3D Shapes by Folding Paper
Admin STEM for Success
In this video students discover geometry by folding a 2-Dimensional sheet of paper into a 3-Dimensional shape.
Egg Drop Challenge
Admin STEM for Success
This interactive activity plan challenges students to build a container using limited materials that will protect a raw egg from a 4-6 foot drop.
Egg in a Bottle
Admin STEM for Success
Students use chemistry principles to make an egg fit into a bottle that is too small.
Financial Literacy and Popsicle Stick Bridges
Admin STEM for Success
These two videos teach students how to build a structurally sound popsicle stick bridge then uses this lesson to teach the importance of budgeting.
Greenhouse Effect
Admin STEM for Success
This is an educational video to demonstrate the Greenhouse Effect.
How does a DC Motor Work?
Admin STEM for Success
This instructional video teaches students how DC Motors turn electrical energy into mechanical energy.
How to Build a Simple DC Motor
Admin STEM for Success
This demonstrative video teaches students simple electricity by building a DC motor using common household items.
How to Clean Pennies
Admin STEM for Success
This video uses the process of cleaning pennies to teach students chemistry.
How to create a demonstration video
Admin STEM for Success
Demonstration videos are an important and accessible way for students to learn. This tutorial gives advice on how to create the best possible demonstration video.
How to Create Powtoon Videos
Admin STEM for Success
This teacher resource video demonstrates how to create educational videos using Powtoon.
Conferencia "Definición y características de las Mega-Campañas en el Contexto de los Juegos de Rol"
Marcos O. Cabobianco and Cristo Leon
Presentación realizada durante el 6º Coloquio de Estudios sobre Juegos de Rol (CEJR) el 18 de noviembre de 2022 en Mérida, Yucatán, México.
Conferencia: Prospección del Marketing: ¿Cómo pensar sobre el futuro del marketing ahora?
Cristo Leon
La Escuela de Negocios de la Konrad Lorenz invita a la comunidad Konradista y a la comunidad en general a participar en el ciclo de charlas, en el marco del evento regional de mercadeo bajo la Asociación de Escuelas de Negocios (ACBSP) y en alianza con la Universidad Continental de Perú, el Instituto San Ignacio de Loyola (ISIL) de Perú y la Universidad las Américas de Ecuador.
El juego de rol como definición operativa del juego
Cristo Leon
Conferencia presentada dentro del Seminario de Investigación: "El Juego Como Transformador Social V 2.0"
Elementos Constitutivos de los Juegos de Rol: Una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura [AJ non-peer reviewed]
Cristo Leon and Marcos O. Cabobianco
Los autores analizan las ideas encontradas en la revisión de la literatura referentes al diseño de experiencias lúdicas, la narratología y los mundos ficcionales dentro del contexto de los Juegos de Rol (JdR).
Collaborative Convergence: finding the language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to occur
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
Framing and mapping a project to the five elements and systems change while developing a project proposal
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
Presentation at the “Office Hour Featuring Caitlin Howley and Cristo Leon”
NSF INCLUDES National Network
Proceedings State of STEM 2022: How does Virtual Hands-on STEM Work?
Cristo Leon; James Lipuma; Michele Rittenhouse; Louis Wells; Edgar Meritano; Ricardo Morales-Carbajal; Miguel Angel Bastarrachea Magnani; Ten80 Education, LLC; New Jersey School Boards Association; InterNational STEM League, Inc (INSL); and Red de Investigadores de Juegos de Rol
Proceedings of the "State of STEM 2022: How does virtual hands-on STEM work?"
STEM for Success Inaugural Annual Report
James Lipuma, Bruce G. Bukiet, and Cristo Leon
Report on the work done in 2022 by STEM for Success
Constructively Aligned Instructional Design for Oral Presentations
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
The work described here was implemented at NJIT an R1 polytechnic University in New Jersey by Dr. James Lipuma and Cristo Leon MBA in oral presentation and senior seminar courses offered by the Humanities and Social Science department for engineers.
Future Ready Schools -NJ Collective Impact Success Story
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Dr. James Lipuma, a faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences department, and Cristo Leon (PhD. Graduate Student) director of research at NJIT College of Science and Liberal Arts have a new article entitled: "Future Ready Schools—NJ Collective Impact Success Story"
Scenario specification structuring effective collaborative communication
James Lipuma, Cristo Leon, and Kamiya Patel
Dr. James Lipuma, a faculty member in the Humanities and Social Sciences department, Cristo Leon (PhD. Graduate Student) director of research at NJIT College of Science and Liberal Arts, and Kamiya Patel CEO-President at Lyra have a new article entitled “Scenario specification structuring effective collaborative communication”.
Publications/Conferences and Showcases related to the Leadership and iSTEAM for Females in Elementary Schools (LiFE) project
Bruce G. Bukiet, James Lipuma, and Cristo Leon
A list of all publications and conferences for the project
Final Project Report NSF Award 1744490: NSF INCLUDES DDLP: Leadership and iSTEAM for Females in Elementary school (LiFE): An Integrated Approach to Increase the Number of Women Pursuing Careers in STEM
Bruce G. Bukiet, James Lipuma, and Nancy Steffen-Fluhr
This Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Report are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation; NSF has not approved or endorsed its content.
The LiFE project created and studied a comprehensive program bringing together iSTEAM, holistic student growth, modern technologies, and other supports to engage girls in STEM experiences through a collective impact approach.
LiFE supported STEAM clubs with role models and utilized research-based best practices in co-design and community involvement. Educators were supported with relevant professional development for hands-on STEM, and 21st-century skills, including leadership and communication.
LiFE's goal was to impact 200 girls in grades 3-6 from four schools in 3 NJ districts. Interest in participation in the project was greater than we expected which enabled the project to expand.
NSF website:
https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1744490 -
Research Experiences for Undergraduates at NJIT & NSF
Cristo Leon
A presentation for the Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI) and students in general interested in participating in research at NJITT
Stem for Success Evaluation and Assessment Resources for Researchers
Cristo Leon
The article presents a collection of federal and nonfederal resources intending to assist the researcher in the understanding of evaluation of broader impacts and participation in STEM.
STEM for Success is an integrated program to broaden participation in STEM.
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