"Study of the leaching of pentachlorophenol from treated utility poles" by Jingyi Zhang

Document Type


Date of Award

Winter 1-31-1994

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Science - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

Barbara B. Kebbekus

Second Advisor

S. Mitra

Third Advisor

Gerard F. McKenna


Pentachlorophenol ( PCP ) has been used as a preservative in wood industry over 40 years. If new regulations are passed, the disposal of used treated utility poles in landfills could be restricted because of the toxic properties of PCP. This study was undertaken to provide a better understanding of the rates and mechanisms of leaching of PCP from these poles.

Following the initial analytical method development for PCP determination, a study was done to apply and validate the method in a leaching characteristics study of PCP from Douglas Fir and Southern Pine.

The major factors which influence the leaching rate of PCP from wood were tested under laboratory conditions. The results show that pH is the most important among these factors. The leaching rate of PCP decreases linearly up to pH 5 then decreases in exponentially between pH 7 - pH 9. Increasing the temperature, volume or decreasing the ionic strength of leaching solution also increases the leaching rate of PCP from wood.



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