Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-31-1983

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - (M.S.)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Michael Pappas

Second Advisor

Harry Herman

Third Advisor

Bernard Koplik


Femoral component loosening and Prosthetic stem fractures have renewed interest in conservative alternatives to conventional total hip replacements. One such alternative is the concept of surface replacement. The objective in this study is a finite element analysis of a femoral surface replacement cup with Particular attention given to the interfacial stresses. An axisymmetric model with a grid of two-dimensional isoparametric elements is generated. This study utilizes an adaptive model so as to include the effect of bone remodeling in response to stress. The stiffness is considered to be linearly proportional to the stress in the femoral head and neck. Isotropic properties are chosen. The stresses are determined by performing iterative finite element analyses based upon an appropriate variation of the stiffness property in each analysis until the results obtained are within the convergence limit. Plots of stress contours in the femoral head are obtained for the loads acting on the joint during walking.



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