"A graphical tool for timed petri nets using object oriented programmin" by Baopu Liu

Document Type


Date of Award

Winter 1-31-1994

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Anthony D. Robbi

Second Advisor

MengChu Zhou

Third Advisor

David T. Wang


The objective of this effort is to develop a computer tool for drawing, editing and simulating Timed Petri Nets using object oriented programming. The developed C++ based Timed Petri Net Simulation Tool, TimedPNT, is capable of simulating discrete systems with both deterministic and stochastic delays. Preselection is used for conflict resolution. Performance and utilization results are automatically collected. XView™ Toolkit is used for building the TimedPNT's interactive graphical interface in compliance with AT&T's OPENLOOK® standard on a SunSparc™ IPX running SunOSTM 4.1.2. Compliance with the X Window standard makes the developed tool portable to other X Window based systems.



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