Document Type


Date of Award

Fall 1-31-1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Computer Engineering - (M.S.)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Sotirios Ziavras

Second Advisor

John D. Carpinelli

Third Advisor

Edwin Hou


PetaFLOPS computing power is the newest goal of Federal Government agencies, in the increasingly active supercomputer field. To obtain this performance goal by the year 2007, sophisticated parallel processing designs are required. To effectively create network interfaces/routers for interprocessor communications in such computer systems, it requires optimal hardware and software codesigns.

An interface is presented for the NJIT New Millennium Computing Point Design, a system that targets 100 TeraFLOPS performance by the year 2005. The router handles store-and-forward switching and wormhole routing for the system.



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