"Analyzing the Use of the Kirkpatrick Model in Higher Education: Insigh" by James Lipuma and Cristo Leon

Author ORCID Identifier

James Lipuma, Ph.D., ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9778-3843

Cristo Leon, Ph.D., ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0930-0179



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Lipuma, J., & Leon, C. (2024). Analyzing the Use of the Kirkpatrick Model in Higher Education: Insights from an NSF-Funded Chemistry Curriculum Project [Non-peer review]. Academia Journals Puebla, 16(6), 4.98-4.106. /Research/Education.

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Interdisciplinary Chemistry Education, Kirkpatrick Model, ADDIE Approach, Sustainability Education, Circular Economy, Socio-Economic Governance, Environmental Challenges, Doctoral Pedagogy, Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education (SDG 4), Transdisciplinary Communication


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education


This article delves into the unique development of a Kirkpatrick 4-Level Model (K4LM) evaluation plan for a groundbreaking National Science Foundation (NSF) project (ID#: EFMA-2203704). This project, conducted at an R1 Polytechnic Research University in the United States, integrated social, economic, environmental, and governance (SEEG) aspects into a chemistry curriculum. The aim was to promote environmental sustainability and the circular economy, a novel approach in the field. The project focused on the graduate and doctoral programs in the Chemistry department, making a significant contribution to higher education. The article began with an introduction to the project, followed by an analysis of the Kirkpatrick Model's application to program changes in higher education, discussing its benefits and criticisms. A methods section includes a literature review. It emphasized the importance of educational evaluation for course design, curriculum redesign, and student success. The practical case study, a key highlight of this article, illustrated the 4-level model's use in gathering actionable formative data. This data guided administrative decisions in transforming chemistry education, providing a tangible example of the model's practical application. Finally, challenges and solutions for applying this model in a systemic educational context were presented.

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Analyzing the Use of the Kirkpatrick Model in Higher Education: Insights from an NSF-Funded Chemistry Curriculum Project
