Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 10-31-1996

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Bernard Friedland

Second Advisor

Timothy Nam Chang

Third Advisor

N. M. Ravindra


In this thesis, the implementation details of a real time adaptive control system for a TI 3-zone RTP station, as well as the simulation and the experimental results are presented. Extensive simulation of the system is performed in order to ensure proper operation of the system. The experimental results are used to verify proper operation of the closed loop control system. Initial experiments were conducted using two thermocouples. Further experiments were conducted using one thermocouple for the purpose of testing the performance of the system using Extended Kalman Filter as the state estimator.

The implementation of the control system is carried out on an IBM compatible PC hosting a Transputer parallel -processing system. The motivation for utilizing the parallel processing system is to ensure future extensibility of the system. The eventual incorporation of a remote temperature sensing method such as Multi-Wavelength Imaging Pyrometer (M-WIP) will require great deal of computing power from the system. The implementation of the software for the system is also carried out with goal of providing ease of maintenance and extensibility. The implementation of graphical user environment also provides to the user point and click operation of the system as well as real time plotting capability.



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