"Energy requirements for certified organic farms in New Jersey : a surv" by Cecilia Kelnhofer-Feeley

Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Policy Studies - (M.S.)


Humanities and Social Sciences

First Advisor

John Opie

Second Advisor

W. Patrick Beaton

Third Advisor

Norbert Elliot


The focus of this thesis is to document the fossil fuel and electrical energy consumption required to grow certified organic tomatoes in the State of New Jersey. First, in order to evaluate the energy requirement for agriculture, a literature review of energy changes during the twentieth century is discussed. Secondly, an in-depth look at energy requirements for all farming types is evaluated. Third, previous studies of the energy requirements in agriculture are examined; this includes both analyzing organic and conventional farming practices. A survey was generated from the information gathered. The survey was conducted via face-to-face interviews. When all the necessary data was gathered through the surveys, the results were codified and analyzed. The method used to analyze the data is statistical analysis concluding with a discussion of the results. After gathering, documenting, and codifying the information, conclusions were drawn from the analysis, including the lack of correlation between energy use and tomato yields for organic farmers. The conclusion leads to policy recommendations for farmers regarding both agricultural and environmental policies.



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