Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-31-1996

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Policy Studies - (M.S.)


Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

Peter B. Lederman

Second Advisor

W. Patrick Beaton

Third Advisor

Bruce Kirchhoff


This study of the New Jersey Chemical Industry identifies the primary elements that lead to or inhibit company commitments to pollution prevention. A direct measure of facility pollution prevention commitment is developed that takes into account: organizational support attributes, past reductions achievements, current methods implementation, process reduction goals, and special environmental initiatives. The "P2 Commitment Index" allows for categorization of facilities so that the needs and interests of varying groups may be differentiated.

Higher level commitments are associated with: establishment of company pollution prevention policy, setting of prioritized facility goals, and measurement and reporting on pollution prevention progress. Facilities at above average commitment levels are motivated by a drive for improved quality, market competitiveness, and consumer demand for "green" products and investment opportunities. Firms of below average commitment are driven primarily by regulatory requirements and often lack the awareness of pollution prevention opportunities and techniques, needed to fully participate.



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