Disclosure of Support Statement: Increasing Student Transparency About Support from Software Like ChatGPT
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Our latest publication in the Journal of Engineering Research introduces the Disclosure of Support Statement (DSS) tool to enhance transparency and student engagement in academic writing. This innovative tool encourages students to openly discuss and reflect on the various human and software supports utilized in their writing processes, such as professors, peers, and artificial intelligence software tools. The DSS tool seeks to initiate meaningful conversations around academic integrity and the educational journey by promoting ethical considerations and fostering critical thinking. Through a detailed pilot study, our research offers insights into student attitudes towards support mechanisms, setting the stage for further development and refinement of the DSS tool to better support academic writing and ethical understanding in the educational landscape.
Minorities and the AI Revolution: Examining the Literature on Equity and the Digital Divide
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Lipuma, J., & Leon, C. (2024). Minorities and the AI Revolution: Examining the Literature on Equity and the Digital Divide [Non-peer review]. Academia Journals Puebla, 16(6), 4.107-4.115. /Research/Education.
Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Co-Design for Knowledge Sharing
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics.
© All rights reserved. Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 2024 -
Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Co-Design for Knowledge Sharing
James Lipuma and Cristo León
Explore the transformative power of Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Co-Design for effective knowledge sharing.
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). -
Constructively Aligned Instructional Design for Oral Presentations
James Lipuma, Cristo Leon, and Jose Ernesto Malpica Rosendo
In the paper "Constructively Aligned Instructional Design for Oral Presentations," the authors explore the implementation and outcomes of the 'General, Particular Specific' (GPS) model as a framework for curriculum instructional design for oral presentations within STEM education at an R1 Polytechnic University.
Objective: This study aims to investigate the impact of the 'General, Particular Specific' (GPS) model on the enhancement of constructive alignment in curriculum instructional design for oral presentations in STEM education to improve students' oral communication skills and their effectiveness in technical communication.
Theoretical Framework: Constructive alignment, curriculum-based Assessment, and curriculum and instructional design stand out, providing a solid basis for understanding the context of the investigation. The literature includes foundational texts on marketing management, center-based engineering research, Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, and the principles of enhancing teaching through constructive alignment. Additionally, it acknowledges the multifaceted nature of instructional design, emphasizing the widespread adoption of the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), showcasing a structured, comprehensive approach to educational planning and execution.
Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises a qualitative study design, utilizing case study approaches within the Humanities and Social Science department at an R1 Polytechnic University. Data was collected through classroom observations, instructor interviews, and analysis of student presentation outcomes before and after implementing the GPS model.
Results and Discussion: The results revealed significant improvements in students' abilities to think critically about content alignment with audience expectations and effectively communicate technical information. In the discussion section, these results are contextualized in light of the theoretical framework, underscoring the effectiveness of the GPS model in fostering clear, explicit instruction and scaffolding in oral presentation skills. The study acknowledges possible limitations, including its scope within a single institution and the need for broader empirical validation.
Research Implications: This research's practical and theoretical implications are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in STEM education. These implications could encompass curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and enhancing communication skills in STEM fields.
Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the originality of applying the GPS model within the context of oral presentation instruction, marking a significant shift from traditional, less structured approaches to a more scaffolded and constructively aligned methodology. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by its potential to impact pedagogical practices, particularly in enhancing the oral presentation capabilities of STEM students, thereby addressing a critical gap in STEM education and communication training.
Kiki's Colorful Phrases
Katherine Chang Lipuma, James Lipuma, and Cristo Leon
Chang Lipuma, Katherine Kiki ́s Colorful Phrases / Katherine Chang Lipuma ; James Lipuma ; Coordinación general de Cristo León ; Jimena Serret Iriart ; Ilustrado por Paola Cabrera. - 1a ed - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Jimena Serret Iriart, 2024. Libro digital, PDF - (Kiki / Cristo Ernesto Yáñez León ; 2) Archivo Digital: descarga y online ISBN 978-631-00-4121-6 1. Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Estadounidense. I. Lipuma, James. II. León, Cristo, coord. III. Serret Iriart, Jimena, coord. III. Cabrera, Paola, ilus. IV. Título. CDD 810.9282
Strategizing Education Amid Crisis: A Case Study on Transforming Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Academia Journals Hidalgo]
Michelle Lorette Llado-Wrzos and Cristo Leon Ph.D.
The COVID-19 pandemic posed unprecedented challenges to higher education, disrupting traditional teaching methodologies and requiring institutions to adapt rapidly to ensure continuity of learning. This case study examines how a leading STEM-focused public research university navigated these challenges, leveraging strategic planning, technological innovation, and adaptive leadership to sustain its mission. The study highlights the institution’s transition to online learning, the implementation of blended modalities, and the operational adjustments safeguarding its community while maintaining educational excellence. Drawing on insights gained during the pandemic, the institution revised its strategic plan for 2025, incorporating goals for digital transformation, sustainability, and improved quality of life on campus. This analysis provides actionable lessons for other universities, emphasizing the importance of embedding flexibility, innovation, and crisis preparedness into long-term planning. By reflecting on the institution’s experience, this study offers a blueprint for resilience and growth in an increasingly unpredictable global landscape.
Presentación “Cine y Juegos de Rol” por el Dr. Edgar Meritano
Edgar Meritano and Cristo Leon
Resumen Ejecutivo
Cristo y Edgar analizaron la influencia del cine en los juegos de rol y otros medios, explorando cómo estos se interrelacionan y adaptan mutuamente. También abordaron la creación de una secuencia didáctica para una presentación de clase y comentaron sobre varias películas, destacando su impacto tanto en la cultura popular como en los juegos de rol. -
Explorando las Ciencias Exactas: Teoría y Aplicaciones en el Mundo de los Números
Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Daniel Méndez de la Cruz, Patricia Del Carmen Gerónimo Ramos, Josué Ojeda Montejo, and Cristo Leon
Las ciencias exactas, compuestas por las matemáticas, la física y otras, nos ofrecen un marco fundamental para comprender el universo y su región fronteriza. En este fascinante viaje nos adentraremos en el mundo de los números, explorando tanto sus fundamentos teóricos como sus aplicaciones prácticas en diferentes áreas de un amplio espectro. Por lo tanto, el libro presenta los conceptos teórico-prácticos en los resultados obtenidos por los distintos autores y coautores en la producción de cada capítulo. Por encima de todo, Atena Editora ofrece divulgación científica con calidad y excelencia, esenciales para asegurar protagonismo entre las mejores editoriales de Brasil y América Latina.
Academic Presentation 'Navigating Transdisciplinary Communication: A Graduate Student’s Perspective on Collaborative Research'
Sirimuvva Pathikonda, James Lipuma, and Cristo Leon
This presentation was given at the 28th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (WMSCI 2024) on September 13th, 2024.
Navigating Transdisciplinary Communication: A Graduate Student's Perspective
Sirimuvva Pathikonda, James Lipuma, and Cristo Leon
Discover "Navigating Transdisciplinary Communication: A Graduate Student’s Perspective," a comprehensive exploration of how diverse disciplines converge to tackle complex challenges. This study, presented at WMSCI 2024, employs a Constructivist lens to highlight the co-construction of knowledge, innovative teamwork tools, and practical strategies for research in STEM and beyond. Co-authored by Sirimuvva Pathikonda, MEM, and James Lipuma, Ph.D., the paper underscores the value of Transdisciplinary Communication (TDC) in fostering collaboration, innovation, and holistic problem-solving across fields. Read the full article here: https://doi.org/10.54808/JSCI.22.06.151.
Using Trans-Disciplinary Communication in the Design of General Education Program Assessment: A Case Study
Jeremy P. Reich, James Lipuma, and Cristo E. Yáñez León
Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools
Cristo E. Yáñez León, James Lipuma, Jeremy P. Reich, and Yi Meng
PResented at: Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Tláhuac 2023 Venue: Instituto Tecnológico de Tláhuac II, CDMX, México Date: September 13-14, 2023.
This research article delves into an innovative pilot study examining student self-assessment in the realm of General Education Requirements (GER) within a STEM-focused university. Employing a tailored survey based on AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and utilizing a 5-point Likert scale, the study contributes to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) accreditation review. Our findings explore the congruence between self-assessed student awareness and institutional benchmarks, shedding light on the efficacy of out-of-course pre-and post-tests. The research unveils pivotal insights into student awareness and paves the way for inter-domain dialogue in educational assessment. This study serves as a crucial step toward improving institutional effectiveness in GER and broadens the application of self-assessment mechanisms across diverse educational settings.
Investigación, Educación Integral e Innovación en Matemáticas y Ciencias Exactas para el Desarrollo
Bruce G. Bukiet, Cristo Leon, James Lipuma, Mossella L. Martínez Martínez, Eric S. Niño Reyes, Edson A. Torres López, Lilián A. Reynosa Martínez, Jorge O. Moreno Treviño, and Adriana Camacho Gómez
Este libro electrónico (e-book) contiene la colección de los trabajos de investigación presentados en el área de matemáticas y ciencias exactas en el Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Monterrey, Investigación, Educación Integral e Innovación para el Desarrollo, que fuera organizado los días 13 y 14 de marzo de 2023 por Academia Journals en colaboración con el Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnica de Nuevo León (CONALEP NL).
NJIT Makerspace for K-8
Joya Clark
Ideas for Cultivating a Makerspace Mindset in K-8 students, By Joya Clark; Curriculum Specialist, Robotics Coach, STEM teacher
Flags of the Women's World Cup 2023 Free Teachers Resource
Cristo Leon
Explore Women's World Cup 2023 flags with our printout! It fosters cultural awareness, sparks interest, and promotes global understanding in your classes. 🌍⚽ #Education #WomenInSports
Aplicación del enfoque ontológico de las tres heurísticas a la simulación-simulacro como elemento esencial de los Juegos de Rol de Mesa [Presentación en conferencia]
Cristo Leon, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, and Edgar Meritano Corrales
Este trabajo se sumerge en la ontología de los Juegos de Rol de Mesa (TTRPGs), una disciplina filosófica que interroga sobre la esencia y la existencia dentro de sistemas categoriales, como se discute en Honderich (2005). Al considerar a los TTRPGs como un objeto de estudio de naturaleza compleja y posmoderna, los autores se alinean con las perspectivas teóricas y prácticas interdisciplinarias sugeridas por Deterding & Zagal (2018). A través de la lente de la fenomenología, se plantea una pregunta central para todos los implicados en el fenómeno RPG: '¿Qué es un RPG?'. Para responder a esta inquietud, Bastarrachea-Magnani et al. (2023) proponen un marco teórico innovador que implementa tres heurísticas: la identificación de elementos esenciales, el examen metafórico y el análisis metaontológico. Este enfoque proporciona un punto de partida revitalizado para la exploración de las dimensiones ontológicas de los juegos de rol y promete enriquecer el corpus académico relacionado con las narrativas lúdicas y la estructura de los juegos de simulación.
Elementos Constitutivos de los Juegos de Rol: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura [BJB]
Cristo León and Marcos O. Cabobianco
All rights reserved 2023 Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda
Factores Constitutivos de Mega-campañas en TTRPG: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura que Explora el Conflicto, la Cooperación, el Ritual, la Narrativa y los Personajes Multidimensionales
Cristo León and Marcos O. Cabobianco
Power point presentation
Transforming Traditional Professional Development Into Blended Learning Communities
Cristo León and James Lipuma
Explore this insightful book chapter by León and Lipuma, which examines the transformation of traditional professional development into blended learning communities. Discover how the New Jersey Department of Education successfully implemented an "Online Professional Learning Exchange" that revolutionized professional training for over 150,000 educators across 600 school districts. Delve into the systematic literature review, analysis of learning methods, and the creation of blended learning modules focusing on video, written materials, polls, and discussions. Gain valuable insights into professional development, online and blended learning, Communities of Practice (CoP), and practical instruction. This chapter presents results and implications in light of current world developments, making it essential reading for educators seeking to enhance their teaching methods.
El desarrollo del pensamiento matemático básico del nivel Medio Superior con Khan Academy, en el Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos del Mar No. 19, Frontera, Tabasco [Presentación en congreso]
Cristo Leon, Daniel Méndez de la Cruz, Patricia del Carmen Gerónimo Ramos, and Josué Ojeda Montejo
Este estudio profundiza en la aplicación de la plataforma Khan Academy para mejorar el Pensamiento Matemático en estudiantes de primer semestre del CETMar No. 19 de Frontera, Tabasco, como respuesta a los desafiantes resultados en matemáticas del PLANEA Media Superior 2022. Analiza el rendimiento previo y actual, integra tecnologías educativas en la currícula, y evalúa el impacto de estas estrategias en el aprovechamiento académico, proporcionando un plan de acción replicable para instituciones de educación media superior enfrentadas a retos similares. Destacando términos clave como "Pensamiento Matemático", "Rendimiento Académico", "Khan Academy", y "Tecnologías de la Información en Educación",
La Importancia de la Comunicación Efectiva en el LARP: Evitando conflictos y mejorando la inmersión [Presentación en conferencia]
Cristo Leon and Liliana Sainz Márquez
El "7mo Coloquio Internacional de Estudios sobre Juegos de Rol" presenta una sesión esencial titulada "La Importancia de la Comunicación Efectiva en el LARP: Evitando conflictos y mejorando la inmersión". Cristo Leon examina con meticulosidad el papel crucial que desempeña la comunicación en la dinámica de los juegos de roles en vivo (LARP). A través de un análisis detallado, el estudio desglosa cómo una comunicación efectiva no sólo eleva el nivel de inmersión y disfrute del jugador, sino que también es una herramienta clave para mitigar conflictos y fomentar un ambiente de mutuo respeto. La investigación expone los desafíos y las repercusiones de la comunicación deficiente, proporcionando, además, estrategias para la reflexión y la retroalimentación pos-evento que potencian la cohesión del grupo y el enriquecimiento de la experiencia LARP. Esta presentación es imperdible para organizadores y entusiastas de LARP que buscan profundizar su comprensión de la comunicación interpersonal en contextos lúdicos y su efecto en la construcción de comunidades colaborativas y empáticas.
HASBRO, WOTC y la OGL: Implicaciones financieras
Cristo Leon, David R. Urciaga Peralta, and Txabier Etxeberri
Presentación en el Seminario de Estudios sobre Juego de Rol en la RIJR 2023
Answering Questions and solving problems
James Lipuma
In this essay, Dr. Lipuma examines the foundational processes for clear communication. It uses a component analysis of critical concepts like communication, scenario, and overall effectiveness.
IRB Protocol: HSS Oral Communication Document Analysis
James Lipuma
Conducting a Document Analysis of Rubrics for Oral Communication Protocol
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