Content Posted in 2024
PHIL 334-453-455-457: Engineering Ethics, Amber George
PHIL 334-454, 456, 458, 460: Engineering Ethics, Amber George
PHIL 334-H02: Engineering Ethics - Honors, Britt Holbrook
PHIL 337-001: World Religions, Charles Brooks
PHIL 337-002: World Religions, Charles Brooks
PHIL 351-451-453: Biomedical Ethics, Andrew Deek
PHIL 351-452, 454, 456: Biomedical Ethics, Andrew Deek
Phosphate removal from sewage using a combination of ferric chloride and a polymeric flocculant, Ravindra C. Patel
Photo-induced electrochemical etching of InP semiconductor in a thin film cell, Bungsu Iskandar
PHYS 102 - 002: General Physics I Lecture, Keun Ahn
PHYS 102 - 004: General Physics I Lecture, Keun Ahn
PHYS 102 - 006: General Physics I Lecture, Steve Kane
PHYS 102 - 008: General Physics I Lecture, Steve Kane
PHYS 102 - 011: General Physics I Lecture, Keun Ahn
PHYS 102 - 102: General Physics I Lecture, Ravindra Nuggehalli
PHYS 102A - 011: Physics I Lab, Keun Ahn
PHYS 102A - All: Physics I Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 102A - All: Physics I Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 102 - All: General Physics I Lecture, Physics Department
PHYS 103 - 002: General Physics II Lecture, Halina Opyrchal
PHYS 103 - 004: General Physics II Lecture, Halina Opyrchal
PHYS 103 - 021: General Physics II Lecture, Matthew Cooper
PHYS 103 - 102: General Physics II Lecture, Andrei Sirenko
PHYS 103A - All: Physics II Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 103A - All: Physics II Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 103 - All: General Physics II Lecture, Physics Department
PHYS 111 - 002: Physics I Lecture, Roland Levy
PHYS 111 - 004: Physics I Lecture, Roland Levy
PHYS 111 - 006: Physics I Lecture, Steve Kane
PHYS 111 - 008: Physics I Lecture, Steve Kane
PHYS 111 - 010: Physics I Lecture, Jan Opyrchal
PHYS 111 - 011: Physics I Lecture, Oktay Gokce
PHYS 111 - 012: Physics I Lecture, Matthew Cooper
PHYS 111 - 014: Physics I Lecture, Wenda Cao
PHYS 111 - 016: Physics I Lecture, Matthew Cooper
PHYS 111 - 018: Physics I Lecture, Matthew Cooper
PHYS 111 - 020: Physics I Lecture, Steve Kane
PHYS 111 - 022: Physics I Lecture, Jan Opyrchal
PHYS 111 - 102: Physics I Lecture, Samar Azizighannad
PHYS 111 - 104: Physics I Lecture, Andrei Sirenko
PHYS 111 - 106: Physics I Lecture, Cristiano Dias
PHYS 111 - 111: Physics I Lecture, Esmeralda Vataj
PHYS 111A - 011: Physics I Lab, Esmeralda Vataj
PHYS 111A - All: Physics I Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 111A - All: Physics I Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 111 - All: Physics I Lecture, Physics Department
PHYS 121 - 002: Physics II Lecture, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - 004: Physics II Lecture, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - 006: Physics II Lecture, Vitaly Shneidman
PHYS 121 - 008: Physics II Lecture, Vitaly Shneidman
PHYS 121 - 012: Physics II Lecture, Oktay Gokce
PHYS 121 - 014: Physics II Lecture, Oktay Gokce
PHYS 121 - 016: Physics II Lecture, Oktay Gokce
PHYS 121 - 018: Physics II Lecture, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - 020: Physics II Lecture, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - 021: Physics II Lab, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - 022: Physics II Lecture, Oktay Gokce
PHYS 121 - 024: Physics II Lecture, Ion Cohanoschi
PHYS 121 - 026: Physics II Lecture, Ion Cohanoschi
PHYS 121 - 028: Physics II Lecture, Changshi Zhou
PHYS 121 - 030: Physics II Lecture, Changshi Zhou
PHYS 121 - 102: Physics II Lecture, Changshi Zhou
PHYS 121 - 104: Physics II Lecture, John Stefan
PHYS 121 - 112: Physics II Lecture, Changshi Zhou
PHYS 121A - 027 & 029: Physics II Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 121A - All Except 027 & 029: Physics II Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 121A - All: Physics II Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 121A - All: Physics II Lab, Hussein Hijazi
PHYS 121 - All: Physics II Lecture, Physics Department
PHYS 121 - H02: Physics II Lecture, Vitaly Shneidman
PHYS 121 - H04: Physics II Lecture, Vitaly Shneidman
PHYS 122 - 002: Electricity & Magnetism ECE Appl., Lindsay Goodwin
PHYS 122 - 004: Electricity & Magnetism ECE Appl., Lindsay Goodwin
PHYS 122 - All: Electricity and Magnetism, Physics Department
PHYS 202 - 001: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Gatley
PHYS 202 - 002: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, Ian Gatley
PHYS 202 - 003: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, George Georgiou
PHYS 202 - 005: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, George Georgiou
PHYS 202 - 103: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, Alexander Kosovichev
PHYS 202 - 105: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, Matthew Cooper
PHYS 202 - 106: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology, George Georgiou
PHYS 202A - All: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 202A - All: Introductory Astronomy and Cosmology Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 203 - 007: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 008: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 009: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 010: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 101: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 102: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203 - 202: The Earth In Space, George Georgiou
PHYS 203A - All: The Earth in Space Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 203A - All: The Earth in Space Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 231A - All: Physics III Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 231A - All: Physics III Lab, Physics Department
PHYS 234 - 001: Physics III Lecture, Andres Jerez
PHYS 234 - 003: Physics III Lecture, Andres Jerez
PHYS 234 - 101: Physics III Lecture, Andres Jerez
PHYS 234 - 102: Physics III Lecture, Andres Jerez
PHYS 234 - HM1: Physics III Lecture, Andres Jerez
PHYS 321 - 001: Astronomy and Astrophysics II, Bin Chen
PHYS 322 - 102: Observational Astronomy, Hyomin Kim
PHYS 418 - 002: Fundamentals of Optical Imaging, Tao Zhou
PHYS 430 - 001: Classical Mechanics I, Andres Jerez
PHYS 432 - 001: Electromagnetism I, Gareth Perry
PHYS 433 - 002: Electromagnetism II, Gareth Perry
PHYS 444 - 002: Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, Satoshi Inoue
PHYS 450 - 002: Advanced Physics Lab, Hyomin Kim
PHYS 611 - 101: Advanced Classical Mechanics, Tao Zhou
PHYS 621 - 101: Classical Electrodynamics, Satoshi Inoue
PHYS 641 - 102: Statistical Mechanics, Junjie Yang
PHYS 721 - 002: Electromagnetics II, Andres Jerez
PHYS 731 - 001: Quantum Mechanics II, Tao Zhou
PHYS 747 - 001: Introduction to Helioseismology, Alexander Kosovichev
PHYS 780 - 001: Magnetosphere Physics, Lindsay Goodwin
Physical and Chemical Changes Lesson Plan, Admin STEM for Success
Physical and electrical properties of the manganin-type alloys, Wallace William MacIntosh
Planning of optimal transit system design, Yongning Liu
Plant-derived extracellular matrix mimetic scaffolds for bone repair applications, Jessica Cardenas Turner
Plant Maze, Admin STEM for Success
Platonic Solids Activity Plan, Admin STEM for Success
Point pattern matching by a genetic algroithm, Minghwang Chen
Popcorn and Financial Literacy, Admin STEM for Success
Position recovery and motion analysis from stereo image sequences, Yuxin Xie
Power characteristics of disc type agitator impellers, Isadore Rubin
Power requirements in pigment comminution, Joseph Timothy Gildersleeve
Prediction of extruder performance for thermoplastic materials, Aldo Bergonzoni
Prediction of liquid-liquid phase equilibrium data, William Frank Meola
Prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria, Daniel James McHale
Presentación “Cine y Juegos de Rol” por el Dr. Edgar Meritano, Edgar Meritano and Cristo Leon
Presentación: Investigación Científica más Allá de un Único Método, Cristo Leon
Prestressed concrete columns under bending and axial load, Ajit Chiplunkar
Private information retrieval and function computation for noncolluding coded databases, Sarah A. Obead
Productivity through people : the Hewlett-Packard way, Charles Serwedes
Progressive transmission of images using pyramidal structure, Chin-Hua Hsu
PSY 201-001: Orientation to Psychology as a Behavioral Science, Julia Hyland-Bruno
PSY 210-001-003-017-019: Introduction to Psychology, Kaitlin Cohen
PSY 210-002: Introduction to Psychology, Katherine Fenton
PSY 210-004: Introduction to Psychology, Derek Levine
PSY 210-005-105: Introduction to Psychology, Jessyka Venchkoski
PSY 210-006: Introduction to Psychology, John Wolf
PSY 210-007: Introduction to Psychology, Kelly Conover
PSY 210-008, 102: Introduction to Psychology, Jessyka Venchkoski
PSY 210-009: Introduction to Psychology, John Wolf
PSY 210-010, 102: Introduction to Psychology, Julia Hyland Bruno
PSY 210-011-013-015-H01: Introduction to Psychology, Laura Dickerman
PSY 210-021-023: Introduction to Psychology, Andreea DiLorenzo
PSY 210-101-103: Introduction to Psychology, Aruba Anjum
PSY 210-106, 108: Introduction to Psychology, Aruba Anjum
PSY 210-107: Introduction to Psychology, Yelda Semizer-Kaplan
PSY 210-109: Introduction to Psychology, Nicholas Jones
PSY 215-002: Biology of Behavior, Julia Hyland Bruno
PSY 304-001: Social Science Research Methods I, Theresa Hunt
PSY 304A-001: ocial Science Research Methods I Lab, Theresa Hunt
PSY 321-001: Social Psychology, Jessyka Venchkoski
PSY 325-001: User Experience in the Humanities, Eugene Snyder
PSY 333-102: Principles of Psychometrics, Bora Meraj
PSY 339-001-H01: Psychology of Diversity, Narendra-Neel Khichi
PSY 359-001-HM1: Foundations of Cyberpsychology, John Wolf
PSY 359-452: Foundations of Cyberpsychology, Laura Pople
PSY 361-002: Foundations of Cyberpsychology II, John Wolf
PSY 389-001: Psychopathology, Jessyka Venchkoski
PSY 389-102: Psychopathology, Nicholas Jones
PTC 660-851: Medical Ethics, Andrew Deek
Pumpkin Tower Activity, Admin STEM for Success
P-V-T properties of hydrogen and mixtures containing hydrogen (with a generalized B-W-R equation of state), Arnold Brief
Questioning Reality: The Progressive Development of Modern Physics, Joshua Lancman
Questioning Reality: The Progressive Development of Modern Physics, Joshua Lancman
Radiation from the cylindrical dielectric taper, Tor-Odd Hoydal
Ramps and Toy Cars Activity Plan, Admin STEM for Success, Emma Hamza, and Natalie Wilson
Recovering surface structure using direct method, Zhu Ying
Recovering untold stories: Everyday lives of women in republican Istanbul, 1930-1960, Zehra Betul Atasoy
Recovery of phthalic acid, George Thomas Roberts
Recursive system identification using least squares method, Gholamreza Ghorbani Moghadam
Red blood cell deformability testing by using a rheological method, Zhenglei Ma
Reliability of titanium dioxide capacitors, Md. Badrul Hasan
Reliability prediction of vulcanized fibre using electrical noise as a screening parameter, George A. Donos
Removal of contaminants from clay soils by thermal desorption, Wen-Ming Mao
Removal of nitric oxide from flue gas with ferrous cysteine solutions, Chun-Chiao Chou
Repeated low-level blast induces chronic neuroinflammation and neurobehavioral changes in rat models, Arun Reddy Ravula
Representation of graphical deep knowledge in an object-oriented database system, Prasanna S. Venkatesh
Representing tolerances in a geometric modeller, Chih-Tsung Huang
Research Experiences for Students at NJIT & NSF April 2024, Cristo Leon
Reserve price optimization in display advertising, Achir Kalra
Response characteristics of inelastic single degree of freedom systems subjected to intraplate earthquakes, Linda C. Jones
Rheology of asbestos filled polystyrene, Richard Henry Young
Rigid, unplasticized, polyvinyl chloride piping : an engineering material study, James Patrick Kelleher
Robotic arms with flexible links as the links approach rigidity, George A. Downes
Robotic safety utilizing a safety engineering approach, Brian Gallagher
Rubber Band Car Activity, Admin STEM for Success and Natalie Wilson
Rule-based module and object-oriented design for optical character recognition, Min Gao
Safety guidelines for occupational hazards to the reproductive system, Laverne Raquel Ogieste
Sally Ride, Admin STEM for Success
Scalable scientific data management on high-performance computing systems, Zhenbo Qiao
Searching for orthogonal states of neural networks, Heng Wang
Self-efficacy and motivation : an unexplored relationship, Elizabeth Angela Dixon
Self-heating of wood fiber, Kenneth Norman Smith
Semantic, integrated keyword search over structured and loosely structured databases, Xinge Lu
Semiconductor pressure sensor and amplifier with extended temperature range, Abhay Mahadeo Joshi
Sensing with integrity: responsible sensor systems in an era of ai, David Eisenberg
Separation of mononitrotoluenes by clathration, Eugene Ivashkiv
Simulation and off-line programming of robotic workcells, Krishnaprasad V. Kamisetty
Simulation based modeling and scheduling of a generalized flow- line, Srinivas Anne
Sleigh Race Project, Admin STEM for Success
Slime Lesson Plans, Admin STEM for Success
Slotted ALOHA protocol for packet transmission via satellite link : throughput performance of continuous transmission packet, Solon Karashialis
Small business management : a case study in Taiwan, Lilly Chin
Small disturbance stability as affected by excitation controls, Alfredo Flores
Snow Globe Demonstration of Solutions, Admin STEM for Success
Solar Oven Tutorial, Admin STEM for Success
Solidification/stabilization of chromium contaminated soil using cement and fly ash, Arunkumar Sripathi
Some aspects of integration of classification, computer aided design, process planning, and scheduling of flexible manufacturing systems, Suresh Godavari
Stability and durability of large aggregate asphalt concrete, Rais A. Khan
Stability of hot mix asphalt with petroleum contaminated soils, De-rong Lobo Huang
STEM for Success Starter Kit, Admin STEM for Success
STEM-IS Flyer, Anna T. Falcone and Swara Agarwal
Storm in a Glass Lesson Plan, Admin STEM for Success
Strawberry nectar preservation through innovative techniques and energy evaluation for high-pressure processing, Caterina Scaioli
Strength and fragility of concrete, Kang-Qun Shao
STS 201-001-003-005: Understanding Technological Society, Miran Bozicevic
STS 201-002, 004, 008: Understanding Technological Society, Kathleen Pullum
STS 201-006: Understanding Technological Society, Miran Boziecevic
STS 201-007: Understanding Technological Society, Teresa Keeler
STS 201-009-011-101: Understanding Technological Society, Laura Stanik
STS 201-013: Understanding Technological Society, Renan Goncalves-Leonel-da-Silva
STS 201-015: Understanding Technological Society, Tyler Leli
STS 201-017: Understanding Technological Society, Kathleen Pullum
STS 201-102: Understanding Technological Society, Pedro DeLaTorre
STS 205-001: Intro to Research Methods, Regina Collins
STS 205-002: Introduction to Research Methods, Regina Collins
STS 205-H01: Intro to Research Methods, Emily Tancredi-Brice-Agbenyega
STS 205-H02: Introduction to Research Methods, Theresa Hunt
STS 221-001: Introduction to Sociology, Gareth Edel
STS 221-002: Introduction to Sociology, Sarah Reibstein
STS 221-003: Introduction to Sociology, Lauren Manley
STS 221-004, 006: Introduction to Sociology, Gareth Edel
STS 221-H02: Introduction to Sociology - Honors, Sarah Reibstein
STS 230-001: Intro to Anthropology, Charles Brooks
STS 230-002: Introduction to Anthropology, Charles Brooks
STS 307-002, H02: Quantitative Research Methods, Yelda Semizer
STS 307A-002: Quantitative Research Methods Lab, Yelda Semizer
STS 308-001-HM1: Globalization, Theresa Hunt
STS 310-002, HM2: Technology and Human Values, Gareth Edel
STS 325-001: ST: Music and Revolution, Adam See
STS 325-002: Music and Revolution, Adam See
STS 325-003: ST: The Future of the Music Business, David Rothenburg
STS 325-004: Songwriting: Writing & Producing Music, Laura Montanari
STS 325-005: ST: Global Politics, Kathleen Pullum
STS 325-H01: ST: Medical Sociology: Pathology and Deviance, Gareth Edel
STS 342-101-HM1: Gender, Technology, and Society, Nancy Steffen-Fluhr
STS 347-002: Music and Society, Briggan Krauss
STS 351-002, HM2: Minds and Machines, Daniel Estrada
STS 352-101: Race and Ethnicity, Laura Dickerman
STS 352-102: Race and Ethnicity, Laura Dickerman
STS 360-001: Ethics and the Environment, Adam See
STS 360-002: Ethics and the Environment, Adam See
STS 363-101-HM1: Sustainability Studies, Maurie Cohen
STS 364-102, HM2: Sustainability Policy & Practice, Maurie Cohen
Studies of electrical properties of SiO2 /InP system, Milind S. Patel
Study and characterization of InGaAs photodiode and photodiode arrays, Krishna R. Linga
Studying the mechanical response of outer hair cells to electric pulses using image sensors, Wayel F. Mutlag
Study of a non-contact gaging system of inspection, Gordhanbhai Ketan Patel
Study of system dynamics in a primitive identification/counter model, Zofia Monczka
Successor employers' obligations under the National Labor Relations Act, Ting-Wang Lu
Sugar Water Density Activity, Admin STEM for Success
Sustainable and cost-effective work zone scheduling on two-lane highways with managed lanes, Ahmed Z. Edrees
Synthesis and characterization of boron nitride masks for x-ray lithography, Venkat Paturi
Synthesis and characterization of LPCVD silicon carbide thin films for x-ray lithography, Mahalingam Bhaskaran
Synthesis and characterization of silicon nitride film deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from ditertiary-butyl silane, Kei-Turng Shih
Taiwan's economic development, Liwen Chang
Targeted drug delivery: investigating protein corona behavior, Atharva Markale
Teaching mechanical design using the axiomatic approach, Lisa E. Hailey
Temperature regulation post hemorrhagic shock in rats : atheoretical analysis, Kahambwe Shungu
Temperature scale-up on rotating biological contactor nitrification system, KuanChun Lee
The accreditation of professional-technician occupations, Michael William Allgaier
The applicability of parametric inverse scattering for optical waveguides with imperfect boundaries, Hyoung Jin Choi
The application of feedback and control system theory to organizational modeling, Thomas Miklos Tamas
The application of microwave technology to the remediation of non- volatile organic-contaminated soil, Huiping Gu
The bandwidth allocation of ATM control by neural networks, Jin-Syan Chou
The bandwidth allocation of ATM through genetic algorithm, Hong Pan
The chemistry of azides, Edward D. Nelson
The condensation of vapors from gas - vapor mixtures, Lewis George King and Walter Andrew Blumenscheid
The condensation of vapors from gas-vapor mixtures, Stanley Anthony Mruk and William Charles Kraemer
The corrosiveness of phenols, Edgar George Kaup
The design and fabrication of a cell to measure the thermal conductivity of viscous fluids, Donald William Hagedorn
The design and implementation of an information system for a consumer product company distribution center, Richard C. Gilormo
The design and testing of a personal computer controlled scanning acoustic microscope for orthopaedic surgical applications, Hubert Heinrich Berndt
The determination of thoria in tungsten electrodes, Louis Arthur Prince
The dewaterability of anaerobically-digested sludges, Hui-Ching Lee
The effectiveness of computer-based training on management skills development, Donna Lisa Leonard
The Effectiveness of Using Near-Peer Role Models and Mentoring: A Phenomenological Reflection on STEM for Success, Bruce G. Bukiet, Cristo Leon, and James Lipuma
The effect of flow rate and L/D ratio on the frequency response of water fluidized beds, Arnold Ludke
The effect of organic and inorganic salt on the relative volatility of non-aqueous systems, Glenn W. Lindberg
The effect of polymerization variables on reaction rate and intrinsic viscosity, David H. Smith
The effect of reaction block configuration on unit pressure in rubber forming, James Everett Gilmer
The effects of blue light from digital displays on visual fatigue, Victor Taboadela
The effects of degraded indoor air quality on employees working in high rise office buildings, Richard Patrick Luongo
The electrical and optical properties of organic semiconductors. Part 1 : Preliminary survey and purification techniques, Bohdan Robert Czorny
The fatty acid alkanolamide reaction, Julius Galender
The impact of conversion on the durability of calcium aluminate cement concrete systems, Marwa Mohsen Korayem
The impact of material and environmental properties on the ettringite - metaettringite thermochemical reaction, Aaron Strand
The investigation of frequency response and stability of a heat exchanger under condensate control, Louis F. Fornoff
The kinetics of a heterogeneous system, Francisco H. Fernandez-Ortega and Gonzalo D. Milian
The legal status of strikers and replacement workers, Chun-Shu Su
The legal studies of women employees, Yi-Ling Lin
The Magic Ratio of Circles, Admin STEM for Success
The neural network based control system for dynamic channel allocation in PCN communications, Ching-Yao Huang
The next strike: Pioneering forward-thinking attack techniques with rowhammer in dram technologies, Nakul Kochar
The nitration of 2, 5-dichlorobenzenesulfonic acid, Sanford Monroe Krusch
The optimization of a catalytic methanol reactor, Peter Wrampe
The optimization of a catalytic methanol reactor using quench feed, John Paul McBurney
Theoretical analysis of universal joint with manufacturing and assembly tolerances, Xiaosong Liu
The oxidation of sulfur dioxide in a regenerative reactor, Raymond Henry Edgecomb
The performance of training pattern sets in a new ART-based neural architecture for image enhancement, Fu-Chun Chang
The potential for automated insect classification using infrared remote sensing, Rachel Deahl
The preparation of 3,4-diaminopyridine, Emil John Fencl
The rate of vibrational segregation in particulate materials, Yidan Lan
The rates of hydrolysis of aryl halides, Jack Robert Roeder
The reaction of cyclic acetals with N-halo compounds, Nicholas Hrinkevich
The reduction of the sodium salt of 2-nitro-phenol-4-sulfonic acid with sodium sulfide and sodium polysulfide, Robert Leslie Waer
The relation of heat transfer to power consumption of liquids in turbulent flow, John D. Bien
Thermal conductivity of mixtures, Paul Joseph Orosz
Thermal decomposition of dichloromethane in hydrogen/oxygen/argon mixtures and in pure oxygen, Wen-Pin Ho
Thermal desorption of contaminated soils, Hsi-Ming Sung
Thermal desorption of contaminated soils, Chengdi Dong
Thermal desorption of hazardous and toxic organic compounds from soil matrices, Sarah Calandra
Thermal desorption of organic contaminant from sand using a continuous feed rotary kiln, Hsien-Tsung Chern
Thermodynamic properties of 3-methylpentane, Raymond Ralph Bernabei
Thermodynamic properties of monochlorobenzene, Gaetano Zaccaria
Thermodynamic properties of pentene-1, Byron Millard Cody
Thermodynamic properties of trimethylamine, John Bernard Riley
The role of African women in informal industry : a case study, Ayorkor Eulalie DeGanus
The role of microorganisms in rare earth elements bioaccumulation, Maedeh Soleimanifar
The role of multinational corporations in Nigeria : a case study, Eteng Bassey Eno
The role of semaphorins in response to injury in C. elegans neurons, Maria Belen Harreguy Alfonso
The Science of Baking Bread, Admin STEM for Success
The strength of cement bentonite in containment structures, Liong Tin So
The thermal conductivity and other properties of carbonaceous briquettes, Alfred Seymour Bien and Oliver Phillips
The thermal conductivity with vapor pressure for n-paraffin hydrocarbons, Jacob Tolsma
The three phase system n-hexane - aniline - water, Charles S. Potosnak
The use of self-managed teams in service industries, Henry F. De Mena
Thin layer ionophoresis of sugars, Joseph Gilbert Vrindten
Three dimensional finite element analysis of a tibial ankle prosthesis, Harrison Philip Crowell III
Three-dimensional stress analysis of the femoral midshaft utilizing computed tomography and finite element analysis, Peter F. Marion
Three dimensional visualisation of TMJ anatomy using MRI techniques, Mythreyi T. Krishnaswamy
THTR 101-001: Living Theatre, Emily Edwards
THTR 101-002: Living Theatre, Emily Edwards
THTR 102-001: Acting Fundamentals, Courtney Self
THTR 212-001: From Page to Stage, Emily Edwards
THTR 212-002: From Page To Stage, Courtney Self
THTR 213-001: Directing I, Emily Edwards
THTR 216-001: Improvisational Theater, Short-Form, Louis Kornfeld
THTR 217-002: Improvisational Theater, Long-Form, Louis Kornfeld
THTR 220-001: Wind Ensemble, Nicholas Santoro
THTR 257-001: Stage Management, Rodney Reyes
THTR 258-001: Stagecraft I, Jonathan Zencheck
THTR 310-001: Theatre History I, Emily Edwards
THTR 315-002: Theatre History II, Emily Edwards
THTR 365-001: Principles of Playwriting, Diana Lobontiu
THTR 365-002: Principles of Playwriting, Diana Lobontiu
THTR 411-002: Directing for the Camera, Rodeney Reyes
Tie Dye Activity Plans, Admin STEM for Success
TiSi2/n+/p silicon junction formation by ion implantation through metal technique, Ying Wu
Tomatosphere, Admin STEM for Success
Towards a cross-layer coupled design framework for big data workflows, Qianwen Ye
Towards ensuring integrity and authenticity of software repositories, Sangat Vaidya
Towards practical homomorphic encryption and efficient implementation, Gyana R. Sahu
Towards quality by design (QbD) of pharmaceutical oral films loaded with poorly watersoluble drugs, Eylul Cetindag
Towards understanding the role of central processing in release from masking, Nima Alamatsaz
TRAN 610 - 101: TRANSPORT ECONOMICS, Branislav Dimitrijevic
TRAN 615 - 851, 853: TRAFFIC STUD & CAPAC ANALYSIS, Dejan Besenski
TRAN 625 - 852, 854: PUB TRAN OPERATNS & TECH, I Jy Chien
TRAN 650 - 851, 853: URBAN SYSTEMS ENGINNERING, Lazar Spasovic
TRAN 752 - 852, 854: TRAFFIC CONTROL, Dejan Besenski
Trans-Disciplinary Communication and Persuasion in Convergence Research Approach, Cristo León, James Lipuma, Marcos O. Cabobianco, Edgar Meritano, and Bruce G. Bukiet
Trans-Disciplinary Communication for Policy Making: A Reflective Activity Study, Cristo Leon
Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Co-Design for Knowledge Sharing, James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Co-Design for Knowledge Sharing, James Lipuma and Cristo León
Transesterification of alkyl borates, Garry Gustav Eichmann
Transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) mode conversion in optically active (chiral) embedded polymeric waveguides, MingDeh Chien
Tri-color LED display system using microcontroller, Costakis A. Constantinou
Type I error rate controlling procedures for multiple hypotheses testing, Beibei Li
Ultrasonic ranging system for gait analysis, Mu Wu
Unified study of trellis encoded correlative-FM, K. Narendra Bhat
Uniformity correction for infrared IR-CCD camera, Chien-Ming Leng
Uniformity corrector and signal processing for a 160 x 244-element IR-CCD camera with PtSi Schottky-barrier detectors, Paul D. Blume
Use of gas chromatography to determine the mutual solubility of water and toluene, John Orshich
Use of liquid sulfur trioxide as a sulfonating agent for organic compounds, Herman Gustav Weiland
User interactive compensation for SI/SO systems via root-locus, Shih-Mim Liu
Using fNIRS as an objective measure of susceptibility to informational masking, Min Zhang
Using Trans-Disciplinary Communication in the Design of General Education Program Assessment: A Case Study, Jeremy P. Reich, James Lipuma, and Cristo E. Yáñez León
Vapor-liquid equilibria, Vincent De Paul Brown
Vapor-liquid equilibria system : chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, isopropanol, Barnet H. Bursack
Vapor-liquid equilibrium data and distillation packing evaluation at high vacuum, Edward Joseph Lasch
Variation of thickness of hard anodic films, Alphons Raymond O'Konski
Variations of alkalinity, pH, oxidation reduction potential, and conductivity in single and multi-stage sludge digestion systems, Nasser M. Kamazani
Viscoelastic properties of polymer melts, Wu-Shiong Lee
Vision-guided servoing robot arm system, Shing Lee
Visual system modeling and system response analysis, Zhongquan Li
Water Analysis of Various Issues: Local Issue: Beavers in Butler, Michael Konopinski
Water Pollution and Ecology, Admin STEM for Success and Natalie Wilson
Water's Surface Tension, Admin STEM for Success
Water treatment plant sludge as sanitary landfill liner, Sinnadurai Sockanathan
What is the Science Behind Making Caramel, Admin STEM for Success
Why Budgeting is Important Using a Popsicle Bridge, Admin STEM for Success
Wind Measurement, Admin STEM for Success
Windmill Building Activity, Admin STEM for Success and Natalie Wilson
Women in STEM: Emily Roebling - A Historic Female Engineer, Admin STEM for Success
Women in STEM: Hellen B. Taussig, Admin STEM for Success
Women in STEM: Katie Bouman - Looking Where Light Cannot Escape, Admin STEM for Success
Women in STEM: Valerie Thomas, Admin STEM for Success
Work-preserving real-time emulation of meshes on butterfly networks, Alf-Christian Achilles
Workstation allocation schemes for response time improvement in a multiserver PC LAN, Asit V. Merchant
Zone refining of anthracene, Charles Poultney Perot