Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering - (M.S.)


Biomedical Engineering Committee

First Advisor

Michael Pappas

Second Advisor

David S. Kristol

Third Advisor

Harry Herman


In this study, three dimensional finite element analysis is used to evaluate and compare partially and fully porous coated tibial components, of an ankle prosthesis, implanted in the distal tibia. The geometry of the distal tibia is determined from measurements of cross sections of a human tibia. From the measurements, solid models of the cancellous and cortical bone are created. A solid model of the tibial component is created and positioned in the solid model of the bone. From the solid model, a finite element model is created for the partially coated case and for the fully coated case. Each model contains 924 nodes and 817 elements. Individual elements are assumed to be isotropic, but the elastic modulus and shear modulus of the bone are functions of location. Gap, spring and rigid bar elements are used to connect the tibial component to the bone. A uniform load is applied to the flat plate of the tibial component. The results show that fixation occurs around the top of the stem for the fully coated case. The stresses in the bone at the distal end are slightly lower for the full porous coating case. In the cancellous bone around the stem, the stresses are slightly higher for the fully coated case. In the tibial component, the stresses in the flat plate are slightly higher, and the stresses in the stem are slightly lower for the porous coated case. Although there are differences in the results for the partial porous coating case and the full porous coating case, the differences are very small. Under the loading applied to this model, it is unlikely that the bone or the prosthesis would fail for either case.



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