Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

James A. Bradley


The reactions between urea and the primary alkyl bromides from 1-bromobutane to 1-bromooctane were investigated. The effect of concentration, temperature, and solvents on the yield was determined. Second order reaction rate constants at temperature of 80°, 100°, and 132°C were calculated from the data for yield. The yield is defined as the percent of bromine from the alkyl bromide titrated as bromide ion.

The results indicate that the reactions of the primary alkyl bromides with urea are similar; the reaction being of the second order and the ex. tent of reaction being approximately the same for each alkyl bromide for corresponding reaction conditions.

At a temperature of 132°C, yields of approximately 90% or greater are obtainable for reaction periods of two hours or more.

Further chemical and kinetic investigation is required in order to define the mechanism of reaction with greater certainty.



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