"A silicon knife design and fabrication" by Mingli Wang

Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 1995

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Robert Boris Marcus

Second Advisor

William N. Carr

Third Advisor

Durgamadhab Misra


In this thesis, the design and fabrication of a silicon knife is described. The device design is based on the principle of oxidation sharpening.

The knife is made from a silicon wafer and can be made to be any chosen length up to 150 mm. It was made with the same basic procedures used in semiconductor chip manufacturing. This type of processing/manufacturing results in a knife with a high degree of sharpness and smoothness compared with existing knife technology.

The knife fabrication plan combines IC processing, techniques including anisotropic and isotropic etching of silicon, plasma dry etching and chemical etching dry oxidation, and KOH etching.



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