In 1949, the Newark College of Engineering granted its first Master’s degrees, two each in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. To date, NJIT has awarded more than 4,500 Master’s degrees. In addition to the theses from the more than 50 master’s programs, this collection includes theses for the professional degrees awarded prior to the establishment of the Graduate Division and theses for graduates with the designation Degree of Engineer. The library has accepted electronic submissions since 2010 and has been digitizing new theses and dissertations since 2000. We continue to digitize our catalog working backwards and by request.
The Robert W. Van Houten Library provides this service in an effort to make our graduates’ research more widely available.
Theses from 1999
Agents : concept, technologies & applications and search engine to compile URLs containing documents related to environment science for NJPIES, Dhaval P. Shah, August 1999
Computer Science
Development of icejet machining technology, Dimitri V. Shishkin, May 1999
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Characterization of tantalum coatings on steel substrates, Prabha Shivaramkrishnan, January 1999
Improved SU320 NIR camera image processing system, Weimin Shi, May 1999
Computer Science
Container arrivals forecasting practice and experience at marine terminals, Alexios C. Sideris, January 1999
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vital communities criteria for urban neighborhood development, Peter Frederick Smith, January 1999
New Jersey School of Architecture
Design, implementation, and evaluation of a shared-memory parellel processing system (SMPPS), Eric H. Staub, January 1999
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Digital library development : a case study of New Jersey's Virtual Academic Library Environment project, Paulette Joan Talbot, May 1999
Chemical volatilization of heavy metals for waste separation and real time metals analysis, Mohammad Nasr Ul-Alam, August 1999
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Role of sympathovagal imbalance in syncope using heart rate variability analysis, Jayadeep Krishnah Unni, May 1999
Biomedical Engineering
Ultrasound to decontaminate organics in dredged sediments, Kanya Veerawat, May 1999
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Interventions of water jet technology on skin surgery, Kittipat Vichyavichien, August 1999
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Variable gain control of brushless DC motor control with low resolution sensors, Chung-Hsiang Wang, August 1999
Electrical and Computer Engineering
An investigation of polyethylene bearing wear of New Jersey LCS knee on cobalt chromium and titanium nitride types, Lei Wang, January 1999
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Preliminary ecological risk assessment to assess the implications of replacing chromium plating with tantalum coating, Erik Jonathan Weiss, January 1999
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Catalyctic reduction of nitric oxide by copper catalyzed granular activated carbon in the presence of oxygen, Shan Xiao, May 1999
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Analysis of long-term heart rate variability using Labview, Daniel Yang, August 1999
Biomedical Engineering
Metrics for estimating the product disassembly effort, Pradeep Kumar Yedlarajaiah, January 1999
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Theses from 1998
Flexibility and responsiveness in the design of research/office buildings : a proposal for the Los Alamos National Laboratory research park, Bhebishan Achaibar, January 1998
New Jersey School of Architecture
Value engineering for the practice of architecture, Husam Akoud, January 1998
New Jersey School of Architecture
Design of an effective and timely product development process for medical devices, Jean Benoit Almonor, May 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Telephone-accessed controller using CEBus for device control over power line, Gerald Aska, August 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Composite columns, Magnar Berge, August 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Introduction to pollution prevention concepts in freshman chemistry through simulations and hypermidia, Aniraban Bhaumik, January 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Requirement elicitation for environmental life cycle processes, Mariam Y. Burmawalla, January 1998
Computer Science
Implementation of a geometric hashing technique and it's application to 3D molecular structure search, Jennifer Lynn Cerequas, May 1998
Computer Science
The importance of liability for the redevelopment of brownfields : the developers view, Daniel F. Chachakis, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Reuse of cold top ex-situ vitrified chromium contaminated soils in hot mix asphalt concrete, Gerald Charleston, August 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bootstrapping TSMARS models, Liangzhong Chen, May 1998
Mathematical Sciences
Melt hydroperoxidation polypropylene with potential application in pollution control, Zeena Cherian, January 1998
Competition of copper, lead, and cadmium adsorption to goethite, Chris A. Christophi, August 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Dynamic friction measurement, modeling, and compensation for precise motion control, Simon Cohn, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Removal of VOCs from superfactant-flushed wastewater by membrane based modified pervaporation process, Anirban Das, January 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Requirement elicitation and knowledge management utilizing relational database, client server and internet technologies, Umang J. Dave, August 1998
Computer Science
Assessment of recreation space along the Hudson river waterfront in Jersey City, NJ, Darren M. Davidowich, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Analysis and applications of FTIR systems, Gunjan Navin Doshi, August 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Proactive technique for workplace chemical exposure, James A. Duru, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Utilizing GIS technology for brownfields redevelopment, Jeffrey J. DuTeau, August 1998
Newark College of Engineering
Control of NOx in alkaline media with tertiary butyl hydroperoxide, David R. Edwards, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Optimal synthesis of a planar four-bar function generator based on imderect measure of structural error, Robert Ellis, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Process modeling using ProSLCSE on web-enabled platform, Orcan Ali Enunlu, August 1998
Computer Science
Kinematic analysis of a swash-plate mechanism using transformation matrices, David Edgar Evans, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical model of human sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit motion analysis, Jayeshkumar Gandhi, May 1998
Biomedical Engineering
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and high performance liquid chromotography (HPLC) analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil, Marie Renee Gargas, August 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Performance enhancement of linear robotic workcell using DSP based control, Kedar Arvind Godbole, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Incentive factors that affect the redevelopment of brownfield sites in New Jersey, Edison L. Hammond, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Parameter optimization for curl distortion in building parts using 3-D laser stereolithography, Laurel A. Hanesian, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Development of a practical and effective technique to determine the complete level of autonomic neural activity during stress, Vikki Hazelwood, May 1998
Biomedical Engineering
A design-for retirement rating model for environmentally conscious products, Xin He, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Development and characteristics of carbon nitride thin solid films for advanced coating applications, Muhammad A. Hussain, January 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Energy requirements for certified organic farms in New Jersey : a survey and analysis of tomato production, Cecilia Kelnhofer-Feeley, January 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Evaluating the communications capabilities of the generalized hypercube interconnection network, Sanjay Krishnamurthy, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Synthesis and characterization of silicon dioxide films using diethyl silane and oxygen, Kiran Kumar, August 1998
Development of a framework for internet based education system, Srinivas Lanka, May 1998
Design, fabrication and characterization of the infrastructure for a two part non volatile RAM, Suma Madapur, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Catalyctic reduction of nitric oxide by carbon monoxide and copper loaded granular activated carbon in the presence of oxygen, Kaiwen Ma, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Determination of electron donors in the reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethene, Samantha L. Marasigan-Bernal, August 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Psychodynamics of language, Pamela Ann Margerm, May 1998
Improving the run time of the decomposition algorithm for fault tolerant Clos interconnection networks through swap re-ordering, Andrea Laura McMakin, August 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The In0.75Ga0.25As/In0.52Al0.48As/InP hall effect magnetic field sensor, Oleg Mitrofanov, January 1998
The feasibility of transferring clean technology from the United States to China : a case study from the paper industry, He Ning, August 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Characteristics of expert web site developers : creativity, construction of meaning, and problem solving/program development, Nancy E. O'Daniel, May 1998
In vitro cytotoxicity study of glutaraldehyde and no-react treated bioprosthetic heart valves and the aortic wall, Roger Ongosi, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Applications of internet technology for requirements elicitation, Deepak Pandit, January 1998
Radiative properties of silicon, Anamika Patel, May 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Application of the internet technology and client/server paradigm for the implementation of REPI, Chetankumar G. Patel, May 1998
Tools for the design of flexible manufacturind systems, Prashant A. Patel, August 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design, fabrication and characterization of silicon microlenses for IR-CCD image sensors, Dhiren Pattnaik, May 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Protocols for packet switched communication and reliable multicasting in fully-dynamic multi-hop wireless networks, James Pelech, May 1998
Computer Science
Collaborative filtering in TV Recommender, Elizabeth Podberezniak, May 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Indifférance, John F. Pohorylo, January 1998
New Jersey School of Architecture
Rheological characterization of unmodified and chemically modified poly (ethylene terephthalate) resins, Jorge Quintans, May 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Impact of access points on multilane highway accidents, Tao Qu, January 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Demanufacturing metrics for industrial fasteners and disassembly process, Narendra P. Raj, May 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of boron nitride thin films from triethylamine borane complex and ammonia, Narahari Ramanuja, January 1998
Measurement of the baroreceptor sensitivity index (BRSI) in the frequency domains, Tanvir Raquib, August 1998
Biomedical Engineering
Recovery of intracellular materials by electroporation, Wendy Elaine Reid, January 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electronic research administration : implementation at New Jersey Institute of Technology, Lauren V. Rethwisch, January 1998
Object oriented 3D dynamic simulation of flow of material through hopper, Krishnendu Roy, August 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Analysis of multi-lead QT dispersion by means of an algorithm implemented on Labview, Zafer Sahinoglu, August 1998
Biomedical Engineering
Development and field testing of pulse introduction membrane extraction (PIME) for measurement of ground water contamination, Anthony San Juan, August 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A meeting of minds : coalitions, representations and American non-governmental organizations in the Brazilian Amazon, Lise Fernanda Sedrez, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Samuel Florman and literature of technology, Paul F. Sharke, May 1998
The determination of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin in water using fluorescence spectroscopy, Ramesh Chandra Sharma, August 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
An experimental study on removal cadmium from wastewater by emulsion liquid membrane, Jing-Chi Shiu, May 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A microcosm study in the reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene using fermentation acids and alcohols as electron donors, Anthony Siccard III, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Quantitative estimation of heparin content on biological pericadium tissue using in vitro anti-factor Xa assay, Jean-Claude Simeon, May 1998
Biomedical Engineering
Stabilization of water treatment plant (WTP) residuals using sorbond, Rituraj Sinha, August 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Effects of shore-parallel structures on meiofauna In the intertidal foreshore of a sandy estuarine beach, Raritan Bay, New Jersey, USA, Valerie L. Spalding, May 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A simple neural agent communicating through sets, James P. Stanski, January 1998
Computer Science
Design and implementation of generalized adaptive neural filters, Chun Yip Tam, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Investigation of pathophysiologic trends in Caucasian and Afro-American hypertensives by means of heart rate variability recording during upright tilt-table testing, Jose F. Torrealba, May 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study to analyze and improve mechanical and electro-mechanical designs using design for quality manufacturability (DFQM) technique, Bhavani P. Veerapaneni, January 1998
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Investigation of optical properties of InP, AIN and Sapphire for applications in non-contact semiconductor process monitoring, Rajasekhar Velagapudi, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of diamondlike carbon films using acetylene, Sriram Vishwanathan, May 1998
Fluorescence spectroscopy for the characterization of total organic carbon and disinfection by-product formation, Matthew Brendan Washington, May 1998
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nanofiltration with organic solvents and its possible applications to organic syntheses, Jose Antonio Whu, August 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
VOC removal from nitrogen by a membrane-based combined absorption-stripping process, Boya Xia, January 1998
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Modeling and numerical analysis of beam matrix plasma display system, Jingwu Zhang, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Petri net modeling and performance analysis of can fieldbus, Ji-Qiong Zhou, May 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of chlorocarbons and kinetic analysis for a- and b -addition of OH+C2H3CL, Li Zhu, January 1998
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Signal processing topics in multicarrier modulation : frequency offset correction for OFDM and multiuser interference cancellation for MC-CDMA, Pingping Zong, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of a communications interface for a very high performance computer, Jesse Boyd Zydallis, January 1998
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Theses from 1997
TCP/IP traffic over ATM network with ABR flow and congestion control, Liping An, January 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Interactive and batch creation of OODB medical vocabularies, Muhammad Arif, October 1997
Computer Science
Finite element analysis of skin injuries by water jet cutting, Syed Muhammad Arif, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Trifluoroiodomethane as an environmentally friendly gas for water patterning by plasma etching process, Krit Aryusook, January 1997
Newark College of Engineering
Multi-lifecycle assessment of cathode ray tubes, Devendra Jayant Badwe, October 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Microporous silicon dioxide/vycor membranes for gas separation, Justin R. Barone, January 1997
Newark College of Engineering
Biodegradation of naphthalene using Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 17484) in batch and chemostat reactors, Jay Boyd Best, October 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Growth of grass shrimp, palaemonetes pugio, in a contaminated and an uncontaminated site, Suruchi Bhan, May 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Evaluation of sale forecasting methods : a case study, Susan J. Canavan, May 1997
School of Management
Potential effects of pneumatic fracturing on existing structures and utilities, Michael C. Canino, January 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pervaporation-assisted esterification of salicylic acid, Chaiya Chandavasu, October 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Development of methods for field determination of chromium (VI) in water and groundwater, David John Chesbro, May 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Mixed metal removal and recovery by hollow fiber membrane-based extractive adsorber, Ramprakash Chilukuri, October 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Design improvement using reverse analysis in design for quality manufacturability, Vikram V. Datla, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design of a mode of delivery for macrobead transplantation, Jagdip Desai, January 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Vibration control of robotic modules using input shaping algorithm, Murat Eren, January 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Determination and studying of stress distribution in various ankle-foot orthoses : experimental stress analysis, Rong Feng, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
An investigation into the feasibility of utilizing pneumatic ultrasonic devices coupled with pneumatic fracturing in enhancing removal of volatile organic compounds from soils, Hugo J. Fernandez, May 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of 320X240 uncooled microbolometer focal plane array and design of thermoelectric cooler controller, Takayoshi Fukaya, May 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design, simulation and fabrication of a mems in-situ contactless sensor to detect plasma induced damage during reactive ion etching, Subramanian Ganesh, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Assessment of potential operating benefits incurred by implementing ISO 14001 : five case studies from the New Jersey Chemical Industry, Stefanie Gitter, May 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Electrophysiologic studies of hypothalamic adenosine-5'-triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels, Dinora Hernandez, October 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Equivalent circuit analysis of a seventh order bandpass loudspeaker system, Michael Gunnar Johnson, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Structured document comparison and scientific data mining on the world wide web, Philip B. Johnson, October 1997
Computer Science
The socio-economic role of crude oil in the United States and Finland, Judith Deak Kallo, October 1997
School of Management
Performance evaluation of CEBus power line communication in the presence of X-10 module signaling, Nashwa F. Kamel, January 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Measuring the need for manufacturing flexibility and evaluating its economic benefits, Navin Karwande, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Abstraction of an object-oriented vocabulary by providing a standardized interface, Hemant Kothavade, January 1997
Computer Science
Oxidized sterols in patients with diabetic heart disease and microwave-mediated stereoselective synthesis of 3-keto cholesterol and cholesterol epoxide, cholesteryl ester epoxides, Meenakashi N. Kothavale, January 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Low frequency characterization of a loop antenna, Irene Koukhta, May 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Experimental investigation of collisional properties of spheres, Laurent Labous, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Microstrip zero-sum antenna; CAD and experimental study, Tuan H. Lam, October 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Three-dimensional stress analysis of the femur with prosthetic hip stem utilizing computed tomography scans of the femur for geometry and material properties, Thomas J. Lavin, January 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Analysis and comparison of resistive, ferroelectric and pyroelectric uncooled bolometers for electronic imaging systems, Mo-Huang Li, May 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Development of aqueous scrubber to oxidize and absorb nitric oxide, Wanna Lolertpiphop, October 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Mechanical evaluation of pedicle screw fixation of the lumbar spine, Ding Lu, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Modeling of deformed swept volumes with SDE and its applications to NC simulation and verification, Feng Lu, October 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Application of geometric hashing techniques to retrieval of high dimensional objects in scientific databases, Joyce Ye Lu, January 1997
Computer Science
Characteristics of recycled plastics and applications for highway appurtenances, Keith MacBain, October 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Optimization of ion-exchange chromotography with multiple gradient inputs for protein separations, Tariq Mahmood, January 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Relative dentifrice abrasivity on dentin and enamel, Laura Marchetti, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Enhancing the bioavailability of sorbed pollutants from sediments using ultrasound, Rachel Mathew, May 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Heat transfer enhancement from a heat pipe immersed horizontally in water, under natural convection conditions, with the aid of gas injection, Evangelos J. Minakas, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Analysis of surface texture parameters and cutting forces in milling operations, Preetesh U. Munshi, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Oxidative response of immobilized bovine blood to the model pollutant phenol, Michael George Nickey, January 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Synthesis and characterization of silicon dioxide thin films by low pressure chemical vapor deposition, Sutham Niyomwas, January 1997
Newark College of Engineering
The relationship between thermoregulatory and haemodynamic responses of the skin to relaxation and stress, Paul O. Nketia, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Safety guidelines for occupational hazards to the reproductive system, Laverne Raquel Ogieste, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Petri net modeling and performance analysis of Z39.50 search and retrieval protocol, Roopali Paranjpe, May 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computational determination of laminar flow loss coefficients in 90° channel bend, Leonard Paul Parkin, October 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A graphical environment for change detection in structured documents, Girish A. Patel, May 1997
Computer Science
Modeling of objects using planar facets in noisy range images, Girish Phansalkar, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Analysis and modeling of ultrasound enhanced soil washing process, Kamalavathany Rajaratnam, May 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A decision support system for the equipment selection of robotic manufacturing cells, Lars Johan Resare, October 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A student training manual for running the HYSIM computer simulation program, Roberta Rosty, January 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Size-frequency distribution of Palaemonetes pugio in two New Jersey estuaries and predator-prey interactions with Fundulus heterocolitus, Celine Santiago, January 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Removal and recovery of VOCs and OILs from surfactant-flushed recovered water by membrane permeation, Ashish Nagnath Saraf, October 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Renin-angiotensin system and its relationship to arterial pressure regulation, Sami D. Saume, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Lived body architecture : an argument for lived bodies in architecture and an exploration of women's lived bodies in society, Sherri A. Scribner, January 1997
New Jersey School of Architecture
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of silicon carbonitride films from tri(dimethylamino) silane, Rajive Shah, May 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Testing statistical significance in sequence classification algorithms, Tom Tien-Hua Shih, October 1997
Computer Science
Object oriented partitioning for a medical vocabulary based on semantic network, Mansnimar Singh, May 1997
Computer Science
Soot capture in an electrocatalytic reactor, Thana Slanvetpan, October 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Mechanical design of an experimental parallel robot, Philip Song, October 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A methodology for the design of an integrated air stripping/biofiltration process to clean contaminated aquifers, Pothitos Ioannis Stamatiadis, January 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Parameters' analysis of 3D random stacking palletization, Najeeb Syed, May 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Catalytic control of nitric oxide with gaseous or solid reducing materials, Xiaoyong Tang, January 1997
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Decontamination of aquifers via air sparging/biofiltration : an experimental study, Armando Mora Tellez, May 1997
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of the protocol for the handover in a micro-cell packet switched mobile network, Anna M. Thomas, October 1997
Computer Science
Synthesis and characterization of hafnium carbide thin films, Wiriya Thongruang, January 1997
Experimental study of the rise of a large sphere in a vibrated bed of monodisperse spheres, Loic Vanel, January 1997
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design and implementation of on-line metrics, Ashok Vantipalli, May 1997
Computer Science
Determination of effects of stress on polymeric ankle-foot due to weight change: experimental stress analysis, Lin Yu Wang, October 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Computer simulation of cerebrovascular circulation : assessment of intracranial hemodynamics during induction of anesthesia, Steven D. Wolk, May 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Synthesis and characterization of phosphosilicate glass films by LPCVD for sensor application, Hui Wu, October 1997
Relaxation and the nature of electrical stress related defects in ultra-thin dioxide on silicon, Lihui Xie, January 1997
A critical analysis of the new urbanism, Metin Cihan Yildirim, January 1997
New Jersey School of Architecture
Algorithms and tools for splicing junction donor recognition in genomic DNA sequences, Maisheng Yin, October 1997
Computer Science
The study of permeability in concrete, Jie Yuan, May 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A cost model for multi-lifecycle engineering design, Bin Zhang, January 1997
Electrical and Computer Engineering
An analytical approach to toxic substance replacement in support of pollution prevention, Ithan B. Zimmer, May 1997
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Using heart variability to measure the effects of manual medicine on autonomic activity, Michael Zullow, October 1997
Biomedical Engineering
Theses from 1996
Solidification/stabilization of petroleum contaminated soils with cold mix asphalt concrete, Nazhat Aboobaker, October 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Empirical and theoretical analysis of foreign exchange markets : a case of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, Ozan Akyureklier, October 1996
School of Management
Numerical simulation of clipping distortion in lightwave CATV systems, Luay Al-Nadi, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Implementation of a friction estimation and compensation technique, Jayesh N. Amin, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Removal of gasoline-based hydrocarbons by vapor permeation membranes, Shivashanker Bagavandoss, October 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of calibration, robustness, detection of space-time adaptive rada using experimental data, Murat O. Berin, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nondestructive dynamic load testing of bridges using strain sensors, Suzanne Boland, January 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Asynchronous multiuser decorrelating detector for AWGN channel, Ashwini A. Borkar, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Comparison of different signal processing algorithms to extract the respiration waveform from the ECG, David J. Caggiano, May 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Removal of volatile organic compounds from contaminated groundwater by pervaporation, Sukla Chandra, October 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Fabrication of integrated optic sensor to monitor pollutant concentration in effluents, Kiran Chatty, October 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Oxidation of isobutane and isobutene reaction pathways and detailed mechanism, Chiung-Ju Chen, May 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Continuous monitoring of volatile organic compound emissions using microtrap based injection technique and gas chromatography, Wenjun Chen, January 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Investigation of potential oxygen defect mechanism of persistent photoconductivity and photoinduced superconductivity in YBa2Cu3Ox, Denise Catherine Chew, January 1996
Sensivity analysis and design calculations with biofiltration models, Michael Lawrence Cohen, January 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Comparison of reductive dehalogenation by microbial populations on adsorptive versus non-adsorptive bioreactor support materials, Linda S. Colella, January 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Surface phenomena on the Tin-dioxide polycrystalline layers, Andrei A. Fluerasu, October 1996
Degradation and breakdown in ultra-thin silicon oxides, Christopher Franck, May 1996
Adaptive radar in heterogeneous environment, Albert Futernik, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design for quality manufacturability analysis of total nonconformity damaged parts, Samir R. Gami, January 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A mathematical model of cardiovascular system with feedback control, Jiayu Gu, May 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Modeling of cardiovascular system to simulate ventricular septal defect, Adarsh Kumar Gupta, October 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Implementation of a three-dimensional non-intrusive particle tracking system, Vivek Gupta, January 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The in vitro evaluation of various biodegradable composites used in internal fixation devices, Hui-chen Hsieh, October 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Real-time implementation of an adaptive control system for a 3-zone rapid thermal processing station, David Hur, October 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Development of a gel content analysis protocol for ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, Max Harold Jeanty, October 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Remediation and reuse of Chromium contaminated soils through cold top ex-site vitrification, Wiwat Kamolpornwijit, January 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A simulation environment for CDMA wireless communication systems in AWGN channels, Muzaffer Kanaan, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Comparison of adaptive radar algorithms : transformed SMI, eigencanceler, and SMI, Chaitanya H. Kathiari, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Integrating key functions in product development : a conceptual product development model for the Korean context, Jong-Wook Kim, January 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Usability of hypertext : factors affecting the construction of meaning, Kathryn L. King, May 1996
Development of a fiber optic polarimetric sensor for concrete, Insang Lee, May 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Synthesis and characterization of silicon dioxide thin films by low pressure chemical vapor deposition using ditertiarybutylsilane and oxygen, Sung-Jun Lee, October 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Flash ADC using 2μm CMOS P-well technology : design and test, Joseph E. Levinson, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stratospheric ozone layer depletion : a computer aided case study, James M. Lipuma, May 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Remote measurement calibration in power system, Xiaofeng Li, May 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Effect of lamellar microstructure on the permeability of polyethylene films, Yufu Li, October 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Implementation of Fortran finite element analysis source code with application : particle deposition in a 90 degree duct bend, Pantaleo Loiacono, October 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Gabor expansion of an equivalent dipole antenna, Oksana Manzhura, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Speciation and determination of trace lead : methodology development and analysis of natural waters using Chelex-100 and GFAAS, Xidan Ma, May 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Validation of a mathematical model of the human walking cycle using parameter identification methods, Robert McCann, May 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Environmental communication : theory and practice, Mary McCarney McManus, May 1996
Small computer system interface (SCSI) universal services for the turbonet parallel computer, Artak Ohan Melkonian, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Advanced characterization and leaching behavior of hexavalent and trivalent chromium from waste material, Erik Moerman, May 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Characterization of low pressure chemically vapor deposited Boron Nitride films as low dielectric constant materials, Manish Narayan, January 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Measurement of the electroencephalogram (EEG) coherence, atmospheric noise, and Schumann resonances in group meditation, Douglas A. Newandee, May 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Signal processing techniques in heart rate and systolic arterial blood pressure variability studies, Christopher O'Bara, January 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Removal of VOCs from waste gas streams by cyclic membrane separation techniques, Gordana Obuskovic, May 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Construction of accurate molecular models using laser stereolithography and determination of NMR spectra for amiloride hydrochloride and its free base, Ana Deborah Ofsievich, January 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Factors that influence changes in temporal and spatial accumulation of debris on an estuarine shoreline, Cliftwood beach, New Jersey, USA, Laura Pace, October 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A theoretical and empirical analysis on efficiency of the foreign exchange markets : an empirical evaluation of the British pound, French franc and Canadian dollar testing for cointegration and unbiasedness, Panagiotis Paleologos, May 1996
School of Management
Dynamic mechanical analysis of particulate dental composites, Minu Parekh, May 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Relationship between precipitation, surface runoff, and shallow water-table, Manoj Patel, October 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of stress free Tungsten films, David Perese, May 1996
Newark College of Engineering
Biodegradation and landfill settlement, Shailesh Pisolkar, October 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mass transfer of Pryene between a solid phase and oil/water suspensions, Sachin Ashok Purekar, May 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The study of SiGe-channel heterojunction MOS device, Yunchen Qiu, May 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design and development of four to sixteen channel video multiplexers, Ronan Rahimi, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
OODINI 2.1 : an enhanced graphical schema representation for object-oriented database, Rajashekar Rao, October 1996
Computer Science
The development of an embedded wireless modem conforming to advanced mobile phone system and cellular digital packet data standards, Xin Ren, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The effects of chromated copper-arsenate (CCA) pressure-treated wood on local sediments and benthos in a freshwater lake, William A. Romeo, January 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Fuel-rich combustion of ethylene and air in a two stage turbulent flow reactor, Tara Byrnes Salem, October 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by using micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Patricia Simmons, May 1996
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Configuring the radial basis function neural network, Insoo Sohn, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A new concept in artificial ligament and tendons modeling : finite element analysis, Miroslaw Sokol, May 1996
Biomedical Engineering
Residual stress analysis of sputtered Tantalum Silicide thin film, Young Joo Song, October 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A digital signal processor based optical position sensor and its application to flexible beam control, Thomas J. Spirock, May 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design and fabrication of a miniature pressure sensor head using direct bonded ultra-thin silicon wafers, Chad Eugene Statler, May 1996
The reactions of NOX with diesel soot over Cu-ZSM-5 catalyst, Shu Sun, May 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Pollution prevention in the New Jersey chemical industry : motivations and barriers to commitment, Judith A. Thornton, May 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Linearly tapered slot antenna, Luis Alberto Tumialan, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bringing ideas back to the evolution of design, Ayca Tuzmen, May 1996
New Jersey School of Architecture
Relay ladder logic and petri nets for discrete event control design : a comparative study, Edward Twiss, May 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Solids suspension and power dissipation in stirred tanks agitated by an impeller near the tank bottom, Ernesto Uehara-Nagamine, October 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of silicon dioxide and phosphosilicate glass thin films, Vijayalakshmi Venkatesan, October 1996
Newark College of Engineering
A comparative study of image compress schemes, Kui Wang, January 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Determination of physical parameters affecting biofiltration of VOCs, Steven Matthew Wojdyla, January 1996
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Doing business in China : a primer for foreign architects, Shijie Wu, October 1996
New Jersey School of Architecture
Design and analysis of environmentally safe cooling systems for machine tools, Haiping Xu, January 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Granular dynamics study of sieving, Heng Yung, May 1996
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Simple fast vector quantization of the line spectral frequencies, Jin Zhou, May 1996
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The effect of deposition of H2S on the catalyst activity of 1.5 % Pt on [gamma]-Al2O3, Ping Zhu, October 1996
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theses from 1995
Implementation of time-frequency distribution software and its use to study biological signals, Mansour Adib, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Use of multiple transmitters for 3-D non-intrusive particle tracking, Jitesh H. Agrawal, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The architecture of Ricardo Porro : questions of form and content, Mariano Alemany, May 1995
New Jersey School of Architecture
Model parameter identification for rod and cone oscillatory potentials, Kehur Banker, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Development of a multi-lead trans-thoracic impedance pneumograph for heart rate variability studies, Curtis Bashford, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
A study of transit corridors within the NJTPA region, Mark Kagen Berger, May 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Radiation damage studies in gate oxides, Sandeep G. Bharathi, May 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantitative studies of an immobilized cell oxidative bioreactor, Timothy Lance Borkowski, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Effectiveness of sediment control structure : reducing nonpoint-source pollution entering a rural housing development lake in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, Elaine K. Brenner, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Wear of polyethylene and hylamer on cobalt-chromium : a knee simulator study, Alessandro F. Canonaco, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Investigation of velocity distribution within high speed waterjet, Hong Cao, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Off-line hand-printed chinese character recognition based on stroke matching, Sunshine Chang, January 1995
Computer Science
Stress-strain behavior of high strength concrete cylinders, Danqing Chen, January 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of tungsten as an absorber for x-ray masks, Hongyu Chen, October 1995
Newark College of Engineering
Synthesis and characterization of silicon dioxide thin films by plasma enhances chemical vapor deposition from diethylsilane and nitrous oxide, Lan Chen, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A comparison between revealed preference (RP) and stated preference (SP) based on results of simulations, Qiuzi Chen, January 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling the fate of volatile organic compounds in wastewater treatment facilities; implementation of volatilization models in envirocad, Vinita Chhahira, May 1995
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems with automated guided vehicles using petri net models, Hua-Sheng Chiu, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hazard recognition and regulation : an asbestos chronology, Diane A. Colson, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Bioremediation of 2-chlorophenol in a laboratory soil column, Timothy A. Coon, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A modified LRT-based spread-spectrum receiver using spatial and temporal processing, Jeffrey L. Cutcher, May 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wear and friction of hylamer and polyethylene against cobalt chromium a pin-on-disc study, Jerry D'Alessio, II, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Synthesis of silicon oxide/VYCOR composite membrane structures by an optimized LPCVD process, Abhijit Datta, January 1995
Newark College of Engineering
Economic and monetary union in Europe, Charalambos K. Demetriou, January 1995
School of Management
Fundamentals of adhesion of organic compounds and aqueous cleaning of glass and metal surfaces : applications in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, Michel J. de Ruijter, May 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Performance evaluation and sequence control of an automatedmanufacturing system, Vijaykumar D. Desai, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analysis of a design for its quality manufacturability in terms of misalignments and fastener related problems, Abhinav Dhar, May 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The effect of liquid gallium on plastics, Vivek P. Dwivedi, October 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The morphology of UHMWPE wear debris generated by a hip joint simulator, Aaron P. Essner, May 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons from water by air stripping and solvent sublation, Alpana Gami, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Viscoelastic effects on parallel flow stability, transition to turbulence, and turbulent flow, Michael Garofalo, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Development of an expert system to facilitate a pump manufacturing/warehouse facility, Muhammad Mutahir Ghauri, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A study of settlement in landfills due to biodegradation, Michael Guasconi, October 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Investigation into fracture behavior and longevity of pneumatically fractured fine-grained formations, Heathe Ann Hall, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Catalytic oxidation of trichloroethylene over 5% [alpha]-Fe2O3/[gamma]-Alumina on a honeycomb monolith, Jeongho Han, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A defect detection algorithm for sequential and parallel computers, Ralf Hross, May 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The cyberspace workplace : an argument and design for the virtual office, Richard C. Jones, January 1995
New Jersey School of Architecture
Measurement of the reaction to stress and meditation using brain wave coherence and heart rate variability, Christopher B. King, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of copper films from CU(I)(HFAC)(TMVS), Wei-Shang King, January 1995
Newark College of Engineering
A general method for the inverse kinematics of rotational displacements in spatial mechanisms, John D. Kliminski, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Hydrodynamic and water quality modeling of the Whippany river, John E. Krohn, May 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Algorithms for the NJIT turbonet parallel computer, Nitin J. Lad, October 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The mobile satellite service (MSS) systems for global personal communications, Kiho Lee, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Reverse osmosis as a pretreatment of ion exchange equipment at PSE & G's Hudson generation station, Steven Leon, October 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride films from tridimethylaminosilane, Xin Lin, January 1995
Effects of ergonomic worksite changes on risks for cumulative trauma disorders of the upper body in an assembly and press operation job, David B. Mahone, May 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Removal of VOCs from waste gas streams by a hollow fiber permeator, Varinder Pal Malik, October 1995
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Time domain and frequency domain analysis of myoelectric signals during muscle fatigue, Rakesh M. Maniar, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Microaccelerometer with mechanically-latched memory, Zhenyu Ma, January 1995
Integration of pneumatic fracturing and in situ vitrification in coarse grained soils, Sean Thomas McGonigal, May 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
AM/FM digital audio broadcasting in-band on-channel transmission, Michael Meyer, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A comparison of anhydrous ethanol production from ethylene and from corn utilizing life cycle analysis methodology, Gregory Morse, May 1995
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reducing rail-truck freight intermodal drayage costs, David Moy Jr., May 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The growth, enrichment, and dehalogenating properties of pyrococcus GBD and desulfurococcus SY, Siegfried Georg Mueller, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Catalytic oxidation of trace concentrations of trichloroethylene over Cr2O3 and 5% Cr2O3 on ?-Al2O3, Soyoung Myung, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Mechanical behavior of polystyrene foam bead lightweight concrete, Hai-Ying Ni, January 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Recombinant architecture on materiality in architectural methods, James P. O'Brien, May 1995
New Jersey School of Architecture
Silicon optical fiber pressure sensor, Jian Pan, January 1995
Simulation study of particle tracking system, Prashant B. Patel, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A pharmacokinetic model of the liver, Samirbhai Rameshbhai Patel, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Effect of fiber-matrix coupling on the mechanical properties of a totally bioabsorbable composite, Barbaro Jesus Perez, May 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Application of approximate graph matching techniques for searching databases of two-dimensional chemical structures, Karen R. Pysniak, October 1995
Computer Science
Volatilization of volatile organic compounds from complex wastewaters, Syed Sikandar Qadry, January 1995
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Simulation of activity rhythms in the hamster, Paul Qassis, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Statistical and finite element analysis of the effects of random input parameters on the mechanical characteristics of sheetmetal forming processes using quadrature method, Yu Quan, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design for quality manufacturability analysis for common assembly process, Suriyanarayanan Ramachandra, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Synthesis of boron nitride/vycor composite membrane structures by an optimized LPCVD process, Chenna Ravindranath, October 1995
Newark College of Engineering
Analysis of CIM performance using different LAN structures a simulation approach, Kirk Rawle, October 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Laborconsult : an expert system for evaluating fetal heart rate and the progress of labor, Wendy Raymond-Fink, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Single-axis agonistic motion control system with electro-magnetic actuators, Alexander Rokhvarg, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Requirements, design and business process reengineering as vital parts of any system development methodology, Alicja Ruszala, January 1995
Computer Science
Butler center : a case for the adaptive reuse of industrial buildings, Lori J. Ryder, October 1995
New Jersey School of Architecture
Analysis of the oxidation of isotox by immobilized bacteria, Chad Sheng, May 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A three stage large dynamic range automatic transimpedance control amplifier, Karim Joseph Sikias, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Auditing & measuring the need for flexibility in a manufacturing facility, Kartika-Sari Stroman, October 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Application of signal processing techniques for measurement of muscle fiber conduction velocity, Satheesh Kumar Swaminathan, May 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Design for quality manufacturability analysis of missing/misplaced parts and part interference, Altaf Yusuf Tamboo, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Heart rate variability studies on ambulatory subjects using EKG derived respiration, Xiaorui Tang, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
An investigation into artificial intelligence based generative computer process planning, William Tereshkovich, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A systematic approach to defense diversification, Sathappan Venkatachalam, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Soft decision adaptive multiuser CDMA detector for asynchronous AWGN channels, Frank Viehofer, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design of a LAPD interface using the T7130 multichannel LAPD controller and the T715A synchronous protocol data formatter, Hopeton Saint John Walker, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The photolithographic patterning of porous silicon using silicon nitride and silicon carbide films as masks, Hong Wang, January 1995
Newark College of Engineering
A silicon knife design and fabrication, Mingli Wang, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ultrasonic enhanced soil washing, Chu-Feng Wei, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Area and perimeter measurements of cells with bound fluorescent antibodies, Aicha Weiss, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Congestion management systems development and implementation : four case studies, Arlene Rose-Marie Willis, October 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Case study of assembly defects in manufactured products, Michael J. Withka, January 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Aeration and operation of an immobilized cell oxidative bioreactor, James Joseph Woods, January 1995
Newark College of Engineering
Volatilization of contaminants from wastewater, Shaoyan Wu, January 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Ultra-thin silicon wafer bonding, Diyu Yan, January 1995
Factors effecting calcification of bioprosthetic heart valves, Sumei Yu, October 1995
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Preoperative risk assessment for cardiac surgery using piecewise linear regression model, Arifa Zafar, January 1995
Biomedical Engineering
Optimizing rail-truck intermodal drayage operations, Wen Zhang, October 1995
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chute flow experiments, Yahong Zhang, October 1995
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An adaptive asynchronous CDMA receiver and its convergence analysis, Lizhi Zhong, January 1995
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A high temperature pressure sensor based on magnetic coupling and silicon wafer bonding, Deguang Zhu, January 1995
Theses from 1994
Fabrication of micron-sized mirror/cantilever silicon devices for crosspoint switching arrays, Yasser A. Abdel-Aziez, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fast point pattern matching by heuristic and stochastic optimization techniques, Ashish Agrawal, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Artificial dielectrics : characteristics at low and microwave frequencies, Nitish Agrawal, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dynamic friction measurement, Atif Aly, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An integrated approach to implement ISO 9000 series standards to United States manufacturing industry, Jatin N. Amin, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An on-line approach for evaluating trigonometric functions, Rajesh Amin, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A study of the biofiltration process under shock-loading conditions, Helen Androutsopoulou, May 1994
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Processor allocation for partitionable multiprocessor systems, Nicholaos C. Antoniou, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Building oriented surface generation through IGES specification, Jujiang Bao, October 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
On issues of equalization with the decorrelation algorithm : fast converging structures and finite-precision, Andrew James Bateman, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
An interactive computer graphics based off-line AVAIL programming environment for coordinate measuring machines, Nayanesh B. Bhandutia, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design, construction, and operation of water treatment plant residual monofills, Haitao Bian, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sensitivity analysis in energy responsive design, Bratati Biswas, January 1994
New Jersey School of Architecture
Sulfuric acid resistance of fly ash mortar, Walairat Bumrongjaroen, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The application of stereolithography to the creation of molecular models of amiloride and its analogues, Thomas John Busanic, May 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
A theoretical study of the semiconductor laser structures with lateral discontinuity in the optical cavity, Yi Cai, January 1994
Deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms for mesh-connected computers, Yikui Cai, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A hybrid low bit-rate video codec using subbands and statistical modeling, Ferhat Cakrak, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cervical spine bone anchoring system CSBAS pullout testing and comparisons, Konstantin Caploon, October 1994
Biomedical Engineering
An adaptive correlator receiver for combined suppression of co-channel interference and narrow-band jammers in a slowly fading channel, Raymond Carbone, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Prevention of occupational exposure of tuberculosis to health care workers, Thomas C. Carle, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A novel beam-assisted thickness measurement technique for nanostructures, Luis Manual Casas, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Base plate placement for a predefined workspace of a Stewart platform parallel manipulator, Rajesh Chanda, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Coordination of time-overcurrent relays for high-speed power line protection, Nicos Charalambous, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
CEBus demonstration system, Liang-Chuang Chen, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Solvent sublation of Toluene from aqueous phase, Mei Chen, May 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Performance analysis of the "Fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) network" using petri nets and SPNP software package, Savvas Eteoclis Christodoulou, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modeling arsenic transformation in clay soils, Chao-Yi Chung, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A distributed network architecture for video-on-demand, Ge Dai, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Time frequency analysis of the electromyogram during fatigue, Michelle Rene Davies, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
External cavity laser power stabilizer, Jie Ding, January 1994
A multi-dimensional model of passive MESFETS for use in non-linear microwave signal processing, Roger Dorval, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The effects of different types of noise on human heart rate, Jose R. Fabregas, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Low pressure chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride films from ditertiarybutylsilane, Xiangqun Fan, October 1994
Processing, structural and electrical properties of SiC, Mark Farhad-Garousi, May 1994
Autonomic nervous system evaluation using time-frequency analysis, Sanjay Fernando, October 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Investigation of CEBus traffic across a router, with and without acknowledgment, Wannakuwattawaduge Lalith Fernando, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Patient, disease and surgical parameters in the prediction of histologic nodes and recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma, Adolfo A. Ferreira, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Implementation of an automatic mapping tool for massively parallel computing, Ajitha Gadangi, January 1994
Computer Science
Passive radiosonde transducer design for remote pressure sensing applications, Yang Gao, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Application of the wavelet transform to biomedical signals, Karl O. Hauck, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Three dimensional diaphragm simulation model for the relationship of the tension, pressure and shape, Zhangming He, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Control of smart structure using adaptive dither, Tian Hong, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Characterization of lightning induced voltages on overhead power lines, Wen-Ta Hsiao, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multi-disk subsystem organizations for very large databases, Zhiyi Huang, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
In vitro testing and evaluation of intraaortic and extraaortic balloon counterpulsation devices, Joseph V. Izzo, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Remediation of contaminated sites using hot gas injection, Sanjay Jayabal, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Applications of binary sequence of order k, Xulun Jiang, May 1994
Mathematical Sciences
Authentication for mobile computing, Andreas Keppler, January 1994
Computer Science
Fabrication and characterization of WSi2/p-si and TaSi2/p-si devices, Anitha Kodali, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A GIS based multi-modal multiple optimal path transit advanced traveler information system, Nicholas A. Koncz, October 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Photoluminescence study of gallium arsenide, aluminum gallium arsenide, and gallium antimonide thin films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, John Mark Koons, January 1994
CAD study of linear tapered slot antenna, Anthony W. Kwan, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Simulation analysis of FDDI network using NETWORK II.5 software package, Anastassis A. Lazarides, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Calibration of photoluminescence experiment, Chihchuan Daniel Lee, January 1994
The use of COD as an indicator for evaluation of pretreatment of nitrocellulose with acid hydrolysis, Han-Chung Lee, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Influences of cardiac and respiratory parameters on heart rate variability, Melissa Leifer, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A graphical tool for timed petri nets using object oriented programming, Baopu Liu, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graphical OODB modeling for medical information standards (GOMMIS), Jiping Liu, January 1994
MBE growth of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs/Si heterostructure system, Jun Liu, October 1994
Adaptive receivers for direct-spread and multi-carrier code division multiple access systems, Xiangqun Liu, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Measurement of oxygenated volatile organic compounds using the thermionic ionization detector, Wanfang Li, May 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Subthreshold channel leakage current in GaAs MESFET's, Wei Long, October 1994
Measurement of the Hall coefficient and electron mobility using Van Der Pauw type Hall effect measurements, Hong-Sheng Luo, October 1994
Fast adaptive algorithms for signal separation, Robert A. Manzo, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modeling, simulation and hemodynamic response analysis of arteriovenous malformation occlusion, Huijuan Mao, May 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Machining of silicon wafers with an abrasive water jet cutter, Frank J. Marciniak, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Concurrent engineering and design for manufacture in the medical device industry, Martin A. Mathelier, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Managing occupational hazards confronting healthcare workers, Kiran A. Mody, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design of an autonomous vehicle system, Fritz Gerald Momplaisir, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design and implementation of IPIS : an X-Window based image processing interactive system, Eduardo Morales, January 1994
Computer Science
Data broadcasting and reduction, prefix computation, and sorting on reduced hypercube (RH) parallel computers, Arup Mukherjee, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computerized scoring of sleep stage data, Subbarao Narayana, October 1994
Biomedical Engineering
An integrated MRP and finite scheduling system to derive detailed daily schedules for a manufacturing shop, Sita D. Nathan, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Fluid flow modeling for pneumatically fractured formations, Deepak Nautiyal, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prediction of linear and non-linear components of cutter deflection in end milling tools, Kimberly Nazimek, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Design and implementation of fuzzy logic controller for a process control application, Sujit S. Nerurkar, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomechanical comparison of interosseous and subperiosteal flexor tendon reattachment, Alisa Beth Olin, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Development and evaluation of a NFWEAV simulation model for weaving areas under non-freeway condition, Wen-min Pan, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pyrolysis and oxidation reaction of 1,2, dichloroethylene in Ar; Ar and CH4; Ar, CH4 and O2 mixtures, Byung Ik Park, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Decentralized optimal control in descriptor systems, Hag-Yeon Park, October 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Implementation of continuous flow manufacturing in United States industries, Rohit P. Patel, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Reconstruction and enhancement of medical computed tomography images, Manoj K. Pattahil, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Graphical OODB modeling for medical information standards (GOMMIS), Nagesh K. Puppala, January 1994
Computer Science
Integration of surfactants and time release nutrients with pneumatic fracturing process, Atiqur Md. Rahman, October 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A knowledge-based designer assistant system with application to the design of helical springs, Giridhar Raja, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A survey of manufacturing practices in Southeast Asia, Fe Irma A. Ramirez, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Extracting parallelism at compile-time through dependence analysis & cloning techniques in an object-based paradigm, Binoy Ravindran, May 1994
Computer Science
Characterization of sleep EEG, Seetharamiah Sateesh, October 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Kinematic and kinetic analysis of geneva mechanisms and their applications to synchronization of motion, Bijan Sepahpour, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Correlation between tidal volume measured by spirometry and impedance pneumography, Krithika Seshadri, October 1994
Biomedical Engineering
The influence of hydrodynamics and particle size on the rejection properties of ultrafiltration membranes, Usama M. Shahin, October 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Motion compensation using correlation-feedback, Zebiba Shifa, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Artificial dielectric materials : synthesis and optical characterization of small metal clusters embedded in polymeric matrix, Nazneen Karim Shilpee, October 1994
Newark College of Engineering
Bio-oxidation of a model VOC in air, Jeong Seop Shim, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Performance of national research and education network while transmitting healthcare information data, Bhavesh Mahendra Shukla, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Investigation of reduced hypercube (RH) networks : embedding and routing capabilities, Michalis A. Sideras, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The use and evaluation of cleaner wicks to accelerate in situ bioremediation of organically contaminated groundwater and soil, Brian Michael Sielski, October 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Semi-automated approach to shape optimal design of planar structures, Gurinder Pal Singh, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
3-d reconstruction and morphological analysis of normal rectum, Saritha Sundaresan, May 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Oxidation of Cyclohexene with aqueous potassium peroxymonosulfate at pH < 1.7, Wen-Qing Sun, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Automatic feature extraction from conventional CAD model to support feature-based design approach for the sheet metal stamping industries, Dipak P. Thakar, May 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Narrow-band interference rejection in spread spectrum using an eigen analysis based approach, Aparna Vadhri, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concurrent use of two programming tools for heterogeneous supercomputers, Javier G. Vasquez, January 1994
Computer Science
IntelAd : intelligent computer workstation adjustment software, David W. Venezia, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Development of a non-intrusive particle motion tracking technique for granular flow experiments, Jerry R. Volcy, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Parallel exact enumeration of self-avoiding walk on cubic lattices and its applications to protein folding studies, Anek Vorapanya, May 1994
Computer Science
A thermoelastic model applied to stress control in laser heating of ceramics, Jeff Alexander Wagner, January 1994
The individual investor : investment objectives, strategies, and tactics, Clive Walcott, January 1994
School of Management
Polarimetric fiber optic weigh-in-motion sensor, Jieping Wang, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Translation of semantic aspects of OODINI graphical representation to ONTO OODB data definition language, Xiaoyong Wang, January 1994
Introduction of an information feedback loop to enhance the urban transportation modeling system, Kyle B. Winslow, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Contour extraction from HVEM image of microvessel using active contour models, Manping Xiao, January 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Geotechnical characterization of water treatment plant residuals, Zhengyuan Xia, January 1994
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Analysis for handling flexible green sheets with automated tools, Chao Xie, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Catalytic oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons over powdered transition metal oxide, Sanmei Xu, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Measurement of velocity of a high speed waterjet, Chang-Hsin Yu, January 1994
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Laser treatment of ceramic coatings on defective ceramic glazed tile, Gousinn Yu, January 1994
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Interference cancellation by time adjustable sampling, Josko Zec, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Study of the leaching of pentachlorophenol from treated utility poles, Jingyi Zhang, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Measurement of heart rate variability using correlation dimension and entropy, Su Zhang, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
NMR computer simulation of glassy and powdered samples : application to studies of sodium borovanadate glasses, Xian-Quan Zhang, May 1994
Continuous monitoring of volatile organic compounds in air emission using membrane extraction microtrap GC system, Xin Zhang, October 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
An adaptive fusion model for distributed detection systems with unequiprobable sources, Yuzheng Zhang, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Derivation of respiration from electrocardiogram during heart rate variability studies, Lingeng Zhao, May 1994
Biomedical Engineering
Performance modeling of high data rate ring networks using stochastic petri nets, Le Zhong, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Transient behavior of an adaptive synchronous CDMA receiver, Bin Zhu, January 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Programmable microstrip dipole antenna design, Jing Zhu, May 1994
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Low temperature performance of field effect transistors, Wei Zhu, May 1994
Study on the remediation of organic soil contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls using a variable frequency microwave furnace, Lili Zou, January 1994
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theses from 1993
Reduction of acoustic feedback oscillations by use of spectrum shifting, Youssef Abdelilah, January 1993
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Agitation requirements for complete liquid dispersion in liquid-liquid-gas systems, Emad Ahmad Abu-Hakmeh, October 1993
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Fair and efficient transmission over GBPS dual ring networks, Abdelnaser M. Adas, May 1993
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Behavior of R/C columns under nonproportional variations in axial and lateral loads, Kaniz Fatema Ahsan, January 1993
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Design, fabrication and characterization of infrared filters, Samiul Amin, October 1993
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Comparison of heart rate with chest wall vibrations, Kofi M. Arbuah, May 1993
Biomedical Engineering