Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Environmental Science - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Environmental Science

First Advisor

Barbara B. Kebbekus

Second Advisor

Arthur Greenberg


A fast and reliable method for the determination of non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) in ambient air has been developed. Samples are collected in SUMMA polished stainless steel canisters using a sampling system with a critical orifice as flowrate controller. Analysis of NMOC in the atmosphere via a canister is carried out by cryogenic preconcentration and a direct flame ionization detection method (PDFID). This system is sensitive and provides accurate measurement of ambient NMOC concentration even if the concentration is as low as 0.1 ppm carbon. The performance of the method was characterized using 19 pairs of canister samples and tested by statistical analysis.



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