Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

Melvin Wolkstein


Anthracite, bituminous coal and petroleum fluid coke were briquetted under pressures of 1000, 2000, 3000, 1000 and 5000 pounds per square inch, using coal tar pitch and petroleum coke bottoms as binding agents.

The individual briquettes were then carbonized. The temperatures of carbonization were 400°, 700°, 1000°, 1300°, 1600° and 1769°F. The effects of carbonization on the specific gravity and weight and volume changes as a function of carbonizing temperature were studied.

The thermal conductivities of the briquettes were determined in a modified guarded hot plate conductivity cell. The temperature of the determination was such that the hot side temperature was approximately the temperature of carbonization. The conductivity values thus determined, therefore, include a factor related to the effect of temperature on conductivity and also a factor related to the effects of carbonization.

Since the effects of carbonization on fluid coke and anthracite in the temperature range under study were small, general equations far the thermal conductivity of these two materials as a function of temperature over the entire temperature range studied could be formulated.

For Anthracite:

K = 2.30 + 1.0 x 10-3t + 9.0 Y. 10-7t2 for 300 to 1200°F

For Fluid Coke:

K = 4.32 . 142 x 10-3t - for 300 to 1200°F

The effect of carbonization of bituninous coal is more complex, and since it was not possible to evaulate this effect, a general equation could not be formulated. Limited range equations are given assuming the curve is linear between successive points.

300 - 600°F K = 1.20

600 - 900°F K = 0.0049t - 1.59

900 - 1200°F K = 0.0087t - 5.01

1200 - 1500°F K = 0.0160t - 13.70

The thermal conductivity of carbonaceous briquettes is believed to be determined by the nature of the carbon base material and is changed as its nature is changed. It appears to be independent of briquetting pressure. If it is dependent at all on the nature of the binder, this dependence is only slight.



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