Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-31-1988

Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Methi Wecharatana

Second Advisor

Farhad Ansari

Third Advisor

Dorairaja Raghu


Due to the increased attention in nonlinear fracture mechanics and numerical methods of cementitious material, it has become necessary to have a reliable investigation of the post-peak softening response of concrete under direct uniaxial loading. But due to the brittleness of the material previous researchers have encountered great difficulty in obtaining complete data regarding the load-deformation behavior. This study uses a strain-controlled testing method and therefore the post-peak curve can be more easily obtained. Based on these results a unique formula for the normalized load vs. deformation curve has been proposed to be applied in fracture analysis applications.



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