ku Kang, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Slotted ALOHA protocol for packet transmission via satellite link : throughput performance of continuous transmission packet, Solon Karashialis, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modeling a fuel rich premixed laminar methane flame OH, CH, NH, CN profiles, including prompt NO, Md. Hasan Ul Karim, October 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A transputer based distributed graphics display, Ramana V. Kattula, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cryogenic characterization of potential high temperature superconducter substrates at microwave frequencies, Sukhmani Kaur, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of spatial linkages for dwell function generation, Donald F. Kelly, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An investigation of the dynamics of abrasive waterjet formation, Md. Ekramul Hasan Khan, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Formation and characterization of thin superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O films, Gyusuk Kim, January 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A Theoretical model for radio attenuation inside buildings, Kyu-Sung Kim, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office technology : a determinant in the organization of spaces, Se Hun Kim, January 1990
New Jersey School of Architecture
Chemical degradation of PCP and polychlorophenols, Kon-Tsu Kin, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Edge matching of aerial scenery using fourier descriptors, Ananth Kittappa, September 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Development of air-break circuit breaker, Ravi Kanth Korrapati, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Biodegradation of phenol by two competing microbial species in a sequencing batch reactor, Yoo-Suk Ko, May 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Control of stress in silicon nitride thin films, Ajay Krishnan, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of an ionized cluster beam system for thin film deposition and cluster size measurement, Steven K. Krommenhoek, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Performance evaluation of extended token ring network under message priorities, Prakash B. Kukadia, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Token bus LAN performance : modeling and simulation, Ramesh Kurnool, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thermal desorption of hazardous and toxic organic compounds from sand matrices, Jaeil Kwon, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Optimum power system planning, Youn Tae Kyong, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stabilization/solidification of organic containing wastes using organophilic clay and coal fly ash, Edith Lagoutte, December 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
An integrated circuit x-ray sensing array based on a CMOS flip-flop cell, Huan-Chung Lee, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The dewaterability of anaerobically-digested sludges, Hui-Ching Lee, December 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
An MCS BASIC-52 SBC using anything but an 8052AH-BASIC, Hyunyeop Lee, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Temperature scale-up on rotating biological contactor nitrification system, KuanChun Lee, December 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Application research on wastewater reuse for petrochemical refining industry in Taiwan, Lih-Shyan Lee, January 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The effectiveness of computer-based training on management skills development, Donna Lisa Leonard, May 1990
School of Management
Image data compression with neural networks, Jianjun Li, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Landmark-based shape recognition by a modified hopfield neural network, Kuowei Li, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Study and characterization of InGaAs photodiode and photodiode arrays, Krishna R. Linga, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Decomposing non-product form queuing lattices through simulated annealing, Jr-Chin Lin, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The legal studies of women employees, Yi-Ling Lin, May 1990
School of Management
Evaluation of rates constants in an isothermal turbular reactor, Yu-Hsin Lin, December 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A quantization noise feedback technique in pyramid image coding, Zhili Lin, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Landmark-based partial shape recognition by a two-stage BAM neural network, Xianjun Liu, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Automatic contour extraction from HVEM image of microvessel, Yong-gang Liu, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
How effective is the union Title VII grievance procedures, Yu-Wen Liu, December 1990
School of Management
Japanese management techniques and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), Doris S. Mao, May 1990
School of Management
Cascading of arithematic coding method with the LZW algorithm, Venkat R. Maram, May 1990
Three-dimensional stress analysis of the femoral midshaft utilizing computed tomography and finite element analysis, Peter F. Marion, January 1990
Biomedical Engineering
Experimental evaluation of process zone deformation in concrete, Cherng-Maou Meng, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office automation's impact on organizations, Hasan Mentes, May 1990
School of Management
Finite element stress analysis of engine piston, Anil Nanalal Mistry, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Desiccation and permeability of backfill materials in soil-bentonite walls, Hemendra J. Moradia, January 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A study of the effect of flexibility on manufacturing performance, Prashanth B. Nagendra, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical modeling and simulation of the progression of AIDS, Anju H. Nagpal, May 1990
Biomedical Engineering
The magnetotransport analysis of HEMT structures at low fields, Naghmeh Nouri, January 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optimization on ISDN in multihop radio networks through genetic algorithm, Prashant H. Pahade, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Performance evaluation of consumer electronic bus, Sairaj R. Pakkam, August 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomechanical analysis of the acetabulum and acetabular prothesis by three dimensional finite element analysis, Mitchell J. Palmer, May 1990
Biomedical Engineering
Adaptive FIR digital filter design and simulation in the noise reduction system, Jack Jiabing Pang, January 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Towards an understanding of women's status in the labor force, Despina Papageorgiou, May 1990
School of Management
Simulation of random packing of hard spheres using Monte Carlo method, Sung-Ho Park, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Effect of moisture on microcircuit failure, Chandrabala D. Patel, June 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Performance evaluation and comparison of ordinary, adaptive and exhaustive service in the token ring network, Darshakkumar J. Patel, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Characteristic shape recognition with fuzzy dustering, Kalpesh J. Patel, September 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Construction cost estimating in project management, Kalpit N. Patel, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Trellis coded tamed frequency modulation in Rayleigh fading channels, Kiran R. Patel, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Emergency preparedness : disaster planning for health facilities, Narendra R. Patel, September 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Computer integrated manufacturing : a systems approach for small manufacturing enterprises, Sanjeet Jagdish Patel, January 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dioxin formation : thermodynamics and reaction pathways during the oxidation/incineration of chloroaromatics, Sanjiv Narendra Patel, January 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Sputter deposition and characterization of high Tc superconducting thin films, Vipulkumar Patel, January 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Investigation of micromechanical properties of tungsten silicide thin films, Bharat Pathak, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Simulation and analysis of priority classes in extended token based local area networks, Bhavinkumar R. Pathak, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEG mapping using the personal computer, Zhuan-Zhang Pei, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Holographic photo-induced electrochemical etching of diffraction grating in n-InP, Pei-Chen Pien, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lossless image data compression techniques using high order Markov arithmetic encoding, Santo Politi, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Trends of EOM, B(a)P, sulfates, and nitrates in air-borne particulate matter in eleven proximate locations in New Jersey during 1988, Sathish Pushpala, December 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Microcomputer-based visual controller and data logger system, Xiao-fang Qi, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Selection of master degrees of freedom in model reduction techniques, Yixing Qi, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Modification of turret for enhancement of internal turning operations on a CNC lathe, Talla Rajasekhar, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Single token integrated DAMA in multiple bus local networks, Srinivasan Ramadurai, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A self testing strategy for the wafer scale hierarchical memory architecture, Maremanda V. R. Rao, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recycling: Separation of major thermoplastics from postconsumer plastics stream, Rafael A. Rodriguez, September 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The interconnection network analysis package, Nadeem Sabbar, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mathematical modeling and computer simulations of biodenitrification in batch and sequencing batch reactors, Sugata Sanyal, May 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Design and analysis of movable boundary allocation protocol, Karun Sekhri, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Effective use of management information systems in manufacturing, Bhavik Shah, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Temperature dependent current-voltage characteristics of TiSi2/n+/p silicon shallow junctions, Bhupendra M. Shah, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Testing and modelling of the cleaner wick system for in-situ treatment of contaminated groundwater plumes, Sanjiv I. Shah, January 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Statistical process control for high precision deep drawn sheet metal parts, Sunil S. Shah, May 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design and analysis of microengineered accelerometer, Nana Shigematsu, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Application specific integrated circuits for single board computer, Ximing Shi, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The kinetic study of degradation of the azo dyes by photolytic ozonation and photolytic hydorgen peroxide oxidation, Hung-Yee Shu, May 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A Petri net simulation tool, Ashish H. Shukla, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A novel Schottky barrier MOSFET for VLSI applications, Venkata S. Simhadri, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Outplacement services : a search for the tools and strategies that improve organizational effectiveness, Geri P. Stowers, May 1990
School of Management
Multi-sensor system for an articulated robot hand, Narendra Sucahyo, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The legal status of strikers and replacement workers, Chun-Shu Su, December 1990
School of Management
Shear behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams under monotonic and cyclic loads, June Suh, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A study of signal cancellation effects in adaptive arrays, Cheng-Der Sun, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Memory card memory read-out module for 8052AH BASIC single board computer, Yongyi Sun, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study of methane gas production on anaerobic digestion system, Seng-Fung Su, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Demulsification and separation of oil in a water/particulate system, Fong-Jung Tai, May 1990
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Microengineered thermal conductivity vacuum pressure sensor, Sanjay Talreja, September 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Synthesis of strained lactams and study of their energetics and bonding, Jung-Chou Tsai, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Degradation of refractory organic pollutants in tar, water and soil matrices by ozone or hydrogen peroxide with ultraviolet light, Liang-Jiun Uang, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
An artificial neural network for redundant robot inverse kinematics computation, Wibawa Utama, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study of the effects of weighting matrices in power system state estimation, Yanshi Wang, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A comparison of integrated and differential estimates of flourescent intensity profiles using digital video image analysis, Langfang Wu, May 1990
Biomedical Engineering
Molecular modeling studies of anatoxin agonist analogues, Qizhan Yao, December 1990
Newark College of Engineering
The kinetics and mechanism of photo-oxidation of acrylonitrile and acetonitrile with hydrogen peroxide and ozone in wastewater, Jung-Yuan Yeh, January 1990
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Design of a real time optical sensor for continuous blood cell separation, Girish S. Yerande, May 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Preparation and testing of novel blocked isocyanate dental adhesives based upon hydroxyhexylmethacrylate, Yunwen Ye, December 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Recovering surface structure using direct method, Zhu Ying, December 1990
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kinetic mechanism of the reactions of dichloromethane and chloroform with atomic hydrogen at low pressure and room temperature, Jia-Ling Linda Young, January 1990
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of machining parameters to optimize surface finish in metal cutting through CNC, S. Waseem H. Zaidi, December 1990
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Theses from 1989
A methodology for designing spacecraft onboard processing systems, Mohammad Nadeem Ahmad, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Algorithms and analysis of dialogue time patterns, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
In vitro biocompatibility study to determine the synergistic effect of components for an artificial bone graft material, Levelle Elise Burr Alexander, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Manufacturing workstation model using Petri nets, Reni Alexander, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
An intelligent electrocardiogram tutoring package EKGCHALLENGER, Santosh K. Ananthraman, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Performance enhancement & fault detection of CMOS dynamic logic for VLSI, Ashok Arunachalum, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A microcomputer based non-invasive cardiopulmonary monitor using a microwave interferometer, Tanmoy K. Basu, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unified study of trellis encoded correlative-FM, K. Narendra Bhat, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thermal desorption of hazardous and toxic organic compounds from soil matrices, Sarah Calandra, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Non invasive monitoring of cardiovascular dynamics through a microwave interferometer, Suresh Chakravarthi, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Organization design and development, Chang-Wang Chen, September 1989
School of Management
Competitive bidding strategy in the construction industry : a game theoretic approach, Hongbin Chen, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Investigation of benzo(a)pyrene in outdoor air, indoor air and personal inhalation air, Hsiu-wen Chen, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Investigation of surface formation in abrasive waterjet cutting, Shy-Shyan Chen, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Adaptive transform coding of video with motion compensation and vector quantization, Jung-Hui Chien, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) mode conversion in optically active (chiral) embedded polymeric waveguides, MingDeh Chien, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Small business management : a case study in Taiwan, Lilly Chin, September 1989
School of Management
Anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene by activated carbon fluidized-bed, Yeam-How Chin, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Obstacles to women seeking management careers : what they are, and how American companies and women confront them, Lih-Fang Chiou, May 1989
School of Management
A study of the effect of some inhibitors on the corrosion rates of austenitic stainless steels in sulfuric acid, Shang-Yinn Chiou, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Substituent effects on strained rings. part A ; The kinetics of hydrolysis of A quinuclidone using FTIR. part B, Yeu-Yi Chiu, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The applicability of parametric inverse scattering for optical waveguides with imperfect boundaries, Hyoung Jin Choi, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optimal algorithmic testing of re-programmable logic arrays, Arvind Chopra, June 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of a gear driven anti-twister mechanism for a seal-less blood processor, Ajit Nachiket Dastane, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Self-efficacy and motivation : an unexplored relationship, Elizabeth Angela Dixon, September 1989
School of Management
Reliability prediction of vulcanized fibre using electrical noise as a screening parameter, George A. Donos, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Robotic arms with flexible links as the links approach rigidity, George A. Downes, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Implementation of the sliding dictionary data compression algorithm on an AT&T DSP 32 digital signal processor, Shu Fang, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microwave treatment of organic contaminated soil, Suning Fan, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Determination of trace amounts of lead, cadium and zinc in vegetables using differential pulse polarography, Elizabeth Franca-Romitti, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Microbial competition in the biodegradation of phenol, Mary Ellen Frank, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Interpolation search for alphabetic tables, Loizos Gabriel, May 1989
Computer Science
Robotic safety utilizing a safety engineering approach, Brian Gallagher, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
One-dimensional parametric inverse scattering for lossless dispersive media, Frank Gangi, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study of volatile organic compound emissions in the ambient air of a sanitary landfill in Richard W. DeKorte State Park, New Jersey, Minsen Gao, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The influence of aggregate grading with two different binders on mechanical strength of polymer concrete, Pei-Yuan Gao, January 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Rays and beams near the shadow boundary, Weixing Gao, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Towards a theory of planning aesthetics : application to university commons, Newark, Kathy M. Gonzalez, August 1989
New Jersey School of Architecture
A research analysis : differences between contemporary corporate management and entrepreneurial management, Kevin A. Gugliotta, January 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A computer-aided instruction electrical safety course, Edward John Gusciora, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design of a temperature sensor for gallium arsenide ic applications, Raviprakash Raviprakash Gutala, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
High temperature resistant crosslinked phenol, o-chlorophenol and formaldehyde copolymer fiber, Suh Joon Han, May 1989
Newark College of Engineering
Reactor design for hazardous waste treatment using immobilized phanerochaete chrysosporium, Ikram ul Haq, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A decomposition algorithm for the state transition lattices of certain non-product queueing protocols, Cheng-kuo Hong, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thermal decomposition of dichloromethane in hydrogen/oxygen/argon mixtures and in pure oxygen, Wen-Pin Ho, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Progressive transmission of images using pyramidal structure, Chin-Hua Hsu, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modelling and parameter estimation in clinical electrooculography, Shengche Hsu, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microprocessor-based processing unit implemented by xilinx programmable logic array, Lee Chuan Hu, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A comparison study between the tenax trap and the canister collection methods for determination of volatile organic compounds, Li-Ching Lillian Hung, September 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
An interactive graphics capability for numerical design optimization, Abbay P. Joshi, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Semiconductor pressure sensor and amplifier with extended temperature range, Abhay Mahadeo Joshi, August 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of robotic LAN controller and map interface, Jayesh M. Joshi, June 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Application of microwave energy to remediation of soils contaminated with chromium, Chih-Ju Jou, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Optimization of throughput and stability for CSMA/CD channel, Liangshyng Jou, August 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
HPLC analysis of PAH and selected substituted derivatives in waste incinerator emission particles. Section I. Analysis of uptake of BAP by earthworms living in BAP-contaminated soils. Section II, Chin-Fang Juang, August 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Adaptive subband video coding with motion compensation, Manjunatha S. Kadur, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A computer program on the economics of collection and sortation of recyclable materials in municipal solid wastes, Ara Nigogos Kahyaoglu, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Variations of alkalinity, pH, oxidation reduction potential, and conductivity in single and multi-stage sludge digestion systems, Nasser M. Kamazani, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Simulation and off-line programming of robotic workcells, Krishnaprasad V. Kamisetty, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Statistical multiplexing of video sources for packet switching networks, Krishna Kancherla, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
CSMA/CD LAN performance : modeling and simulation in CSIM, Nanda K. Kanuri, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Output feedback applied to observer based controller, Nainn-Ping Ke, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A CAD for edif pattern generation, Mohammad Akram Khan, August 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Feasibiltiy, planning, and justification of FMS : a case study, Joo Hwan Kim, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Investigation of the distribution of particles in an abrasive water jet, Sun Kim, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A robot vision system for determining 3-D coordinates of object points, Tea-Quin Kim, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A CMOS robotic lan interface integrated circuit design, Yong-Bin Kim, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ionitriding to improve the wear resistance of ferrous materials, Ravi K. Kodali, January 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Reduced complexity receivers for trellis coded modulations via punctured trellis codes, Bonchul Koo, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The rate of vibrational segregation in particulate materials, Yidan Lan, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical model of a continuous sterilization system for fermentation media containing suspended solids, Mark A. Leskowicz, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Organics in ambient air by collection on tenax, thermal desorption,and capillary chromatography with parallel FID/ECD analysis, Chih-Hsiang Liao, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Effects of n>m Clos networks on edge coloring and matrix decomposition algorithms, Ming-Hsing Lin, August 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recirculation flow bioreactor for the synthesis of nitroxide and n-oxide pharmaceuticals, Douglas Lischick, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
User interactive compensation for SI/SO systems via root-locus, Shih-Mim Liu, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Theoretical analysis of universal joint with manufacturing and assembly tolerances, Xiaosong Liu, September 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Determination of benzo(a)pyrene metabolites in the bile of winter flounder from the New York Bight, Xingmin Liu, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The kinetics of degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in a photoreactor using ozone, hydrogen-peroxide and ultraviolet radiation, Yuan-Shen Li, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Visual system modeling and system response analysis, Zhongquan Li, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Integrated voice/data services on multihop radio networks, Chialun Lu, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The effects of degraded indoor air quality on employees working in high rise office buildings, Richard Patrick Luongo, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Investigation of major mutagenic substances in airborne particulate matter : biologically-driven analysis of fractions and analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) nitro-PAHs and other classes of compounds, Jung-Hen Lwo, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Application of microwave technology to effect on-site regeneration of GAC, K.C. Mahesh, December 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Distributed data collection system based on hierarchical network, Harish Mahindrakar, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A comparison of the fracture toughness, hardness, impact strength, and thermal expansion of two dental porcelains, Nancy Maignon, August 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Schottky-barrier solar cells, surface patterning for efficient light collection, Constantinos Manolis, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Removal of contaminants from clay soils by thermal desorption, Wen-Ming Mao, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Red blood cell deformability testing by using a rheological method, Zhenglei Ma, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Cascading LZW algorithm with Huffman coding : a variable to variable length compression algorithm, Ashish Khandubhai Mehta, May 1989
Computer Science
Agitation requirements for complete drawdown of floating solids in stirred tanks, Joseph Philemon Mmbaga, September 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Recursive system identification using least squares method, Gholamreza Ghorbani Moghadam, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Study of system dynamics in a primitive identification/counter model, Zofia Monczka, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Management of construction jobsite productivity : a self assessment approach, Nicos Poliviou Nicolaou, May 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Thermal desorption of hazardous and toxic organic compounds, Manuel S. Nolau, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Sediment transport/sand bypassing analysis at Manasquan, NJ, Christopher Clemens Obropta, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A study of techniques of performance evaluation, Moses Oyewolfe Ogungbenro, May 1989
School of Management
Study of an analytical method for benzo(a)pyrene metabolites in human urine, Zheng Ouyang, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Equation of interaction diagrams for prestressed concrete columns, Angamuthu Palaniappan, September 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Laboratory model studies of pneumatic fracturing of soils to remove volatile organic compounds, Panayiotis Papanicolaou, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Design and analysis of an intracranial pressure and temperature sensor telemetry system, Anshumat Parasar, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A dynamic CMOS programmable logic device, Praveen K. Parvathala, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nonlinear, metal-clad optical waveguide, Bhavesh Patel, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Reliability problems and failure mechanisms in IC packaging, Dilip J. Patel, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Survival rate study of intrashock versus postshock microwave rewarming in rats subjected to hemorrhagic shock, Hani M. Patel, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Experimental evaluation of J-integral for fiber reinforced concrete subjected to impact loading, Piyushkumar Patel, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Trellis encoded M-ary partial-response schemes, Raju P. Patel, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Toward a model of instruction for architecture design studio, Garry Allen Perryman, October 1989
New Jersey School of Architecture
The secondary role of parallelism in geometry and the real difference between euclidean and hyperbolic geometry, Panagiotis Pittas, May 1989
Mathematical Sciences
First impression : the study of entry in architecture, Siriwan Polpuech, August 1989
New Jersey School of Architecture
Hardware and software designs for integrated electrical engineering experiments, Sujin Pramojaney, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
On-line dot matrix code verification, Thatta V. Premnath, September 1989
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Thermodynamic and leaching studies of various systems, Satya D. Rami, January 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Protocol processing delay analysis on Ethernet by simulation of NJIT Ethernet, Jagdish Gangrimal Rangwani, August 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Network realizability approach to robust stability of discrete-time systems characterized by polynomials, Sri Indran Rasiah, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Program analysis tool for extensive reverse software engineering : a tool to understand the software (Patern), Bubulal R. Rawal, May 1989
Computer Science
Surfactant enhanced scrubbing in an ejector venturi scrubber of sulfur dioxide from air exhaust streams, Humberto Roman, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
pH parametric pumping : an examination of different feed locations for a two and three column process with the same flow patterns and pH distribution, Roberta Rosty, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer controlled oxygen bioreactor, Dinesh Sachdeva, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The evaluation of polysulfone composites as structural implants in orthopaedic surgery, Howard L. Scalzo, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopic analysis of selected sorbent materials, Elhamy Amin Sedhom, May 1989
Newark College of Engineering
Digital image restoration using power spectrum equalization filtering technique, Debdatta Sen, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Process modelling of the nitration of toluene, Nitin K. Shah, September 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Molecular modeling in anatoxin and other semirigid agonists, Wen-chung Shang, January 1989
Newark College of Engineering
Study of ionized cluster beam techniques for reactive deposition of gallium nitride thin films, Jyh Sheen, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Experimental study of rectangular and square concrete member under combined biaxial bending and tension, Ming-Hua Shiau, September 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Generation of atomic nitrogen by gas discharge in microwave cavity, Jong-Shun Shieh, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prediction and correlation of liquid-liquid equilibria, Jose Simonetty Jr., May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Characterization of activated sludge immobilized in calcium alginate gel with respect to biodegradation of 2-chlorophenol and benzene, Manjari Singh, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Towards a bound for the compression of the LZW algorithm, Anoop Kumar Srivastava, May 1989
Computer Science
Electrical insulation screening for reliability, Vinu Sundaresan, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Estimation of thermodynamic properties of petroleum fractions to supplement the ASPEN simulator, Steven E. Sund, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A CMOS digital temperature sensor for ASIC VLSI standard cell design, Chih-Ta Sung, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multiphase solid-liquid and solid-liquid-gas mixing in stirred tanks, Jessyca Susanto, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Firmware toolkit for larynx synchronous D.S.P., Shih-Chieh Su, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of governor-turbine models in stability studies, Vidyanand Swaminathan, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Optimal design of prestressed concrete members using numerical techniques, Nasseruddin Syed, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A wideband continuous phase shifter for Ka-band, William J. Tanis, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adsorption and desorption of chromium on clayey soils, Ker-Shu Tan, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
X.25 interface packet level simulation, Arvind Tewari, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Slurry wall backfill integrity and desiccation, Mahendraratnam Thilliyar, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thermal desorption of phenol contaminated clay soils, Chia-Ling Ting, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Strategic planning for management information system, Hsiu-Li Tsai, May 1989
School of Management
Environmental impact assessment for water resources projects : planning procedure and analytical methods, Mahadesh C. Tumkur, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Analysis on dielectric resonators, Xuan Tu, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Durability of slurry cut-off walls around hazardous waste sites, M. Khalid Umer, January 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Design of a LAN based data acquisition system for sensor applications, Krishna Murthy Uppunda, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nonlinear variants of the least mean square (LMS) algorithm, John George Van Saders, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Arithmetic pipeline analysis package II, Sai K. Vedantam, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Image coding with quantization noise feedback, Jen-Chieh Wang, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Spectrum analysis of heart rate variability, Xuming Wang, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Study of steel-concrete interface behavior of reinforced concrete members, Jun Wan, January 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A study of employee alcohol and drug abuse programs, Phyllis E. Waters, May 1989
School of Management
Analysis of C2 and C3 hydrocarbons in ambient air. Part 1 ; Development of simple analysis for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Part 2, Li-Li Wu, September 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Study of acetone extractable organic matter from airborne particulate matter from an urban site, Wenhui Wu, September 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Thermal decomposition of 1,1,1-thrichloroethane-methane-oxygen mixture in tubular flow reactor, Yo-Ping Wu, May 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Trellis coded partial-response channels, Kumari Yalamanchili, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aqueous absorption of NOx induced by sodium chlorite oxidation, Chen-Lu Yang, December 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Thermal decomposition of chlorobenzene reaction with hydrogen and oxygen mixture in an atmosphere, Chun-Chen Yang, September 1989
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Synthesis of highly-strained gem-difluoro compounds by reaction of difluoromethylene with cycloalkenes, Deyi Yang, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Evaluation of sorting algorithm performance on single instruction multiple data machines, Dong Kuen Yang, September 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Efficient design of trellis coded CPFSK, Hsinhsyong Yang, May 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Use of the LMS algorithm in ECG analysis, Xiaohua Yang, January 1989
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Measurement of biodegradation aniline, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene using microcalorimetric method, Lung-Weng Yao, May 1989
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thermal decomposition of 1,1,2- trichloroethane in hydrogen in tubular flow reactors at atmospheric pressure, Chen-Chung Yeh, May 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The effects of position and gender in evaluating job factors, Yen-Yueh Yin, May 1989
School of Management
A non-invasive technique for burn area measurement, Jong-Daw Yu, May 1989
Biomedical Engineering
Computerize data information for architecture design, Syau-yi Yu, August 1989
New Jersey School of Architecture
Environmental assessment in bioethanol technology using immobilized yeast cells, Minoo Kandy Zarnegar, January 1989
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theses from 1988
Study of the structure and capacity of construction industry in Pakistan, Tayyab A. Ansari, May 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Planning design change : focus on Ottawa, Illinois, Donna Jean Carney, September 1988
New Jersey School of Architecture
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from incineration emission samples, Robert Cebula, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effects of compliance and machining prameters on robotic grinding/deburring, Kung-Le Chang, December 1988
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A dynamic model of a fill-and-draw reactor and its implications for hazardous waste treatment, Shing-Hwa Chang, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of C2 and C3 hydrocarbons in ambient air. Section I ; Identification and quantification of volatile organics emitted from a landfill. Section II, Tsong-Sheng Chang, September 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Thermal desorption of hazardous and toxic organic compounds from soil matrices : dichloromethane, chloroform, benzene, toluene, 1-chloronaphthalene, 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene, Arun S. Chemburkar, January 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene by activated carbon fluidized-bed, Jiunn-Horng Chern, December 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Investigation of different CMOS DRAM sense amplifier configurations in VLSI, Bihju Chiu, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study on the poly(ethylene terephthalate)/flouropolymer blends, Chyan-nin Chiu, September 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Softening response of concrete in direct tension, Teresa Cintora, May 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling and simulation of robot arms with flexible links, John G. Danis, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The design and implementation of an information system for a consumer product company distribution center, Richard C. Gilormo, December 1988
School of Management
Wastewater treatment : phenol extraction by liquid membrane, Jan-Ming Hou, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Determination of aromatic amines by diazonium salt, Hong-hue Hsu, September 1988
Newark College of Engineering
A silicon photodiode array for soft x-ray sensing, Chih-te Hu, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Synergistic fillers in polymer concrete : new composites, Syed Hassan Javed, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Adsorption and kinetics of adsorption by flyash in solution, Murthy K. Jogimahanti, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
An investigation of electrical and optical properties of reactively sputtered silicon nitride and amorphous hydrogenated silicon thin films, Tae Hoon Kim, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
System performance criteria in CDMA networks using gold codes, Yong H. Kim, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microbial phenol degradation utilizing a complete-mix biological reactor : the effects of dissolved oxygen content, Keith Kollar, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A dynamic model of fill-and-draw reactor utilizing an inhibitory substrate, Yun-Fei Ko, December 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Bead design for biodegradation of 2-chlorophenol using microorganisms entrapped in alginate gel, Fayaz Lakhwala, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of human exposure to benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) through different pathways. Part A ; Assessment of benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) exposure through urine analysis with the hydriodic acid reduction reaction. Part B, Shao-Keng Liang, September 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Investigation of forces in the course of the water jet--work piece interaction, Hung-Yuan Li, May 1988
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Synthesis and characterization of a novel blocked isocyanate dental adhesive based on diphenylmethane - 4, 4' - diisocyanate, Yangming Lin, January 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Recycled plastics as fillers in polymer cement concrete composites, Shian-Jong Liu, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Comparative adsorption studies on clay soils, Prasanna R. Mysore, January 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
High-energy, curable polycyclopentadiene binder for solid rocket propellants, Jian guo Ning, September 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
On conventional and harmonic load flow analysis, Ranjit B. Pradhan, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of a fiber optic oxygen sensor based on immobilized hemoglobin, Mendu Govind Raj, May 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Programming for the prediction of thermodynamic phenomena, One Kwon Rim, January 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The architecture of automobile and building design : learning from 100 years of parallel processes, Vojislav Ristic, September 1988
New Jersey School of Architecture
Use of recirculation reactor to study biodegradation of Aroclor 1242, a polychlorinated biphenyl, Babu S. Sanji, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A modified extended kalman filter as a parameter estimator for linear discrete-time systems, Bruno Johannes Schnekenburger, January 1988
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hydrodechlorination reactions of trichloroethylene and 1,1 1, trichloroethane over alumina supported palladium catalysts, and, trichloroethylene over nickel catalyst, Atul R. Shah, January 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An improved method of gas chromatographic determination of trace organic vapors in ambient air collected in canisters, Yong-jin Shen, May 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sorptive and geotechnical characteristics of kaolinite, Chi-Yuan Shih, May 1988
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A model for the determination of market based pricing of telecommunication products, Katherine J. Sullivan, May 1988
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Oxidation of N,N-Dimethylformamide and N,N-Dimethylacetamide in a photoreactor, Su-Jen Syu, January 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Pentachlorophenol and oxygen consumption of immobilized mixed bacterial culture, Tesfamariam Stephanos Tsadwa, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Agitation requirements for complete dispersion of emulsions, Dun-Huang Tsai, May 1988
Newark College of Engineering
An analysis of the dense packing of disks : a computer simulated approach, Jir-Yih Tsaur, May 1988
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Synthesis of strained bridgehead lactams, Quansing Tu, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Detection and determination of N-Nitrosohexamethyleneimine in benzenesulfonamide, N-[[(hexahydro-1-H azepin-1-YL)amino]-carbonyl]-4 methyl by HPTLC, Anulfo A. Valdez, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Biosynthesis of amine oxides using calcium-alginate immobilized hog liver microsomes : an evaluation of process and reactor design, Ioannis I. Valvis, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A new hazardous waste treatment technology utilizing low power density microwave energy, Gabriele Else Windgasse, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Thermal decomposition of dichloromethane/1,1,1-trichloroethane mixture in an atmosphere of hydrogen, Yang Soo Won, September 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Use of recirculation reactor to study biodegradation of 2-chlorophenol, Kai-Chung Yang, May 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Formation of light hydrocarbons and soot in the pyrolysis reactions of chloro, dichlorobenzene, acetylene and benzene in an atmosphere of hydrogen, Larry Jiyuan Zhu, September 1988
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Preconcentration and direct flame ionization method for measurement of non-methane organic compounds in ambient air and statistical analysis of experimental data, Lianyi Zuo, May 1988
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theses from 1987
Approaches to the synthesis of dentin bonding agents containing vinyl and carbamate functional groups, Steven W. Amato, September 1987
Newark College of Engineering
Studies directed toward beta-cyclodextrin and capped beta-cyclodextrin mimics of alpha-chymotrypsin, Preston Marlon Canzius, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Steady-state operation of bench-scale activated sludge process using phenol and 2-chlorophenol as substrates, Jeffrey Richard Caputi, January 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The degradation of trace pollutants in wastewater, Christine M. Cheng, May 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theoretical studies of a norbornane mimic of acyl-alpha-chymotrypsin, Pin-Nan Chen, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Hydrodechlorination reactions on silica-supported rhodium catalysts, Yung-Ming Chen, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Properties of sputtered a-Ge and a-Ge : H thin films, Hanjin Cho, May 1987
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Establishing and utilizing the concept of socio-technical-spatial systems in the 21st century work environment, Asmita Gami, September 1987
New Jersey School of Architecture
Separation of chromium from waste sludges by an electric membrane process, Freeman Nai-Tchun Ho, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of inorganic salts on adsorption of organics by fly ash, Pai-Yuan Horng, January 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reactions of atomic hydrogen with dichloromethane in a flow system, Shun-Hsien Huang, September 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Time series analysis of respiration component in heart rate variability, Anuradha Ramaswamy Iyengar, May 1987
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Non-linear finite element of analysis of reinforced concrete members, Chellathurai Jeyamohan, May 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
An investigation of electrical and optical properties of sputtered amorphous silicon nitride and germanium thin films, Rajendra S. Khandelwal, May 1987
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A mathematical model of photopolymerization in a batch reactor, Jyh-Yao Li, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Feasibility of using canine olfaction as a means of detecting hazardous substances, Stuart David Messur, May 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Construction labor and productivity : productivity improvements, Stavros C. Nicolaou, May 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Particle size distribution in isothermal batch emulsion polymerization, Bhavin R. Patel, May 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Stress analysis of a stepped shaft with a keyway, Irfan Hussain Sabir, May 1987
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Process hazard review for drug development, Rudolph R. Schwarz, May 1987
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Productivity through people : the Hewlett-Packard way, Charles Serwedes, September 1987
School of Management
The kinetics and mechanism studies of cathodic electro-initiated crosslinking polymerization of unsaturated polyester prepolymer, Joseph Yuan-Ji Sheng, January 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Indicators of microbial activity in biological treatment of hazardous wastes, Alexander McLean Sherrin, May 1987
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The sunlight effect on trace pollutants in wastewater, Alan R. Sheu, May 1987
Chemistry and Environmental Science
High temperature reactions of chloroform with methane, Thomas Siozopoulos, January 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reaction of hydrogen with methylene chloride and carbon tetrachloride at high temperature, Hun Tsao, September 1987
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of nitrated polycyclic hydrocarbons, PAH-quinones and related compounds in ambient air, Yalan Wang, May 1987
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1986
Characterization of microorganisims after feeding with phenolic compounds : comparing a domestic sludge to an industrial sludge, Dianne Adamowitz, May 1986
Chemistry and Environmental Science
High temperature reactions of 1,2-dichloroethane with water vapor in a tubular reactor, Charles E. Anderson, December 1986
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Measurements of basic semiconductor properties, Abdolreza Ariantaj, May 1986
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fracture energy and tensile behavior of concrete, Wen-Jinn Chiou, May 1986
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Circular plate analysis using finite element method, Shyh-Rong Chiu, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Substructuring analysis for impact dynamics using ANSYS finite element package, Chang Ho Cho, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Osmotic and mean activity coefficients of CaCl2, NaI, LiBr and LiCl in ethanol at 50 degrees C, Gregory J. Czerwienski, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The acquisition of direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems, Anthony Donald Demeri, May 1986
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Introductory guide to Bridgeport series I CNC milling, drilling and boring machine, Apurva Vinodchandra Doshi, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Trends in metal (Pb, Zn, Ni, As and Se) concentrations in the New Jersey air environment, Geoffrey Ike Ejiofor, October 1986
Newark College of Engineering
Principle causes of changes in U.S. productivity, Harris Kamah Forkpa, May 1986
School of Management
Reliability studies on solid tantalum electrolytic capacitors by means of accelerated life tests, Venkata R. Golthi, May 1986
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biodegradation of mixed phenolic substrates, Prasad Gonnabathula, May 1986
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Emergency stop devices and the human factors of response, Robert Paul Guinter, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dispersion in the laminar flow of Ellis model fluids through straight tubes, Yeong-Hua Huang, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Physical and mechanical properties of a new type of polymer concrete, Kyan Bin Khoo, May 1986
Newark College of Engineering
A theoretical study of pure and simple competition between two microbial species in configurations of two interconnected chemostat, Cheng-Ming Kung, June 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Preparation and kinetic study of immobilized enzyme catalyst, Sanjiv S. Kuray, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Gas-phase reaction of 1,2-dichloroethane with hydrogen in a tubular flow reactor, Wei-Lian Lee, September 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The separation of proteins via charged electromembrane process, Chi-Wen Lin, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A tracheoesophageal puncture voice prosthesis, Georghios Makris, August 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The biochemical fuel cell : conversion of waste to energy, Charles August Mielke, September 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Black working women and equal employment legislation, Barbara Donese Mitchell, May 1986
School of Management
Biodegradation of multiple substrates in a batch reactor, Nilesh Naik, May 1986
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Systems building theory application within the residential housing construction market, Gary Alexander Newhard, May 1986
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prediction of vapor and liquid equilibrium properties for 25 organic priority pollutants in aqueous solution, Pinchieh Pai, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Deconvolution techniques with applications in cardiovascular systems analysis, Lakshminarayan Rajaram, May 1986
Mathematical Sciences
Thermal decomposition of chlorobenzene in an atmosphere of hydrogen, Edward Robert Ritter, September 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The conversion of the process flowsheet simulator, FLOWTRAN, for FORTRAN 66 based mainframe computers, Timothy Edward Roche, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A new density-dependent mixing rule for equations of state, Theodore John Shatynski, September 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Modal analysis of a cantilever plate, Ohseop Song, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Biodegradation of phenol and 2-chlorophenol using a fill-and-draw-reactor, Chi-Chun Tsai, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A research study to determine the characteristics and attitudes shared by entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs and the similarities and differences between them, Miguel A. Vargas, May 1986
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The kinetics and mechanism studies of a polymer powder coating on metal surface by cathodic electrodeposition process, Wen-Lin Wu, May 1986
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1985
The quantitative analysis of airborne particulates by x-ray flourescence, George C. Asteriou, May 1985
Newark College of Engineering
Enhancement of the thermophysical capability of the chemical engineering simulation system, Joydeep Banerjee, September 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Microbial characteristics of an industrial mixed liquor after exposure to phenolic compounds, Patricia L. Boyle, September 1985
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The catabolism of arginine by lactobacillus brevis in a chemostat, Jeanette Carque, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Transport phenomena of copper ions through an electromembrane, Ren-Fu Cheng, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer simulation of a batch distillation column with a reflux divider, Michael Gerard Clarke, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Scheduling effects of 5-(3,3-Dimethyl-1-triazeno)imidazole-4-carboxamide (DTIC) and 1,3-Bis-chloroethyl-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) on mouse melanoma cells B16CL5, Gracie V. Coffey, May 1985
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Two dimensional diffusional model for leakage of macromolecules in the interstitial space, Suthiluk Dumrongsiri, May 1985
Biomedical Engineering
Vapor pressures of some coal oil fractions, David G. Gaydos, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Determination of trace quantities of selenium and arsenic in canned tuna fish using electroanalytical techniques, Ann Marie Higham, December 1985
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Conversion and kinetics in the reaction of chloroform with water vapor at high temperatures, Chii-Guang Hwang, January 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reaction of atomic hydrogen with chloroform in a discharge flow reactor, Wan-Kuen Jo, May 1985
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Automated EEG spectrum analysis system, Marinela C. Laguna, May 1985
Biomedical Engineering
Random genetic drift diffusion model and deterministic and stochastic models of epidemics, Norman W. Loney, May 1985
Mathematical Sciences
Reactions of hydrogen with chloroform and trichloroethylene at high temperatures, Burhan Mahmood, January 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A comparison of the biodegradation of phenol and o-chlorophenol using a municipal mixed liquor and three commercial microbial preparations, Nigel P. McMullen, January 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Cross-cultural study of Maslow's need theory of motivation, Jitendra N. Mishra, May 1985
School of Management
The biodegradation of phenolics using mixed liquor from Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners Plant, Newark, New Jersey, Daewon Pak, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Digitally implemented Klapper-Kratt FM detector using the Intel-292O digital signal processor, Chang-Hwan Park, May 1985
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The kinetics and hepatotoxicity of benzyl chloride vapor in rats, Hari V. Rao, May 1985
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A study of parameters indicating microbial activity in mixed aerobic cultures, William Smith, September 1985
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Preparation and properties of novel dental adhesives based upon pentaerythritol, Yuan-Yuan Su, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Preparation and testing of blocked isocyanate dental adhesives, George W. Sweitzer, May 1985
Biomedical Engineering
Protective laboratory measures for the flexible wall permeameter and the Atterberg limits tests using hazardous and toxic chemicals, Robert A. Tetla, May 1985
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Digital FM-demodulation using digital signal processing techniques, Peter Wagner, May 1985
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Improving the capabilities of the chemical engineering simulation system (CHESS) computer program, Thomas Zvolensky, May 1985
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1984
An inquiry into engineering career choice and career satisfaction, Gunars Bachs, January 1984
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An experimental investigation of the kinetics and thermal properties of poly(ethylene) terephthalate and its related di-acid modified copolymers, Satish Baliga, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of selected volatile organic substances associated with residential kerosene heater use and the health implications, Catherine Coombs Bobenhausen, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Synthesis of cyclobutenyl ketals, Atef Z. Boulos, May 1984
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Finite element modeling of a femoral stem in a total hip prosthesis, Robert C. Cohen, May 1984
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The Biodegradation of phenol and O-chlorophenol using activated sludge bacteria, Jeffery Colish, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of enthalpies of mixing with a UNIFAC model, Dinh Dang, May 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Three studies on airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Carol Sophia Eveleens, May 1984
Newark College of Engineering
The detection of partial discharges in transformer oil, Gerald J. FitzPatrick, May 1984
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Synthesis of trimethylpropane-tolylene-2,4-diisocyanate adduct and its blocked monomers, Farhad Forohar, September 1984
Newark College of Engineering
Microbial characteristics of an activated sludge and three commercial preparations after exposure to phenolics, Laurie Gneiding, September 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Calibration of flame ionization detector for chlorinated hydrocarbons, Nahid Jabalameli, May 1984
Newark College of Engineering
Stability of bicomponet polymeric liquids in poiseuille flow, Chin-Chang Jeng, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Investigations into rates and mechanisms of mercury depuration in the Killifish, Fundulus Heteroclitus, Joanne A. Korpanty, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The dry removal process of sulphur dioxide from flue gases using aluminum oxide, Ching-Hwang Lu, May 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Simulation of particle size distribution in continuous emulsion polymerization through a modified population balance approach, Ying-Yuh Lu, July 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Homogenous reaction kinetics of reduction of sulfur dioxide, Satyanarayana Manthani, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Acrylamide effects on nerve terminal enzymes, Christopher S. E. Marlowe, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Characterization of TDI-HEMA homopolymer prepared via an immiscible solvent system. Synthesis and investigation of oligodichloroketene, Manuel Montero, May 1984
Newark College of Engineering
Behavior of tee-shaped reinforced concrete columns subjected to biaxial bending and axial compression, Antoun Romanos Nader, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Reliability studies on solid tantalum electrolytic capacitors, Hamed Nassar, May 1984
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A comparison of the biodegradation of nitrobenzene, 1-butanol, and 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid using a municipal mixed liquor and three commercial bacterial preparations, Salvatore P. Salerno, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Behavior of L-shaped reinforced concrete columns under combined biaxial bending and compression, Amar Shah, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
On analysis of small bore piping vibrations, Nitinkumar Shroff, May 1984
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Quantitative evaluation of substituent effects on stabilization energies of strained and unsaturated molecules, Tyler Arthur Stevenson, May 1984
Chemistry and Environmental Science