Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Yun Q. Shi

Second Advisor

Peter Engler

Third Advisor

L. Horn


The research work reported in the thesis is motivated by the problem raised in the biomedical research utilizing high voltage electron microscope (HVEM) to study microvessels. There the contour data of cross-sections of microvessels are fed into some special electronic device to reconstruct three-dimensional pictures of microvessels. However, the contour data acquisition as routinely conducted by manual operation. This tedious procedure costs large amount of human power.

In this thesis, computer image processing techniques are applied to replace the time-consuming manual operation. A synthetic method is recommended. A software with various digital image processing functions has been developed and tested on a real HVEM picture of a microvessel. The thesis discusses the processing methods and procedures. Besides the application of several traditional digital image processing techniques some particular problem-oriented techniques are developed in the course of solving the problem. The final results have demonstrated that it is possible to use computer image processing techniques instead of human hands to obtain the contour data from the electron microscopical pictures.



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