Document Type


Date of Award

Summer 8-31-1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Chemistry - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

S. Mitra

Second Advisor

Barbara B. Kebbekus

Third Advisor

Carol A. Venanzi


VOCs are a class of aromatic and aliphatic compounds with a variety of functional groups, and are in general detrimental to human health even at trace levels. Conventional analysis of VOCs in groundwater usually involves sampling at site followed by laboratory analysis. This results in long turn around times, high cost and also errors associated with sample preservation during transportation and storage. In order to address these problems, a field portable instrument referred to as Pulse Introduction Membrane Extraction (PIME) has been developed for monitoring trace level halogenated organic contaminants in ground water. A membrane extraction approach has been used, to selectively extract and concentrate the organics from a complex aqueous matrix with no additional sample preparation, thereby attaining high sensitivity and low detection limits. Using a field portable gas chromatography, analysis of individual discrete as well as continuous on-line monitoring of VOCs in groundwater was performed at a Superfund site. The results of the field test demonstrated that the field-PIME could provide real-time, cost-effective data for site assessment and rapid decision-making. The results from field-PIME analysis were in good agreement with that from a certified reference laboratory. Statistical analysis of this comparative data is also presented.

Included in

Chemistry Commons



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