Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1997

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Nirwan Ansari

Second Advisor

Ali N. Akansu

Third Advisor

John D. Carpinelli


Most traffics over the existing ATM network are generated by applications running over TCP/IP protocol stack. In the near future, the success of ATM technology will depend largely on how well it supports the huge legacy of existing TCP/IP applications.

In this thesis, we study and compare the performance of TCP/IP traffic running on different rate based ABR flow control algorithms such as EFCI, ERICA and FMMRA by extensive simulations. Infinite source-end traffic behavior is chosen to represent, FTP application running on TCP/IP. Background VBR traffic with different ON-OFF frequency is introduced to produce transient network states as well as congestion. The simulations produce many insights on issues such as: ABR queue length in congested ATM switch, source-end ACR (Allowed Cell Rate), link utilization at congestion point, efficient end to end TCP throughput, the TCP congestion control window size, and the TCP round trip time. Based on the simulation results, zero cell loss switch buffer requirement of the three algorithms are compared, and the fairness of ABR bandwidth allocation among TCP connections are analyzed. The interaction between the TCP layer and the ATM layer flow and congestion control mechanism is analyzed. Our simulation results show that in order to get a good TCP throughput and affordable switch buffer requirement, some kind of switch queue length monitoring and control mechanism is necessary in the ABR. congestion algorithm.



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