Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

First Advisor

Jerome J. Salamone

Second Advisor

Deran Hanesian

Third Advisor

Angelo J. Perna


A study was made of the absorption of hydrogen chloride from air mixtures containing from 1 to 40 mgm. HCl/liter (1000 to 40000 mgm./m.3), using a.4" diameter tower packed with 2" Intalox saddles, irrigated with water or with sodium hydroxide solutions of 0.3% to 3.8% concen?tration. Gas flow rates of 177 to 752 lbs./(hr.)(ft.2) were investigated at three liquid rates: 2960 ; 4260, and 5700 lbs./(hr/)(ft.2). All data were collected below the flooding point.

Correlations of the height of a transfer unit with the superficial gas velocity were prepared for water and for sodium hydroxide irrigation, and a relationship was presented for the over-all coefficient of mass transfer to the ratio of sodium hydroxide normality and pressure. Height of a transfer unit is approximately 0.5 foot for a superficial gas velocity of 500 lbs./(hr.)(ft.2) for both water and sodium hydroxide as absorbing liquid.



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