"Algorithms for the NJIT turbonet parallel computer" by Nitin J. Lad

Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1995

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Sotirios Ziavras

Second Advisor

John D. Carpinelli

Third Advisor

MengChu Zhou


Element selection for arrays, array merging, and sorting are very frequent operations in many of today's important applications. These operations are of interest to scientific, as well as other applications where high-speed database search, merge, and sort operations are necessary and frequent. Therefore, their efficient implementation on parallel computers should be a worthwhile objective. Parallel algorithms are presented in this thesis for the implementation of these operations on the NET TurboNet system, an in-house built experimental parallel computer with TMS320C40 Digital Signal Processors interconnected in a 3-D hypercube structure. The first algorithm considered is selection. It involves finding the k-th smallest element in an unsorted sequence of n elements, where 1≤k≤n. The second algorithm involves the merging of two sequences sorted in nondecreasing order to form a third sequence, also sorted in nondecreasing order. The third parallel algorithm is sorting. For a given unsorted sequence S of size n, we want to sort the sequence such that st'≤i+1' for all n elements. Performance results show that the robust structure of TurboNet results in significant speedups.



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