Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Deran Hanesian

Second Advisor

Hung T. Chen

Third Advisor

Jerome J. Salamone


The reaction kinetics for the synthesis of benzyl benzoate from benzyl chloride and the triethylamine salt of benzoic acid has been studied over the temperature range of 70-105°C and a mole ratio of benzyl chloride to triethylamine of 0.5 - 10.0.

A reaction mechanism which is consistent with the experimental data has been derived. The experimental data was analyzed by means of the integral method of analysis. The temperature dependency of the reaction was determined from Arrhenius' Law and the activation energy was calculated to be 15,064 cal/g-mole. An empirical equation which explains the effects of the reactant mole ratio was derived.

The reaction under study turned out to be a pseudo first order reaction dependent upon the concentration of benzyl chloride. The observed first order reaction rate constant is a function of the initial mole ratio of triethylamine to benzyl chloride. The reaction occurs mainly by the SN2 mechanism.

The reaction kinetics studies should provide a useful tool in the evaluation of benzyl benzoate manufacturing processes.



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