"An investigation into artificial intelligence based generative compute" by William Tereshkovich

Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 1995

Degree Name

Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering - (M.S.)


Manufacturing Engineering Division

First Advisor

Steve Kotefski

Second Advisor

Samir B. Billatos

Third Advisor

Nouri Levy


The process planning function can be further optimized with the introduction of an intelligent software package such as an Artificial Intelligence based Generative Computer Process Planning System. An AI based CAPP system, also categorized as an expert system, provides the vital link between design and manufacture, a "bridge" of knowledge in the information chain of manufacturing engineering. With the increasing role of computers in the process planning function, planning has become easier, faster, and more efficient.

This thesis provides an explanation of the process planning function and how artificial intelligence will improve it. Topics in AI techniques and procedures, knowledge engineering, Computer Aided Design, and Group Technology (GT) are discussed. Utilizing the topics presented, a complete interactive software system is presented to illustrate the flexibility of an AI based CAPP system.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons



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