Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering - (M.S.)


Biomedical Engineering Committee

First Advisor

Peter Engler

Second Advisor

Bernard Friedland

Third Advisor

Eugene I. Gordon

Fourth Advisor

David S. Kristol


A new method of measuring range for gait analysis is described. The method is based on a coherent measurement of the phase shift of an ultrasonic signal as a function of range.

A prototype of the ranging system was breadboarded, tested, and found to have a relative accuracy of better than 0.5 mm over a range of 3 meters. The maximum range the system is at least 20 meters. The method used here is new and has not been found in the literature. Tt is demonstrated by experiments with a prototype system that can measure distance with a higher accuracy than the traditional pulse-echo method at a acoustic frequency of 40 KHz. A 3-dimensional system using one ultrasonic transmitter and at least four receivers to perform a 3-D ranging is discussed. Tt can be applied to many fields, including gait analysis.



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