"Performance evaluation and sequence control of an automatedmanufacturi" by Vijaykumar D. Desai

Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1995

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

MengChu Zhou

Second Advisor

Anthony D. Robbi

Third Advisor

Marshall Chuan Yung Kuo


In an automated sequential manufacturing system Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) are widely used. As the control specification varies, the control software needs to be rewritten to accommodate the new specification. Since PLC has high flexibility, one can update the current system while it is running thereby making easier implementation. In order to design flexible, reusable and maintainable control software, a good modeling tool is required. Petri nets are such a tool. Which facilitates analysis of behavioral properties, performance evaluation, and systematic construction of discrete event simulators and controllers. In this thesis a system with one robot and five sequential work stations is used as an example of an automated system. To illustrate the Petri net method, performance and other properties of this system are evaluated. The PLC program is also developed for sequence control of the system.



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