Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-31-1977

Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Science- (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Barbara B. Kebbekus

Second Advisor

William H. Snyder

Third Advisor

George Y. Lei


The purpose of this investigation was to study the combustion products of KYNOL and NOMEX as a fire retardant fibers. From the quantitative analysis data of the combustion products, the polymer structure is discussed and the property of thermal stability is explained.

From the analysis of the combustion products, the toxicity indices for the two fibers are determined. It is found to be 0.1 for KYNOL and 0.71 for NOMEX. This can be interpreted to mean that, if one gram of MIDI, is decomposed and the combustion products were diffused in one cubic meter of air, the probability of dying for a man in that space after 30 minutes exposure is only 10 %, while that of NOMEX is 71 %.



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