Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Richard G. Griskey

Second Advisor

Dimitrios P. Tassios

Third Advisor

Ching-Rong Huang


Two separate studies have been done in the present work: one to study the entrance effects in flow in molten polymer systems and the other to investigate the heat transfer to thermally softened flowing polymer.

The equipment for the entrance effect was designed to study the isothermal flow behavior of a polymer melt in the entrance region. The main object of this investigation was to find the entrance length for the melt to relax and to separate the pressure drop into viscous and elastic effect. Due to the failure in developing a proper pressure measuring device the experiment was not conclusive.

In addition to the entrance flow study the heat transfer to thermally softened flowing polymer was studied: A depression in temperature in the central region of the tube and a peak in temperature near the wall when heating the flowing polymer was observed. When cooling the polymer melt the effect of viscous dissipation was greatly reduced due to the alteration of the velocity profile heat transfer to the cold wall.

In general aspects the results of heat transfer study were in good agreement with the previous theoretical and experimental works.



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