"Interactive and batch creation of OODB medical vocabularies" by Muhammad Arif

Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 10-31-1997

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Science - (M.S.)


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

Yehoshua Perl

Second Advisor

James Geller

Third Advisor

Michael Halper


Controlled vocabularies are becoming popular for knowledge representation and querying. They are particularly helpful in the medical field since they can unify disparate terminologies and provide information in a compact, comprehensible manner. In this thesis, we present a mechanism to create OODB controlled medical vocabularies from flat-file format. We also describe a tool by which a user can interactively create, edit and browse the vocabulary. For better understanding of the structure of the vocabulary we designed our interface as a graphical editor and browser. The user of this interface will typically be a medical expert who either wants to add new concepts to the vocabulary or create a new vocabulary from scratch. We first describe our approach for creating the vocabulary from an existing flat-file format by batch processing. We then present the software architecture and design of an interactive vocabulary creator (IVC).



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