Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Timothy Nam Chang

Second Advisor

Andrew Ulrich Meyer

Third Advisor

Edwin Hou


Robotic Controllers have for the major part been computer implementations of PID or similar controllers. In this thesis DSP based control of a Robotic Workcell is presented. The control algorithms used with the DSP based controller are Input Shaping and also State Feedback. Input Shaping is a Feed Forward strategy for eliminating vibration under certain conditions. In this thesis Input Shaping is applied to the performance enhancement of a linear robot system. Although feedback control strategies offer higher accuracy and are much more robust, feedforward strategies offer possibilities for improving the response time. Input Shaping is successfully applied to the robot system. In particular the Zero Vibration (ZV), Zero Vibration and Derivative (ZVD), Extra Insensitive (El), and Optimal shapers are examined. The performance of these shapers is examined, with the system parameters subject to change. The performance of the Shapers is compared to a State Controller, for small steps. Since the command shaping is dependent on the measurement of the system damping (ζ) and the natural frequency (ωn) , performance degradation is observed if these parameters change significantly. By suitable design, this degradation can be restricted, so that useful performance is obtained from the system.



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