Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Hung T. Chen

Second Advisor

John E. McCormick

Third Advisor

Ernest N. Bart


An experimental and theoretical study has been done of Non-Equilibrium parametric pumps. Mathematical models and computer programmes are developed for both thermal and heatless parametric pumps based on non-equilibrium conditions and linear isotherms. A mathematical study was done for thermal parametric pumps whereas both experimental and theoretical studies were made for a heatless parametric pump. The effect of different operating conditions has been investigated on the separation of NaCl-H2O via a thermal parametric pump and He-CO2 and He-C3H6 gas mixtures via a heatless parametric pump.

The experimental study of heatless parametric pumps was extended to the separation of ternary gas mixtures. The effect of different operating conditions on the separation has been emphasized. The results based on binary gas model have been compared with ternary experimental results.

The mathematical study of thermal parametric pumps shows that separation of mixtures may be predicted. It also helps in predicting the effect of different operating conditions, such as 0B, half cycle time. Thus, mathematically optimum conditions can be found to attain a definite separation.

Similarly, a study of heatless parametric pumps shows that separation of gaseous mixtures is possible by this technique. The experimental studies shows that this technique is not only limited to binary mixtures but can be sucessfully applied to the multicomponent mixtures. The mathematically calculated results show the same effect as observed experimentally.



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