In 1949, the Newark College of Engineering granted its first Master’s degrees, two each in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. To date, NJIT has awarded more than 4,500 Master’s degrees. In addition to the theses from the more than 50 master’s programs, this collection includes theses for the professional degrees awarded prior to the establishment of the Graduate Division and theses for graduates with the designation Degree of Engineer. The library has accepted electronic submissions since 2010 and has been digitizing new theses and dissertations since 2000. We continue to digitize our catalog working backwards and by request.
The Robert W. Van Houten Library provides this service in an effort to make our graduates’ research more widely available.
Theses from 1984
The Manhattan Project legacy : low level radioactive waste health effects, an epidemiological study, Lisa Fetterman Voyce, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of coal ash, George Patrick Watson, September 1984
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Behavior of thin-walled channel shaped reinforced concrete columns under combined biaxial bending and compression, Subash Yalamarthy, May 1984
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1983
Gallium nitride film deposition by ionized cluster beam epitaxy, Ghulum Bakiri, May 1983
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer simulation of cavity filling during injection molding process, Sumit Banerjee, May 1983
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Flow tube reactions of selected chlorocarbons with molecular hydrogen or water vapor in a microwave induced plasma reactor, Robert Benedict Barat, January 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Error detection for data communication systems, John Biancamano, January 1983
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Lewis-Matheson method on computer, William Raymond Castner, September 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Behavior of channel-shaped reinforced concrete columns under combined biaxial bending and compression, Dureseti Chidambarrao, May 1983
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kinetics of biodegradation of phenol and 2,6-dichlorophenol, Samir Shrikant Desai, September 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Failure surface for L-shaped reinforced concrete short columns, Mon-Chen Liu, May 1983
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Analysis and tests [of] L-shaped reinforced concrete column under combined biaxial bending and axial compression, Alaedin Majlesi, May 1983
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mathematical model of temperature profiles and coking in a crude oil heater tube, Joseph C. Polimeni, September 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Finite element analysis of the femoral head, Ghandikota Ramamurthy, May 1983
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical modeling of the unsteady state glucose and insulin concentrations in blood for normal subjects and diabetics, Tung Shih, May 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The role of electrical noise in screening transformers prone to failure, Rajeev D. Shirodkar, May 1983
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Automation considerations for a manufacturing system, Marvin Fachuan Wang, May 1983
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The operational utility of the Walton-McKersie attitudinal structuring model in collective bargaining, Donald Warren, May 1983
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
One-dimensional compressible flow analysis : isentropic and normal shock, Su-Bo Wong, May 1983
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical modeling of mass transfer in a hollow fiber dialyzer, Tzyy-Kai Yu, May 1983
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1982
Pattern generation and fault detection in digital circuits using a microprocessor, Syed Riffat Ali, May 1982
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Leachate treatment technique utilizing fly ash as a low cost sorbent, Turan A. Ramadan, May 1982
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prediction of heats of mixing by group contribution methods, William Walter Rupp, May 1982
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermal rearrangement studies of deuterium labeled dibenzo [a,e] cyclooctatetraenes, Charles W. Wenger, May 1982
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium data, David Kim Yee, May 1982
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1981
Mathematical modeling of jet bubbling reactor, Fred Jyh-Woei Cheng, May 1981
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Control of construction costs during construction, David H. Foo, May 1981
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
An experimental study of comparison between pH-parametric pumping and pH-cycling zone adsorption process on protein separation, Vincent P. Jajalla, September 1981
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The heterogeneous catalytic decomposition of isopropyl alcohol over 0.5% platinum on 4-8 mesh charcoal catalyst support, Thomas Michael Kudenchak, May 1981
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A purely chemical nitrogen dioxide laser, Conrado Mendoza Malalis, May 1981
Newark College of Engineering
United States v. Western Europe : a comparative study of safeguarding practice against hazards at the point of operation in metal forming systems, Jeffrey Joseph Schwalje, May 1981
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Theses from 1980
The characterization of the oxygen transfer capabilities of fermentors, Joseph Stephen Adamca, May 1980
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of unsteady-state heat conduction in a cylinder with the finite element method, Richard F. Bernard, May 1980
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Impingement of an axi-symmetric jet on a flat surface, Amir J. Daibes, May 1980
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A microprocessor based digital logic simulator, Kevin Dresher, May 1980
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The removal and recovery of fluoborate from plating rinse waters, Terrence A. Hunter, May 1980
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Temperature dependency of the group interaction parameters in the AGSM and UNIFAC models for the prediction of heats of mixing, Ignatius Okoronkwo Ojini, May 1980
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An experimental study of photopolymerization in a continuous stirred tank reactor, Songvit Setthachayanon, May 1980
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Osmotic and mean activity coefficients of LiBr and LiC in methanol at 25, 35, and 45 degrees C, Peggy Tomasula, September 1980
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Transient phenomena of polymer : Aniline-formaldehyde fiber and copolymer aniline-phenol-formaldehyde fiber, Ing-On Vibulbhan-Watts, May 1980
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theses from 1979
Axisymmetric air jet impinging on a convex hemispherical plate, David C. Chan, May 1979
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A new mathematical model for nephron macromolecular selectivity, John Anthony Domiter, May 1979
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Calculations of isobaric phase enthalpy differences for binary systems from vapor-liquid equilibrium data, Steven Merrill Harvey, May 1979
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The preparation, spectra, and conformations of cis, cis-, cis, trans-, and trans, trans- dipropenyl ethers, Helen C. Hollein, May 1979
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An equilibrium theory of the pH-parametric pump, Charles Omotayo Kerobo, May 1979
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study on the growth and asparaginase production of vibrio succinogenes in a chemostat, Preston David Krautheim, May 1979
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A three-dimensional kinematic model of the human knee, Wayne Ke-Wung Li, May 1979
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Adsorption capabilities of adsorbents for selected toxic air pollutants, Richard Michael Vaccaro, October 1979
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Continuous fractionation of protein mixtures by pH-parametric pumping, Yuk-Wei Wong, June 1979
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1978
The countercurrent multistage desorption of the acetic acid/water solution with an inert vapor, Michael John Danko, May 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of concentration and pH on parametric pumping separations, Tsu-kun S. Hsieh, October 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The slow settling of a sphere in a viscous fluid in the proximity of a corner, Joseph Kisutcza, May 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Semicontinous pH-parametric pump : experimental study, Hsien-Chih Lee, May 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A kinetic study of the reactions of poly-L-lysine with 1-halo-2, 4-dinitrobenzenes, Raymond K. Rakowitz, May 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Possible efficiency improvements in residential, gas fired furnances, Philip Louis Rinaldi, May 1978
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1977
An experimental study of separation of binary and ternary gas mixtures by parametric pumping, Stephen E. Belsky, May 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Air control in a Newark city subway station, Robert H. Burch, May 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Point of operation safeguarding - a metal forming system approach, William Baker Eaton, May 1977
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Thermal decomposition products of kynol and nomex with reference to structure and toxicity, Shaker H. El-Sherbini, May 1977
Newark College of Engineering
The separation of proteins via parametric pumping and ion exchange, Paul Albert Falcon, June 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dynamics of the glucose-insulin-glucagon system, Joseph P. Hartmann, May 1977
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Municipal point source pollution in the Hackensack Meadowlands estuary, Alfonso Augustine Hernandez, October 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Analysis of combustion products of kynol and nomex, Abdul Halim Hassan Housny, May 1977
Newark College of Engineering
The settling of particles in a square contained medium, Richard S. Matyas, June 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Growth patterns of bacteria in pressurized sewage, Dennis Mazzei, May 1977
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The effects of pressure on the biodegradability of sanitary sewage in a model activated sludge reactor, Nicholas A. Mezei, April 1977
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sparsity and decoupling in load power flow analysis, Kenneth Nazimek, May 1977
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Anisotropic and isotropic strength behavior of an illitic clay, Miles M. O'Brien, May 1977
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ecuador and a business opportunity, Cesar Arturo Paredes Roldan, May 1977
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The effect of ultrasonic vibrations and catalyst particle size on the decomposition of cumene, John F. Pietranski, May 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An approach to energy conservation in a manufacturing industry, William Polignano, May 1977
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
SO2-scrubber technology : double alkali mode, Krishna K. Rao, October 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Non-equilibrium parametric pumps for separating liquids or gases, Anil Krishna Rastogi, May 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The guarding of the principal metalworking machines : the techniques, need, and responsibility, Peter James Schwalje, May 1977
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Vapor-liquid equilibrium at low pressures : correlation of binary and prediction of multicomponent data, Norman I. Silverman, May 1977
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1976
Prediction and correlation of the salt-effect in vapor-liquid equilibrium, Enrique M. Bekerman, May 1976
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An experimental study of semi-continuous pH-parametric pumping with a center feed, John S. Dell'Osso, October 1976
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The recovery of methanol from the mother liquor of a pharmaceutical active ingredient, Richard Lawrence Eichholtz, May 1976
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reaction kinetics for the synthesis of benzyl benzoate from benzyl chloride and the triethylamine salt of benzoic acid, Michael A. Kolakowski, May 1976
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the effect of an electric potential on the saponification of ethyl acetate, Michael Maciupa, January 1976
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Non-standard workweek scheduling technique selection, John Alexander Oak, May 1976
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Subcontracting by the petrochemical engineer-constructor, Michael Peter Skurla, May 1976
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The effects of angularity on the compaction and shear strength of a cohesionless material, Richard Edward Swiderski, May 1976
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1975
The thermal dehydration of magnesium sulfate hexahydrate (MgSO3.6H2O) and magnesium sulfite trihydrate (MgSO3.3H2O), Raafat F. Abdel-Malek, June 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The thermodynamics of electrolytic solutions, Eric Robert Bixon, June 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of isomers via thermal parametric pumping, Vincent J. D'Emidio, June 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Design of a YIG-tuned oscillator, Tien Liang Jin, January 1975
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adsorption on activated flyash, John William Kubarewicz, October 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Steady state heat transfer from a double ring of identical spheres in a regular orientation, Evelio A. Melo, May 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Soluble surfactant effects on gas absorption of organic compounds, Angelo C. Morresi, May 1975
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A preliminary study of the thermodynamic limitations of the NRTL/LEMF equations, Robert Petrie, June 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the vibrational spectra of some monosubstituted benezene derivatives of group VIA of the periodic table, Fawzi S. Rasheed, May 1975
Newark College of Engineering
Computer program for binary distillation using the method of Pochon-Savarit with enthalpy data calculated by Lagrange interpolation, Joseph J. Rogus, August 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A kinetic study of lysine and lysine derivatives, Stephen Joseph Stanley, May 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The chemical effect of ultrasound on cyanide solutions, Nabil R. Zaki, September 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reactions of para-nitroaniline with acid chlorides, Stephen Alan Zapoticzny, May 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Transient phenomena of polymer solutions, Nikolaus Zwetkow, June 1975
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1974
A study of the vibrational spectra of some monosubstituted pyridines, Hussein Ibrahim Abdel-Shafy, June 1974
Newark College of Engineering
Design of multipass fractionating trays, Paul W. Becker, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Rheo-optical properties of polyisobutylene, Russell B. Biss, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of an adiabatic tubular reactor for the multiple chlorination of methane, Richard L. Braun, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Solvent recovery from a complex process solvent stream, John Budavari, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Industrialized-subsidized housing in the Hackensack meadowlands, Andrew Carl Gildersleeve, June 1974
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Sidewise force exerted on slowly falling spheres inside a circular cylinder, Gary Mark Greenstein, September 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The steady state heat and temperature distribution of a hot sphere within an infinite wedge, David W. Horwat, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Solvents screening for hydrocarbons separation of close molar volumes, Dilip K. Kapasi, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Absorption of methoxyflurane by conductive rubber and polyethylene anesthetic hose, Edward A. Kippel, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of dry-blending high density polyethylene on final product properties, Charles H. Klestadt, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An experimental study of the separation of multicomponent mixtures via thermal parametric pumping, Wayne Weywen Lin, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Optimal performance of equilibrium parametric pumps, Joseph A. Manganaro, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Design for a developing consortium, Henry A. Mauermeyer, May 1974
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The determination of an optimum plant capacity in a dynamic economy, Frederick Louis Monesmith, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Evaluation of Herington general integral test for vapor-liquid equilibrium data, Raja Gopal Nori, September 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Densities of polar and non-polar compounds and their mixtures, Peter Norman Notwick, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Engineering a primary waste treatment plant, Edwin O. Onwawoma, October 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The thermal degradation of polyvinyl alcohol, Carlos Eduardo Ortiz, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An experimental study of equilibrium parametric pumps, John A. Park, January 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of fluid flow entering a sharp-edged channel, Rocco Racano, January 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An experimental study of parametric pump, Khalid Omar Ranginwala, March 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Steady state and dynamic performance of anisotropic reluctance motor, S. Chandrasekhara Rao, May 1974
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Reactions of perchloro-1,2-dimethylene cyclobutane with amines, Robert James Smith, May 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of mixing on polymerizations in batch reactors, John Guy Steenrod, September 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The design and implementation of a time-shared computer based construction cost estimating system for an electric utility, Thomas Arnold Westphal, May 1974
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The study on the soot formation of hydrocarbon flames, Yih-Jian Wu, June 1974
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1973
Simulation of a single feed fractional distillation column using the Thiele-Geddes procedure, M. S. Abolahrari, February 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of glucose - fructose - water systems via thermal parametric pumping, Zikri Mostafa Ahmed, May 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Distillation design techniques, Ronald Michael Carlucci, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Diffusion studies with novel plastics, Marion Toohey Conway, May 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The photolysis of chlorobenzene in an aqueous environment, Louis John Del Tufo, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The quantitative characterization of middle distillate fuels for reduced smoke emission and improved low temperature operability, R. S. Feamster, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Minimum reflux in fractionating columns : a new and improved short-cut method, Elizabeth Garcia, May 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Antoine type equation for liquid viscosity correlations, Edward Goletz Jr., June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Biocatalytic oxidation of nitrilotriacetate, Saul Hammerman, September 1973
Newark College of Engineering
The photolysis of p-xylene in an aqueous environment, Joseph Daniel Lintott, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of gas mixtures via batch parametric pumping : a theoretical study, Jose G. Lopez, December 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Stress-relaxation of cross-linked polyethylene at elevated temperature, Ravio Luik, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A computer solution for absorbers and strippers using the Newton-Raphson iterative method, Robert J. Lukach, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An analysis of the Geneva mechanism as a timing device, Hubert W. Meyer, May 1973
Newark College of Engineering
Kinetic modeling study of catalytic hydrogenation of codimer, William Mounce, May 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The chemistry of azides, Edward D. Nelson, February 1973
Newark College of Engineering
Aboveground fuel oil storage tanks, Lawrence George Palmer, May 1973
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The effect of variation in the ratio of specific heats with temperature and pressure on horsepower requirements of reciprocating compressors, Selim Piskin, October 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Sidestream tower fractionation : a short-cut calculation method, Richard David Prickett, May 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Correlation of drain breakdown with excess noise and other surface-related phenomena in enhancement MOSFETS, Jerry J. Rij, September 1973
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rubbery acrylic polymer adhesives, Steven Walter, September 1973
Newark College of Engineering
A study into the feasibility of constructing a pedestrian mall in Newark downtown, Stephen Wesley Warren, May 1973
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A theoretical study of continuous parametric pumping at constant temperature, Philip Weingartner, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer simulation of a split feed Claus sulfur recovery plant, Thomas R. Woolley, June 1973
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1972
A study of the effect of a dielectric field on the solvolysis rate of tert-butyl bromide in a recycle reactor, Rolf L. Ball, April 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer simulation of a Linde "double column", John A. Bazan, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The fate of hazardous polluting substances in an aqueous environment, Robert Paul Casani, October 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A solid state kinetic study of potassium permanganate in alkali halide disks, Joseph Paul Cusumano, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Predictions of catalyst utilization with continuous replacement in multistage continuous reactors from batch reactor data, Norman M. Feinberg, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The creep and stress relaxation behavior of silver bearing copper wire, Alfred Fox, May 1972
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Analysis of decomposition gases and leach water from controlled sanitary landfill, Robert Gargano, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The development of Langmuir's adsorption isotherms for glucose and fructose and the separation via continuous parametric pumping, Jafir Abbas Jaferi, April 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The aging of SBR vulcanizates, Arthur Robert Leckart, September 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Flow behavior of molten polymer blends, Kryspin Pawel Maciejewski, February 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reaction of p-nitrophenyl acetate with lysine hydrochloride and poly-1-lysine hydrobromide, Emmanuel Plange Matteer, May 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Studies of rare earth compounds, Rostam Mondegarian, March 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computerized computation of counter-current extraction problems for ternary liquid systems, Albert Warren Patterson, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Manpower and productivity in the construction industry, John A. Purciello, June 1972
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Effectiveness of training programs for graduate engineers, V.C. Rajashekar, May 1972
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Separations via semicontinuous parametric pumping, Edward H. Reiss, June 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the optimization of ethylene production in a tubular reactor, Richard W. J. Robertson, May 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Equilibrium calculations via the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state, Steven L. Sincoff, March 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of ultrasonic vibration on mass transfer in a packed column, Joseph Walter Stanecki, May 1972
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1971
A new technique for steady state and transient analyses of incompressible flow networks, George V. Catanzaro, May 1971
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A simple method for liquid enthalpy departure calculations, Ching-Lin Chien, September 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of heat transfer and inlet flow behavior in molten polymer systems, Min Ho Choi, May 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Agitation of dilatant fluids, Vijay Jang Datta, August 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of the physical properties of pure gases and liquids, James L. Filson, June 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dielectric properties of atactic and isotactic polystyrene, Thaddeus F. Kroplinski, October 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A nomograph for the rapid solution of the Arrhenius equation, Joseph John Lamont, June 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer model for reactor design of an ethane cracking unit, Derek J. Lough, June 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A simulation model capable of performing the calculations involved in defining a crude preheat train, Robert G. Parker, June 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Continuous interfacial polycondensation of nylon 6-6, Chandrakant A. Patel, December 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reaction of O-propylphenyl azide with di-n-propylamine, Seyed Ziaeddin Razavi, May 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Stability analysis of a continuous stirred tank reactor with an autocatalytic reaction, David Elliot Rosenberg, May 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Incineration of solid/liquid human waste, Theodore Joseph Wayne, June 1971
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1970
Correlation and prediction of diffussion coefficients in binary gas systems, Raymond Gerald Bailey, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The relation of heat transfer to power consumption of liquids in turbulent flow, John D. Bien, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The transferability of force constants among olefins, John Martin Comerford, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Fluid friction reduction by water soluble linear high polymers, Arthur Edward Davis, January 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The absorption of hydrogen chloride from dilute air mixtures, Edgar L. Demarest, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The oxidation of sulfur dioxide in a regenerative reactor, Raymond Henry Edgecomb, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aiir pollution emissions from turbine powered aircraft, Raymond Arthur Filippini, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A computer program for the design of packed extraction columns, George P. Gaccione, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The application of a non-Newtonian rheological equation to low-density polyethylene, Jeffrey N. Goldstein, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Batch heat transfer to suspensions in an agitated vessel, John Philip Horzepa, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Continuous interfacial polycondensation of nylon 6-10, Sumer Raj Hundia, October 1970
Newark College of Engineering
The computer evaluation of the natural frequencies of vibrating circular plates with free, fixed and simply supported edges, Thomas Michael Juliano, May 1970
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Determination of the electronic state of aryl nitrenes in an intramolecular C-H insertion reaction, Ali Mohammad Khonsari, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Viscoelastic properties of polymer melts, Wu-Shiong Lee, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A comparative analysis of multicomponent distillation minimum reflux methods, Joesph H. F. Loozen, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An economic evaluation of a pressure sulfuric acid manufacturing plant, Daniel A. Marlin, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The optimization of a catalytic methanol reactor using quench feed, John Paul McBurney, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Combined feedforward-feedback control of a fluidized-bed reactor, Reginald Eugene Mitchell, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A computer program for the optimization of binary distillation in a dual-column system, Richard Vincent O'Lenick, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Phosphate removal from sewage using a combination of ferric chloride and a polymeric flocculant, Ravindra C. Patel, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Development of an apparatus to obtain temperature profiles of molten flowing polymers, Ismail Kemal Saltuk, October 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of column diameter on mixing in water fluidized beds, Donald P. Schiesl, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Packed column simulation, Frederick W. Schmidt, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A modified Redlich-Kwong equation for nonpolar and slightly polar gases, David G. Skamenca, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of polymerization variables on reaction rate and intrinsic viscosity, David H. Smith, May 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A digital computer simulation of a batch or semi-batch reactor, Robert Edward Viczorek, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat and mass transfer in the lyophilizatiuon of pharmaceuticals in vials by conduction heating, William Warren Walsh, June 1970
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1969
A computer program for determining Hinshelwood rate mechanisims from nonisothermal pellet data, Joseph J. Atkins, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
P-V-T properties of hydrogen and mixtures containing hydrogen (with a generalized B-W-R equation of state), Arnold Brief, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A rheological equation of state for blood at low shear rates, Anatoly Dritschilo, May 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Experimental investigation of submerged, incompressible, turbulent, impinging jets, David Tzeh-Hsian Lee, May 1969
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Financing the nuclear fuel requirements of public utilities, Peter A. Lewis, May 1969
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The effect of organic and inorganic salt on the relative volatility of non-aqueous systems, Glenn W. Lindberg, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of flow rate and L/D ratio on the frequency response of water fluidized beds, Arnold Ludke, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Computer specification of centrifugal pump and motor, Paul David O'Lenick, January 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Hypothetical liquid fugacity coefficients, Douglas F. Patterson, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A new technique for the solution of free convection mass transfer boundary value problems, James Lewis Putman, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Correlation of 1/f noise with threshold drift in MOSFET's, John Peter Rooney, June 1969
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thin layer ionophoresis of sugars, Joseph Gilbert Vrindten, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Enthalpy deviations for the system methane - carbon dioxide, Fred S. Winter, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Rheology of asbestos filled polystyrene, Richard Henry Young, June 1969
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1968
Critical interaction constants for binary gas mixtures for use in the Redlich-Kwong equation of state, Warren J. Biss, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effects of air-water two phase flow on the performance of a centrifugal pump, Karnig Ekizian, May 1968
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A study of the properties of the biconical antenna, Kurt Frank Hafner Jr., May 1968
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Premix molding compounds : the effect of processing technique on profitability and product integrity, Albert Robert Kurkowski, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of column diameter on the frequency response of water fluidized beds, Edward C. Maiuro, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The plasticization of 4-methyl-pentene-1 (TPX-RT-D30) polymer with petroleum jelly, Joseph P. McCann, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of nitrilotriacetic acid upon the biodegradability of linear alkyl benzene sulfonate, John D. McKenna, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of internal combustion engine operation upon the viscometric properties of polymer thickened multi-viscosity crankcase oils, William Charles Philcox, May 1968
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Reliability considerations for communication satellites, Frank Polizzi, May 1968
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Fault protection with a digital computer, George D. Rockefeller, May 1968
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Liquid vapor equilibrium in nucleate and film boiling, Walter Henry Rothaug, May 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A correlation of latent heats and densities of pure organic liquids from known vapor pressure data, Vincent J. Vasta, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Coagulation in waste water treatment, Garret P. Westerhoff, May 1968
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Realization of transfer impedances using distributed RC elements in a common ground Linvill configuration, Walter Woronka, June 1968
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The optimization of a catalytic methanol reactor, Peter Wrampe, June 1968
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1967
Open-loop frequency response analysis of a jacketed kettle with internal heating/cooling coil, Wayne P. Brenckle, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer between a turbulent round jet and a segmented flat plate perpendicular to it, John Edward Chamberlain, December 1967
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Case history of a test pile program for the redevelopment of Newark Airport, Patrick De Michele, May 1967
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carburizing of steel using "cracked" methane, Robert Alvin Hesse, January 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat and mass transfer in the absence of air, James Joseph Howley, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reaction of cyclic acetals with N-halo compounds, Nicholas Hrinkevich, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Natural gas liquefaction, Travis George Hutchinson, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A computer program for multicomponent distillation from start up to steady state, Leo Julian, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Approximation of reaction rate models, Hsu-Tung Lee, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Melt rheological properties of a filled polyethylene, George Lewis Levy, January 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Ball milling of non-Newtonian dispersions, Barry S. Miller, May 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermal conductivity of mixtures, Paul Joseph Orosz, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An investigation of some properties of liquids near their freezing points, Martin Irwin Pulver, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The frequency response analysis of a reboiler-condenser under condensate control, Douglas F. Ready, May 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The measurement of dispersion coefficients, John Harold Rosenberger, June 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Potassium t-butoxide-initiated elimination on substrate 1,1,2-trimethoxyethane, James Waldron, May 1967
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1966
Vapor-liquid equilibria system : chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, isopropanol, Barnet H. Bursack, June 1966
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The kinetics of a heterogeneous system, Francisco H. Fernandez-Ortega and Gonzalo D. Milian, June 1966
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Diffusion coefficients in alcohol - water, Frank Gustav Meier, June 1966
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effects of non-constant molal flow on distillation plate separation, Joseph Lawrence Niedzwiecki, June 1966
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Fugacity and activity coefficients for the N-butane-nitrogen system, Richard E. Walter, June 1966
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1965
Electrolytic polishing of copper and nickel silver, Halle Abrams, May 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of emulsion viscosities, Frederick R. Cummings, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of particle size and particle size distribution on the burning rate of barium chromate-boron pyrotechnic delay compositions, Donald J. Freeman, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Investigation of the octene-decane-urea adduct equilibrium system, Frederick Charles Guest, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An investigation of the mechanism controlling the co-deposition of aluminas with copper during electrodeposition of copper, James Edward Hoffmann, May 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of column diameter on the efficiency of packed fractioning towers, William Lintner, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of an electrical corona discharge upon the reaction of SO2 to SO3 in low concentration SO2 - air mixtures, Edward James Malarkey, May 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Cation exchange between solutions of ferric nitrate and DOWEX 50X-8 resin, Michael H. Mansky, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Factors affecting the biodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in river die-away studies, Neil M. McHugh, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Planning and scheduling software programs with PERT, Henry E. Mielo, May 1965
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The rimo filter, Richard Thomas Modafferi, May 1965
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fugacity coefficients of gases in binary mixtures, David Albin Olson, February 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Use of gas chromatography to determine the mutual solubility of water and toluene, John Orshich, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Activity coefficient for infinite dilute solution by gas-liquid chromotography, Suresh Jivabhai Patel, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids in turbulent flow, Donald S. Smalley, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Brittle fracture of carbon steel, Ronald Robert Stang, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The thermal conductivity with vapor pressure for n-paraffin hydrocarbons, Jacob Tolsma, June 1965
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1964
Application of radioactive tracers in the study of diffusional phenomena, Rodolfo Cilento, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The purification, analysis and growth of single crystals of organic semiconductors, Melvin Leonard Druin, April 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of perfluoropropane, Frank Fang, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Polypropylene fibers, Anthony Vincent Galanti, May 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermal conductivity of solid materials, Irwin N. Huppert, May 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Gas phase fugacity coefficients, Harvey Joel Klee, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Decomposition of diacetone alcohol in packed beds of ion exchange resins, Arthur Donald Lahr and Rafael Juan Puente-Duany, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Mass transfer into cylindrical liquid films measurement of liquid diffusivities, Ronald Francis Lovenguth, May 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Interphase gas-liquid mass transfer study in a horizontal channel, Bruce R. Marx, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An oxidation of para-nitrotoluene, Albert Edward Meisinger, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of temperature on rate of absorption of ammonia by water in packed tower, Chhotu B. Patel, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The virial equation of state based on critical constants, Ghanshyam R. Patel, May 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Esterification of oleic acid, Niranjan Muljibhai Patel, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Esterification of oleic acid with oleyl alcohol, Robert Persurance, May 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Diffusion of single and multicomponent solutes from capillaries, Oleh S. Sklepkowycz, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reaction of urea with primary alkyl bromides, Ronald Lewis Stabile, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Amination of alkyl halides, Frank Joseph Stulb, June 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of liquid viscosity on performance of wire mesh entrainment separators, Raymond Paul Vogel, February 1964
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1963
Prediction of extruder performance for thermoplastic materials, Aldo Bergonzoni, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The electrical and optical properties of organic semiconductors. Part 1 : Preliminary survey and purification techniques, Bohdan Robert Czorny, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electromotive deposition, storage and dissolution of active hydrogen upon carbon electrodes, Joseph Gabriel Di Masi, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The investigation of frequency response and stability of a heat exchanger under condensate control, Louis F. Fornoff, May 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Application of transient response analysis to an automatically controlled liquid level system, Armando Anthony Gregoli, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The design and fabrication of a cell to measure the thermal conductivity of viscous fluids, Donald William Hagedorn, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of mononitrotoluenes by clathration, Eugene Ivashkiv, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The corrosiveness of phenols, Edgar George Kaup, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A correlation of viscosity of n-paraffin hydro-carbons, Sheldon Krueger, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Slow compression crushing of glass in fluids, Peter Joseph Lucchesi, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of ternary azeotropes from binary data, Eric Lustig, May 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria system : benzene, chlorobenzene, phenol, Larry Madestau, May 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Synthesis of trimethyl borate by ester interchange, Hugh Murphy, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of continuous photochemical hydrolysis, Robert Parlante, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Carbon tetrachloride-xylene equilibria, Michael Jay Ram, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the fatty alcohol-epichlorohydrin reaction, Roy Henry Schaufelberger, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Viscosity of a three component system : benzene-ethanol-acetic acid at 20 degrees C., 25 degrees C., and 30 degrees C, Alan Alvin Schetelich, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Vapor liquid equilibria, Niranjan Prasad Shukla, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Equations of state for propyne, Thomas Marshall Stark, June 1963
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1962
Urea adduction of oleic acid, Leroy A. Dahm, June 1962
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Properties of non-Newtonian fluids, George Robert Ferment, June 1962
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Jurisdictional disputes within the construction industry, Dominick Joseph Magarelli, May 1962
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The effect of liquid surface tension on wire mesh entrainment separators, Herbert Franklyn Schroeder, May 1962
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The corrosion of zinc-stainless steel couples in flowing sea water, Henry Shaw, May 1962
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Packed bed heat transfer, Anthony William Sposaro, May 1962
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1961
The electrolytic preparation of perbromates, Robert M. Casciano, June 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of cleaning methods upon electrochemical behavior of high-carbon steel cathodes in a chromic acid electrolyte, George Chaplenko, May 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of elevated temperature on efficiency of corrosion inhibitors, Walter Dzingala, June 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of formaldehyde, Raymond H. Koo, May 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Physical and electrical properties of the manganin-type alloys, Wallace William MacIntosh, June 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of velocity on the electrical conductivity of blood, Judea Pearl, June 1961
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heat transfer coefficients of non-Newtonian slurries in laminar flow, Robert Frederick Roth and David B. Swanson, September 1961
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1960
Correlation of pressure drop and holdup in a packed distillation column, Nello Del Gobbo, June 1960
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer coefficients in nucleate boiling, Gerald Burt Fefferman, June 1960
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Behavior change through training, Robert Walter Messerschmidt, May 1960
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Absolute viscosity of the n-paraffin liquids, Gerald Permutt, May 1960
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1959
The plastic design of steel cofferdam, Robert O. Disque, May 1959
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Heat transfer by natural convection in horizontal fluid layers : a statistical correlation of experimental data, John Lawrence O'Toole, May 1959
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1958
A generalized correlation for the effect of pressure on the difference in heat capacities of gases, Leon Bleich, June 1958
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of pentene-1, Byron Millard Cody, June 1958
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Ion exchange technology in the sodium and ferric ion-dowex 50 systems, Alfred George Hoerrner, May 1958
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Correlation of maximum air velocity with liquid entrainment loading for wire mesh mist eliminators, Edward W. Poppele, June 1958
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of a production control system in a job order die casting plant, Robert Gordon Woodnorth, May 1958
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Theses from 1957
Activity coefficients of gases in binary mixtures, John Robert Armbruster, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of 3-methylpentane, Raymond Ralph Bernabei, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The thermal conductivity and other properties of carbonaceous briquettes, Alfred Seymour Bien and Oliver Phillips, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer coefficients of condensing vapors, James Joseph Broderick and Harold E. Devaney, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Vapor-liquid equilibria, Vincent De Paul Brown, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study in diffusion, Nicholas James Driscoll, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the mixed acid nitration of 2-amino-5-chloropyridine, Harold Edward Ehrenbeck, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The use of perlite as an adsorbent, John Herrick Eigler, May 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The control of industrial sales operations, Herbert Gieser, May 1957
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The effect of reaction block configuration on unit pressure in rubber forming, James Everett Gilmer, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electrolytic treatment of spent pickle liquor, Luisito Giorgio Grenni, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Rigid, unplasticized, polyvinyl chloride piping : an engineering material study, James Patrick Kelleher, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The condensation of vapors from gas - vapor mixtures, Lewis George King and Walter Andrew Blumenscheid, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Kinetics of chromium-hydrogen ion exchange, Frank Joseph Klosowski and Alfred John Meinhardt, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The nitration of 2, 5-dichlorobenzenesulfonic acid, Sanford Monroe Krusch, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Measurement of the specific surface of perlite, Richard Gordon Lamborn and Carl Henry Vogel, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Azeotropic sulfonation of chlorobenzene, Peter Norman Lensi, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer to a solids-air suspension, Samuel Levinson and Sanford Jerome Tick, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Corrosion resistance of the chromium-manganese-nickel and chromium-manganese austenitic stainless steels, Robert Dewitt Merrick, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Equilibria in the esterification of boric acid, Richard William Palizay, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Zone refining of anthracene, Charles Poultney Perot, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Recovery of phthalic acid, George Thomas Roberts, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The rates of hydrolysis of aryl halides, Jack Robert Roeder, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An analysis of predetermined time systems, Richard Otto Schmid, May 1957
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Adsorption of carbon dioxide by sodium carbonate solutions in a gas-bubble column, Joseph Don Singalewitch, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Exchange adsorption of electrolytes on titanium dioxide, Richard Algimantas Slepetys, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Self-heating of wood fiber, Kenneth Norman Smith, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aryl sulfonation in presence of phosphrous trichloride, William Calvert Tanner, May 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Viscosity of a three component system, acetone-ethanol-water, at 25°C and 30°C, Peter Fred Widmer, May 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Continuous chlorosulfonation of benzene II phase relations, Ernest Eugene Wiegleb, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of monochlorobenzene, Gaetano Zaccaria, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
An investigation of the Hofman reaction as a possible method of synthesizing 3,4-diamino pyridine, Harry William Zbinden, June 1957
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1956
Heat transfer coefficients in an agitated vessel using verticle-tube baffles, Edward Joseph Barrasso, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Liquid-gas flow in venturi meter and sharp edged orifice, Frank John Chwalek, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electrodeposition of cellulose and carboxy-methylcellulose, Charles Edward Driesens Jr., June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Ammonia catalized phenol formaldehyde resins, Murlin Charles Ehrgott, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Transesterification of alkyl borates, Garry Gustav Eichmann, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Activity coefficients of gases in binary mixtures, John Gressler Engleman, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The preparation of 3,4-diaminopyridine, Emil John Fencl, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The fatty acid alkanolamide reaction, Julius Galender, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Power requirements in pigment comminution, Joseph Timothy Gildersleeve, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Hydrolysis of sodium silicofluoride, Frank Arthur Graf, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Composting coffee waste, Lawrence James Hickey, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the partial oxidation of monosubstituted-p-xylenes, Frederick John Honold, May 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer coefficients of condensing vapors, Charles Rocco Lipuma and Earl Adolph Nirmaier, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The condensation of vapors from gas-vapor mixtures, Stanley Anthony Mruk and William Charles Kraemer, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The three phase system n-hexane - aniline - water, Charles S. Potosnak, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Thermodynamic properties of trimethylamine, John Bernard Riley, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Effect of concentration on the mass transfer coefficient in the liquid film, Marvin Baker Schaffer and Philip Major Pomerantz, June 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of the functional stability of sunscreen compounds, Jesse Howard Starkman, May 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Correlation of Curtis and Gullett equation for viscosity of non-Newtonian suspensions and Franks and Rinaldi equation for heat transfer coefficients, Irene S. Wisla and John L. Kukowski, May 1956
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1955
The recovery of krypton from dilute gas mixtures by elution techniques, David Graham Brown, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer coefficients for condensing vapors on a horizontal tube, Maurice Edward Brown, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Bis phenol epichlorohydrin condensate modification of alkyd resins, Raymond Francis Carmody, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The analogy between heat and mass transfer in packed beds, Jasper Joseph Correnti, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of reduced pressure on variables in distillation, Joseph Peter Cummins, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat capacity ratios calculated from the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation state, Edward George Delaney, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Investigation of 3-methyl-2-penten-4-yne-l-ol (cis form), Lawrence John Ferrari, May 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Intermediates for p-acetamidocinnamic ester synthesis, William Grayson Fix, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer characteristics of non-Newtonian suspensions, Foster C. Franks and Salvador Faust Rinaldi, May 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Graphical correlation of pressure drop and temperature drop to friction and velocity for adiabatic flow of compressible fluids, Andrew Anthony Giacobbe, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Application of theory to extrusion of polyethylene, Ernest Edward Griesser, May 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Viscosity of non-Newtonian suspensions, David Edward Gullett and Edward Curtis, May 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The sulfonation of some aromatic compounds using sulfuric acid in the presence of thionyl chloride, Paul Juergens, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The heat of mixing of diactone alcohol and water at 25 C, Frederic Miller Konrad, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Esters of sulfanilic and substituted Sulfanilic acids, Stephen James Kovalsky, May 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Continuous chlorosulfonation of benzene : I. Phase relations, Henry Benjamin Lange, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Vapor-liquid equilibrium data and distillation packing evaluation at high vacuum, Edward Joseph Lasch, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria, Daniel James McHale, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Prediction of liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data, William Frank Meola, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Variation of thickness of hard anodic films, Alphons Raymond O'Konski, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Evaluation of Benedict's equation for calculation of critical pressures of hydrocarbon mixtures, Thomas William Owens, January 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Correlation of crystal growth rates in supersaturated solutions, Josef Frank Palme, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The determination of thoria in tungsten electrodes, Louis Arthur Prince, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Power characteristics of disc type agitator impellers, Isadore Rubin, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Isobaric heat capacity of nitric oxide over a wide range of temperature and pressure, Leonard Leonard Salzarulo, April 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Isobaric heat capacity of propylene over a wide range of temperature and pressure, Joseph Patrick Tassoney, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A proposed method of analysis for vitamin A acetate and vitamin A palmitate bulk, Julian Anthony Volpe, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reduction of the sodium salt of 2-nitro-phenol-4-sulfonic acid with sodium sulfide and sodium polysulfide, Robert Leslie Waer, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Use of liquid sulfur trioxide as a sulfonating agent for organic compounds, Herman Gustav Weiland, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A generalized correlation for the effect of pressure on the isobaric heat capacity of gases, Alvin Harvey Weiss, June 1955
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1954
The recovery of elemental phosphorous from phosphorous-bearing sludges, Rajendra Nath Bery, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Design of fixed bed absorbers for drying gases, Roger Emery Bibaud, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer characteristics of non-Newtonian suspensions, Harold Binder, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The hydrolysis of alkyl borates, Phoebus Myron Christopher, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Linear growth rates of single copper sulfate crystals, Arthur Oswald Hansen, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The sulfonation of some aromatic compounds using sulfuric acid in the presence of thionyl chloride, Hugh Harold Harkins, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The sulphonation of N-Ethyl Benzyl Aniline, Charles N. Jirsa, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Viscosity determination during polymerization, Elmer David Jones, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The preparation of 2-aminophenol-4-sulfonic acid from sulfanilic acid, Edward Jacob Mach, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Recovery of glycerine, Theodore Richard Muller, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Investigation of the acid degradation of 2-(4-methoxybenzylamino)-pyridine, Anthony Thomas Oropollo, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of methods for predicting the change in azeotropic composition with pressure and with temperature, Adolf Joseph Pribush, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Jacket heat transfer coefficients in an agitated vessel, the paddle agitator, Herbert Palfrey Pursell, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat transfer characteristics of non-Newtonian suspensions, Robert Gregory Quinn and Irving Bauman, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Heat capacities of ethane over a wide range of temperature and pressure, Thomas Agens Reiter, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study of a synthesis of indole, Stephen Scala, May 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Graphical correlation of pressure drop in adiabatic flow of compressible fluids in pipes, Guy Edward Straub, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The reduction of aromatic nitro compounds with anhydrous stannous chloride, Raymond Albert Unnasch, June 1954
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1953
I. Certain azo dyes derived from 2-amino phenol-4-sulfonic acid; II. A study of the reduction rate of 2-nitro phenol-4-sulfonic acid, Albert Edward Cohen, June 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Nitration of derivatives of 2,5-dichlorobenzenesulfonic acid, William J. Conradi, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Calcium metal : laboratory preparation by vacuum metallurgy, George Robert Couch, June 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Adiabatic distillation of dilute formaldehyde solutions, Robert L. Craven, June 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Vapor-liquid equilibria, binary mixtures of methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and n-butyl alcohol with benzene, William Andrew Flynn, April 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The influence of agitation on a continuous counter-current liquid-liquid extraction column, William John Hartmann, June 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Preparation and spectra of m-nitrobenzoates and m-aminobenzoates, Peter Tikey Kapsamalis, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Ultrafiltration in the pigment field : a critical literature survey, Charles Walter Manger, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The development of executives, Joseph Ralph Messineo, May 1953
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Correlation of the number of theoretical plates vs. reflux ratio, George Ignatius Parisi, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Substituted ureas, Roy Earl Parks, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Isobaric heat capacity of ethylene over a wide range of temperature and pressure, Robert John Sibilia, April 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of surface tension upon the flow of fluids through packed beds, William Charles Streib, May 1953
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1952
Manual for quality control, Frank Andrew Antalec, May 1952
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Vapor phase catalytic air oxidation of P-cymene, Salvatore Joseph Finelli, June 1952
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Adherent electroplating on molybdenum, Robert Marius Hansen, May 1952
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Cost reduction through closer control of quality, Walter Robert Kuzmin, May 1952
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The synthesis of 2-aminophenol-4-sulfonic acid, Joseph Salvatore Milazzo, June 1952
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A study in emulsions, Edward Arthur Morse, May 1952
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Preparation and reduction of azo dyes from 2-amino phenol-4-sulfonic acid, Guy J. Walker, May 1952
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1951
The synthesis of 2-amino-4-chlorophenol-6 sulfonic acid, Herman Albert Bronner, June 1951
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Tetranitromethane and related compounds, Thomas James Tully, May 1951
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1950
Isobaric heat capacity of methane over a wide range of temperature and pressure, Edward W. Sledjeski, November 1950
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theses from 1949
Waterfront construction in New York Harbor, Carman William Garrison, June 1949
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1938
Organic ion-exchange materials, Harry Burrell, June 1938
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The incandescent lamp, E. F. Tenbroeke, June 1938
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Theses from 1934
The Rahway valley trunk sewer and its relations to, and effect upon the city of Rahway, Fred A. Hedeman, June 1934
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1932
Problems encountered in the development of an airport, A. H. Armstrong, June 1932
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Piles and pile driving, Robert W. Van Houten, June 1932
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Theses from 1928
Cuprous oxide rectification, Philip G. Cobb, May 1928
Electrical and Computer Engineering