Document Type


Date of Award

Winter 1-31-1994

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Constantine N. Manikopoulos

Second Advisor

Sergey Belikov

Third Advisor

Edwin Hou


National Research and Education Network(NREN) is a first step in the process of building a National Information Infrastructure(NII). NII will ultimately lead to Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network(B-ISDN), a network which will support global exchange of voice, data, images and video.

NREN will evolve out of present National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET), also known as Interim NREN. At present NSFNET operates at 45 MBits/sec. By 1996, there are plans to boost the data rate to 155 MBits/sec and to 620 MBits/sec by the turn of century.

In this thesis, present actual NSFNET is simulated using software simulation tool Networkll.5. The simulation is carried out for different Baud rates like 45 MBits/sec, 155 MBits/sec and 620 MBits/sec with increase in load or data rate traveling on the bus. The simulation helps in predicating the evolution and behavior of NREN.

Ultimately, NREN is modeled as transmitting healthcare information data and simulation is carried out for different Baud rates. In this model, NREN is transmitting both, the healthcare data for different types of services and other regular non-healthcare data.

Thus, research on National Research and Education Network evolution is carried out. The applications for such networks are expected to expand very rapidly, once these networks are available.



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