Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Chemical Engineering - (M.S.)


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

James A. Bradley

Second Advisor

Michael Frederick

Third Advisor

Saul I. Kreps


Analytical techniques were studied for the determination of the purity of the sodium salt of 2-nitrophenol-4-sulfonic acid. The best method proved to be reduction followed by diazotisation.

The reduction of the sodium salt of 2 2-nitrophenol-4-sulfonic acid was carried out at various times and temperatures using sodium sulfide and sodium polysulfides as reducing agents. The reduction rate was very slow using sodium sulfide and only fair using sodium polysulfide solutions. Difficulties were experienced because of air oxidation.

The amount of reaction of sodium sulfide in the presence of a large excess of the sodium salt of 2 -nitrophenol-4 -sulfonic acid was studied. The sodium sulfide was oxidized very slowly by the nitro compound. Fair correlation was found, but was not good because of sources of uncontrollable error in the method of analysis used.



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