Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science - (M.S.)


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

Murat Tanik

Second Advisor

Ali Hikmet Dogru

Third Advisor

Franz J. Kurfess

Fourth Advisor

Leon Jololian


The first step in any project is a statement of requirements. Requirements specification is an inevitable part of any successful project. However, the "rush" to convert concepts to products often proves as a big hindrance in the development process of any requirements set. This, in turn, hampers the ability to produce the concept and manage knowledge as originally envisioned.

The goal of the thesis is to foster understanding among the different communities affected by the development of the given system. The thesis is based on the principle that the requirements elicitation process for complex system is fundamentally a conversation among the stakeholders that is designers, customers and implementers. The web based tool developed for requirements elicitation allows the stakeholders to pool their respective expertise and viewpoints to resolve requirement issues. This leads to consensus building among the stakeholders and also provides with well-defined, clear, and concise requirements set. The requirements gathered by the tool can help determine the source, applicability, depth, and other factors needed for assessing and implementing integrated, and coherent, requirements set. It also helps the design team identify whether a specific requirement establishes a quantifiable threshold. Moreover, the tool uses the latest technologies of client server architecture, relational database and Internet. This make the tool efficient, portable, easy to debug. The three tier architecture of the tool also facilitates the ease in enhancement.

The thesis also emphasizes that research efforts should be directed towards methods and tools needed to improve requirements analysis process and in particular o those providing more support to the elicitation of requirements. A simple lesson that can be learnt is that no one person knows everything about what a system should do. There are always many participants in a successful requirement elicitation effort.



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