"Design, implementation, and evaluation of a shared-memory parellel pro" by Eric H. Staub

Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1999

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Sotirios Ziavras

Second Advisor

Sol Rosenstark

Third Advisor

Edwin Hou


As technology reaches its limits of improvements in microprocessor processing speeds, scientists and engineers have to find viable solutions to meet ever-increasing demands for faster processing speed. One such solution is parallel processing. No longer does one have to wait on sequential operations. A specific task can be split in sub-tasks that can run simultaneously, thus reducing the overall execution time of the task.

The design and implementation of these systems is crucial to the effectiveness of parallel systems. A dual-processor SMPPS was designed and implemented in order to demonstrate how multiple processors are a viable solution to increasing the speed of computer processing. Parallel algorithms were developed for this system and were used for performance analysis. The results show that SMPPS systems of a small scale can result in very significant increases in speed for problems characterized by fine-grain parallelism.



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