Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Saul I. Kreps

Second Advisor

John E. McCormick

Third Advisor

Dimitrios P. Tassios


Employing the correlation developed by Kemme (5), which is based on a hole model for a liquid, relating vapor pressures with corresponding liquid densities and the number of carbon atoms in a molecular chain for a homologous series, correlation coefficients were established using multi-linear regression analysis on available literature data. This correlation was newly applied to several straight chain homologous series including the n-acids, formate esters and n-alkyl benzenes.

A second correlation developed by Kemme (5) relating vapor pressure, internal heat of vaporization and the number of carbon atoms for a homologous series was employed to determine correlation coefficients for several series of normal straight chain hydrocarbons not considered by Kemme. This correlation was applied to the n-alcohols, n-alkyl-chlorides, n-acids, formate esters and n-alkyl benzenes. This correlation was also used to determine internal heats of vaporization at pressures above 760 mm. Hg. for the n-alkyl benzenes.

This correlation was also used to compare the energies of vaporization attributable to the various functional groups, independent of the rest of the molecule.



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