Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Saul I. Kreps

Second Advisor

Deran Hanesian

Third Advisor

Edward Charles Roche, Jr.


There are presently no calculational aids for the rapid computation of the Arrhenius parameters of the chemical reaction rate equations.

Two nomographs for solving the Arrhenius equation for the relative reaction rate constants at different temperatures, and for computing activation energies and frequency factors are presented. Several graphs and tables of the relative reaction rate constant as a function of activation energy and temperature are also presented.

The nomographs, graphs and tables can be used, singly or combined, in lieu of numerical calculation for the solution for Arrhenius parameters, or the computation of rate constants.

A computer program included in the paper may be modified to obtain many more sets of data than are presented here.



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