In 1964, the Newark College of Engineering granted its first Doctoral Degree in Chemical Engineering. To date, NJIT has awarded more than 1,500 Doctorates. Prior to 1990 the doctoral degree awarded by institution was the Doctor of Engineering Science. These dissertations are included here with the PhD dissertations. The library has accepted electronic submissions since 2010 and has been digitizing new theses and dissertations since 2000. We continue to digitize our catalog working backwards and by request.
The Robert W. Van Houten Library provides this service in an effort to make our graduates’ research more widely available.
Dissertations from 2016
Application of inkjet printing technology to flexible batteries, Yuan Gu, August 2016
Collaborative development of a small business emergency planning model, Arthur Henry Hendela, May 2016
A data science approach to pattern discovery in complex structures with applications in bioinformatics, Lei Hua, May 2016
Computer Science
A multimodal investigation in eye movements, Raj Jaswal, August 2016
Biomedical Engineering
A novel approach to user controlled ambulation of lower extremity exoskeletons using admittance control paradigm, Kiran Kartika Karunakaran, May 2016
Biomedical Engineering
Cloud-aided wireless systems: communications and radar applications, Shahrouz Khalili, May 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Context-aware collaborative storage and programming for mobile users, Mohammad A. Khan, July 2016
Computer Science
Numerical simulations of dense granular systems with and without cohesive effects, Lenka Kovalcinova, August 2016
Mathematical Sciences
Plasticity of the cortical representation of finger extensors induced by paired associative stimulation, Ian Anthony Gerard LaFond, January 2016
Biomedical Engineering
Experimental and modeling studies in membrane distillation, Lin Li, May 2016
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Processing of CdS/CdTe solar cell and the growth model of CdTe thin film, Guogen Liu, August 2016
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Instruction fusion and vector processor virtualization for higher throughput simultaneous multithreaded processors, Yaojie Lu, May 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Terahertz wireless communication through atmospheric atmospheric turbulence and rain, Jianjun Ma, January 2016
Mediating chance encounters through opportunistic social matching, Julia M. Mayer, May 2016
Oxidation kinetics of metallic powders, Hongqi Nie, May 2016
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Fabrication of 3D hydrogel-based microscale tissue analog chip with integrated optofluidics, Venkatakrishnan Rengarajan, August 2016
Biomedical Engineering
Vector processor virtualization: distributed memory hierarchy and simultaneous multithreading, SeyedAmin Rooholamin, May 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Amending the building code of the city of New York: exploring forces that influenced change, Dolores Spivack, April 2016
New Jersey School of Architecture
Verification of emotion recognition from facial expression, Yanjia Sun, January 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
On greening optical access networks, Mina Taheri Hosseinabadi, May 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Diverse applications of nanostructured diatom and ecotoxicity of carbon nanotubes to alga, Megha Thakkar, July 2016
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Efficient high-order integral equation methods for the heat equation, Shaobo Wang, August 2016
Mathematical Sciences
Generalized DFT: extensions in communications, Yuewen Wang, January 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Studies on purification and functionalization of carbon nanotubes and their aqueous phase behavior, Zheqiong Wu, May 2016
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Task-based user profiling for query refinement (toque), Chao Xu, January 2016
Subspace methods for portfolio design, Onur Yilmaz, May 2016
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomimetic and vascularized 3-d liver cancer model, Derek Yip, August 2016
Biomedical Engineering
An integrated transport solution to big data movement in high-performance networks, Daqing Yun, August 2016
Computer Science
Normal-strength and high-strength concrete columns under cyclic axial load and biaxial moment, Mehdi Zarei, January 2016
Civil and Environmental Engineering
New facet of solar activities revealed by high-resolution imaging at he i 10830 Ã…, Zhicheng Zeng, May 2016
Optimization of headway, stops, and time points considering stochastic bus arrivals, Liuhui Zhao, August 2016
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Algorithms for pre-microrna classification and a GPU program for whole genome comparison, Ling Zhong, August 2016
Computer Science
Dissertations from 2015
Methods for two-sample comparisons from censored time-to-event data, Nubyra Ahmed, May 2015
Mathematical Sciences
Continuous monitoring of enterprise risks: A delphi feasibility study, Robert Baksa, May 2015
Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry of multiferroics, Roman Basistyy, January 2015
Polymeric nitrogen by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, El Mostafa Benchafia, January 2015
Reliability study of Zr and Al incorporated hf based high-k dielectric deposited by advanced processing, Md Nasir Uddin Bhuyian, January 2015
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Light rail and changing development patterns in Dallas, San Diego and Jersey City, Joseph S. Buga, July 2015
New Jersey School of Architecture
Continuous polymer coating of host particles by hollow fiber-based crystallizers, Dengyue Chen, January 2015
Assessing learning outcomes and social capital formation resulting from the use and sharing of internet knowledge resources, Regina S. Collins, May 2015
Piezoelectric scaffolds for osteochondral defect repair, Sita Mahalakshmi Damaraju, May 2015
Biomedical Engineering
New screening methodology for selection of polymeric materials for transdermal drug delivery devices, Roberto P. Falcone, May 2015
Accounting for midblock pedestrian activity in the HCM 2010 urban street segment analysis, Albert Forde, May 2015
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Optimization methods for active and passive localization, Nil Garcia, May 2015
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multiple testing procedures for complex structured hypotheses and directional decisions, Anjana Grandhi, May 2015
Mathematical Sciences
High frequency field potentials of the cerebellar cortex, Jonathan David Groth, May 2015
Biomedical Engineering
Production and characterization of composite nano/micro sized particles by rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (ress) co-precipitation, Beidi He, August 2015
Collaborative rescheduling of flights in a single mega-hub network, Sufian Ikhmeis, May 2015
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Developing an insulin producing tissue using mouse embryonic stem cells, Neha Mahendrakumar Jain, January 2015
Biomedical Engineering
Social analytics for health integration, intelligence, and monitoring, Xiang Ji, August 2015
Computer Science
Molecular modeling of sigma 1 and sigma 2 receptor ligands: pharmacophore development and comparison using discotech and bioactivity prediction comparison of ab initio and density functional comfa studies for spiro and other receptor ligands, Lisa M. Kardos, January 2015
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electronic, thermoelectric and optical properties of vanadium oxides: VO2, V2O3 and V2O5, Chiranjivi Lamsal, January 2015
Attraction and risk in urban bird habitats, Megan E. Litwhiler, August 2015
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
E pluribus unum: what individual whales can tell us about enigmatic species distribution and social organization, Tanya Marie Lubansky, January 2015
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Methods for the direct simulation of nanoscale film breakup and contact angles, Kyle Mahady, August 2015
Mathematical Sciences
Optical properties of strain-engineered multilayer Si/SiGe nanostructures, Selina Akter Mala, January 2015
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Determining how stable network oscillations arise from neuronal and synaptic mechanisms, Diana Martinez, August 2015
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Design and analysis of algorithms for similarity search based on intrinsic dimension, Xiguo Ma, January 2015
Computer Science
Electronic, optical, mechanical and thermoelectric properties of graphene, Sarang Vilas Muley, January 2015
Designing novel abstraction networks for ontology summarization and quality assurance, Christopher Ochs, May 2015
Computer Science
Monitoring of cerebellar injury using micro ECoG signals in ketamine/xylazine treated rats, Gokhan Ordek, January 2015
Biomedical Engineering
Adaptive global optimization algorithms, William Phillips, January 2015
Computer Science
Enabling virtualization technologies for enhanced cloud computing, Kashifuddin Qazi, January 2015
Computer Science
Synthetic approaches to the understanding of DNA nucleobase methylation, Jagruti Rana, January 2015
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Expert system for energy optimization of buildings using sustainable and resilient strategies, Victoria Ann Scala, January 2015
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling biodegradation settlement of municipal solid waste (msw) based on measurement of landfill gas and degradable solids in leachate recirculated bioreactors, Vatsal Atulkumar Shah, January 2015
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Data mining in computational proteomics and genomics, Yang Song, May 2015
Computer Science
Local selection of features and its applications to image search and annotation, Jichao Sun, January 2015
Computer Science
Location reliability and gamification mechanisms for mobile crowd sensing, Manoop Talasila, January 2015
Computer Science
An efficient boundary integral method for stiff fluid interface problems, Oleksiy Varfolomiyev, May 2015
Mathematical Sciences
Hydrodynamics, dissolution, and mass transfer effects in different dissolution testing apparatuses and laboratory systems, Bing Wang, August 2015
Chemical and Materials Engineering
A comprehensive study of evolution of photospheric magnetic field and flows associated with solar eruptions, Shuo Wang, January 2015
Development of flexible batteries using nano-carbons and polymers, Zhiqian Wang, May 2015
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Inkjet printing multifunctional chromatic sensors and chromism study, Aide Wu, January 2015
Investigation of infinite-dimensional dynamical system models applicable to granular flows, Hao Wu, August 2015
Mathematical Sciences
System design and performance analysis of asymmetrically and symmetrically clipped optical (ASCO)-OFDM for IM/DD optical wireless communications, Nan Wu, May 2015
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thermochemistry and kinetics: hydrogen atom addition reactions with alkenes, oxidation of cyclopentadienone, trifluoroethene and transport properties, Suriyakit Yommee, August 2015
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Information filtering by multiple examples, Mingzhu Zhu, May 2015
Dissertations from 2014
Influence of beach hydrodynamics on saltwater transport and oil persistence in beaches, Ali Abdollahi-Nasab, January 2014
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dynamics of phase locking in neuronal networks in the presence of synaptic plasticity, Zeynep Akcay, April 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Rationalizing everyday life in late nineteenth century Istanbul c. 1900, Ersin Altin, January 2014
New Jersey School of Architecture
Synthesis and characterization of metal-based reactive powders, Yasmine Aly, August 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The effect of mechanical vestibular stimulation on muscle tone and spasticity in individuals with neurological impairment, Ghaith J. Androwis, January 2014
Biomedical Engineering
Particle filtering for frequency estimation from acoustic time-series in dispersive media, Nattapol Aunsri, January 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Green vs. sustainable: analyzing and expanding LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design), Sonay Aykan, January 2014
New Jersey School of Architecture
Data analysis and simulation for warranties and golf handicaps, Sonia Bandha, May 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Nanocarbon immobilized membrane for separation and analysis, Madhuleena Bhadra, May 2014
Chemistry and Environmental Science
New directions for remote data integrity checking of cloud storage, Bo Chen, August 2014
Computer Science
The experience of reducing environmental risks in an environmental justice community, Gabriela Dory, August 2014
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Increasing adolescent interest in computing through the use of social cognitive career theory, Osama Eljabiri, January 2014
Computational optimization methods for modeling the effect of muscle forces on bone strength adaptation, Catherine Siena Florio, January 2014
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Physical controls on water flow and solute transport in coastal aquifers, Xiaolong Geng, May 2014
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Innovative local texture descriptors with application to eye detection, Jiayu Gu, January 2014
Computer Science
Characterizing motor control signals in the spinal cord, Yi Guo, May 2014
Biomedical Engineering
Gas-solid transport and reaction via intervened evaporating sprays, Pengfei He, May 2014
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Using structural and semantic methodologies to enhance biomedical terminologies, Zhe He, January 2014
Computer Science
Is the public invited? Design, management and use of privately owned public spaces in New York City, Te-Sheng Huang, January 2014
New Jersey School of Architecture
Modeling, control and simulation of control-affine nonlinear systems with state-dependent transfer functions, Roger Kobla Kwadzogah, May 2014
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nanocarbons as charge carriers in organic solar cells, Xinbo C. Lau, January 2014
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Inverse methods for sound speed estimation in the ocean, Tao Lin, May 2014
Mathematical Sciences
The control of the false discovery rate under structured hypotheses, Gavin Lynch, May 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Analyses of groundwater contribution to a riverine wetland, Farzad Mahmoodinobar, January 2014
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Efficient domain decomposition algorithms for the solution of the helmholtz equation, Dawid Midura, August 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Confidence bands for survival curves using model assisted cox regression, Shoubhik Mondal, August 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Novel scrubbing systems for post-combustion CO2 capture and recovery, Tripura Mulukutla, August 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Electro-deformation of a moving boundary: a drop interface and a lipid bilayer membrane, Herve Nganguia, May 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Construction and assessment of a computer graphics-based model for wheelchair propulsion, Brooke Marie Odle, January 2014
Biomedical Engineering
Vehicle re-routing strategies for congestion avoidance, Juan Pan, January 2014
Computer Science
FWER controlling procedures for testing multiple hypotheses with hierarchical structure and applications in clinical trials, Zhiying Qiu, May 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Kinetic analysis of thiol oxidation to study the effects of fluorinated groups on metal phthalocyanine catalysts, Nellone Eze Reid, May 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Global optimization methods for localization in compressive sensing, Marco Rossi, May 2014
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Discrete element method based scale-up model for material synthesis using ball milling, Priya Radhi Santhanam, January 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Field methods for rapidly characterizing contaminant mobility in paint waste during bridge rehabilitation, Zhan Shu, May 2014
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Investigation of new feature descriptors for image search and classification, Atreyee Sinha, May 2014
Computer Science
Analysis of far-infrared optical spectra of multiferroics, Eric C. Standard, May 2014
Evaluation of environmental materials as thermal witness materials, Shashank Vummidi Lakshman, August 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Rate alterable traumatic brain injury device for rodent models, Radia Abdul Wahab, January 2014
Biomedical Engineering
Computational methods for the analysis of next generation sequencing data, Wei Wang, May 2014
Computer Science
Ignition mechanism in nanocomposites thermites, Rayon Williams, August 2014
Chemical and Materials Engineering
SVMAUD: Using textual information to predict the audience level of written works using support vector machines, Todd Will, January 2014
Intent-based user segmentation with query enhancement, Wei Xiong, August 2014
Extracting product development intelligence from web reviews, Ismail Artun Yagci, January 2014
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Optimization of vehicle routing and scheduling with travel time variability - application in winter road maintenance, Haifeng Yu, May 2014
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Performance analysis and scheduling strategies for ambulatory surgical facilities, Xuanqi Zhang, January 2014
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Congestion control, energy efficiency and virtual machine placement for data centers, Yan Zhang, May 2014
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A modeling study of the history-dependence of conduction delay in unmyelinated axons, Yang Zhang, January 2014
Mathematical Sciences
Dynamics of 1d granular column, Luo Zuo, May 2014
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dissertations from 2013
Batch and continuous production of stable dense suspensions of drug nanoparticles in a wet stirred media mill, Afolawemi Afolabi, August 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Structural indicators for effective quality assurance of snomed ct, Ankur Agrawal, August 2013
Computer Science
Adaptive data acquisition for communication networks, Behzad Ahmadi, May 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Quantification of neural substrates of vergence system via fMRI, Yelda Alkan, January 2013
Biomedical Engineering
Reaction mechanisms of hydrocarbon and mercury systems in the atmosphere and in combustion: A theoretical study of thermochemical and kinetic properties, Itsaso Auzmendi Murua, May 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Novel color and local image descriptors for content-based image search, Sugata Banerji, May 2013
Computer Science
Investigations into b-o defect formation-dissociation in cz-silicon and their effect on solar cell performance, Prakash M. Basnyat, May 2013
Concept graphs: Applications to biomedical text categorization and concept extraction, Said Bleik, May 2013
HOSX: Hospital operations excellence model, Shivon S. Boodhoo, May 2013
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mathematical models for bistable nematic liquid crystal displays, Chenjing Cai, May 2013
Mathematical Sciences
An innovative protective jacket for structures subject to blast loads: A comprehensive experimental and simulation study, Nicholas J. Carlson, May 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pressure swing membrane absorption process for separation of low temperature post-shift reactor syngas, John Chau, August 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Mechanical, electronic and optical properties of multi-ternary semiconductor alloys, Dongguo Chen, May 2013
The goodness-of-fit tests for geometric models, Feiyan Chen, January 2013
Mathematical Sciences
Eye detection using discriminatory features and an efficient support vector machine, Shuo Chen, January 2013
Computer Science
The effect of nanoclays on the properties of aspirin modified enteric polymer prepared by hot-melt mixing, Nonjaros Chomcharn, May 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dynamic response of highway bridges under a moving truck and development of a rational serviceability requirement, Shabnam Darjani, January 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stability and precipitation of diverse nanoparticles, Chintal Desai, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Optimization of path based sensor spacing on a freeway segment for travel time prediction during incidents, Patricia Kathleen DiJoseph, August 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Characterization of neural ion regulation dysfunction during insult and evaluation of micro-opioid receptor activation during simulated ischemia in the pre-botzinger complex, Kyle F. Dobiszewski, August 2013
Community composition, demographic change, and the impact of spatial proximity to disadvantage on violence and gang presence in New Jersey municipalities, Brian Engelmann, May 2013
New Jersey School of Architecture
Extension to pv optics to include front electrode design in solar cells, Debraj Guhabiswas, January 2013
Particle engineering via surface modification during micronization for pharmaceutical applications, Xi Han, January 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Driver injury severity at u.s. highway-rail crossings, Wei Hao, January 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computational thermochemistry of hydrocarbons, oxygenates, cyclic alkanes, and furans, Jason Michael Hudzik, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Study of deep level defects of N+-CdS/P-CdTe solar cells, Poonam Rani Kharangarh, May 2013
A framework for guiding transportation improvements to support desired land use, Jiruttichut Leoviriyakit, August 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Enabling sustainable power distribution networks by using smart grid communications, Chun-Hao Lo, May 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The application of Bayesian adaptive design and Markov model in clinical trials, Xiaoyu Lu, May 2013
Mathematical Sciences
The effects of rapid stretch injury on rat neocortical cultures, George Constandinos Magou, May 2013
Developing crash modification factors for operational parameters on urban freeways, Eugene Vida Maina, May 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
A numerical method for electro-kinetic flow with deformable interfaces, Manman Ma, May 2013
Mathematical Sciences
A statistical study of plasmawaves and energetic particles in the outer magnetosphere, Kyungguk Min, May 2013
Development of correction algorithm for pulsed terahertz computed tomography (THz-CT), Suman Mukherjee, August 2013
Astrocytes modulate microglial phenotype and dendritic cell-like properties, Nischal K. Padala, January 2013
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Synthesis and characterization of novel boron-based nanostructures and composites, Rajen B. Patel, May 2013
Synthesis and characterization of new light emitting probes for sensitive detection of bio-molecules and live cells, Shyamala Pravin Pillai, January 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Modeling cell proliferation in a perfusion tissue engineering bioreactor, Jeffrey Vincent Pohlmeyer, January 2013
Mathematical Sciences
Application of hydrogen peroxide as brown tide bloom control agent, Varunpreet Randhawa, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Exploitation of infrared polarimetric imagery for passive remote sensing applications, Joao Miguel Mendes Romano, August 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Influence of SiNx/Si interface states on Si solar cells, Santosh Sahoo, May 2013
End-to-end network measurement for wired and wireless networks, Khondaker Musfakus Salehin, May 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Leaching of metals and metalloids from highway marking glass beads and the potential environmental impact, Nimrat K. Sandhu, January 2013
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Study of elementary reactions of combustion importance at elevated temperatures and pressures, Manuvesh Sangwan, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Theoretical studies of structural and electronic properties in transition metal oxides, Tsezar F. Seman, January 2013
Escherichia coli 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex: e1 and e2 substrate specificty, e1 carboligase activity, and e2 interchain succinyl transfer, Da Jeong Shim, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Fabrication and evaluation of a collagen-based fiber-gel three-dimensional construct for peripheral nerve repair, Mevan Lakmal Siriwardane, January 2013
Biomedical Engineering
Thermochemistry reaction paths and oxidation kinetics on ketonyl and aldehydic nitrogen oxides, propene and isooctane: a theoretical study, Suarwee Snitsiriwat, May 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Mathematical modeling of heavy metals diffusion and removal from cylindrical cement forms coated with bio-film, Mojdeh Tabatabaie, January 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Separation of various organic-organic and aqueous-organic solutions via pervaporation, John Tang, January 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Foaming of amorphous drug delivery systems prepared by hot melt mixing and extrusion, Graciela Terife, May 2013
High performance digital signal processing: Theory, design, and applications in finance, Mustafa Ugur Torun, May 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Development of luminescent probes for ultrasensitive detection of biopolymers, their complexes, and living cells, Laura A. Wirpsza, January 2013
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Novel algorithms for fair bandwidth sharing on counter rotating rings, Mete Yilmaz, January 2013
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Metal based reactive nanocomposites prepared by cryomilling, Shasha Zhang, May 2013
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dissertations from 2012
Graphene-coated substrates for biochemical and optoelectronic applications, Amrita Banerjee, August 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vector coprocessor sharing techniques for multicores: performance and energy gains, Spiridon Florin Beldianu, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analysis of a composite dielectric-ferrite loaded resonator using the transmission line model with application to a tunable dual mode bandpass filter, Charlotte Blair, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Influence of defects and impurities on solar cell performance, Vinay Budhraja, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Trust management schemes for peer-to-peer networks, Lin Cai, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analytical and computational methods for the study of rare event probabilities in dispersive and dissipative waves, Daniel S. Cargill, August 2012
Mathematical Sciences
Target localization in passive and active systems : performance bonds, Vlad Mihai Chiriac, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wireless sensor network for health monitoring, Jin Soo Choi, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Source localization via time difference of arrival, Ciprian Romeo Comsa, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adsorption of particles on fluid-liquid interfaces, Bhavin Dalal, May 2012
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Example based texture synthesis and quantification of texture quality, Chandralekha De, May 2012
Computer Science
Design and automated operation of a condensation-induced depressurization system, Fen Du, May 2012
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Registration and categorization of camera captured documents, Venkata Gopal Edupuganti, May 2012
Computer Science
Energy-efficient multi-criteria packet forwarding in multi-hop wireless networks, Komlan Egoh, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Distributed spectrum leasing via cooperation, Tariq Elkourdi, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mathematical models of combustion at high pressure, Daniel Fong, May 2012
Mathematical Sciences
Micromechanical study of two-phase flow during air sparging, Shengyan Gao, January 2012
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Synthesis, molecular and solid state structures, and magnetic properties of sandwich lanthanide phthalocyanines lacking C-H bonds, Wycliffe A. Graham, May 2012
Optimizing feeder bus network based on access mode shifts, Zhaodong Huang, August 2012
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Energy harvesting-aware design of wireless networks, Fabio Iannello, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The incorporation of electrohydrodynamics and other modifications into a dry spinning model to develop a theoretical framework for electrospinning, Yuki Imura, May 2012
Inkjet printing of resistive-type humidity sensor for harsh environments, Hamed Kazerani, May 2012
High rate space time code with linear decoding complexity for multiple transmitting antennas, Amir Laufer, January 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fast algorithms for Brownian dynamics simulation with hydrodynamic interactions, Zhi Liang, August 2012
Mathematical Sciences
Instabilities in newtonian films and nematic liquid crystal droplets, Te-Sheng Lin, May 2012
Mathematical Sciences
Evolution of 3-d magnetic topology in flare-productive active regions, Yixuan Li, May 2012
Rational design of hydrogen-free catalytic active sites, Andrei Ioan Loas, May 2012
Auger-mediated processes and photoluminescence in group iv semiconductor nanostructures, Nikhil Modi, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Single and multiphase mixing in partially filled stirred vessels, Shilan Motamedvaziri, January 2012
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dispersibility of and adsorption on functionalized carbon nanotubes, Susana Addo Ntim, May 2012
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Effects of information importance and distribution on information exchange in team decision making, Babajide James Osatuyi, May 2012
Investigation of the fracture phenomena during the milling process of inorganic particulates and brittle fracture of polymer composites using fractal theory, Zheng Qian, May 2012
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Upper extremity rehabilitation using interactive virtual environments, Qinyin Qiu, May 2012
Biomedical Engineering
Approximate string matching methods for duplicate detection and clustering tasks, Oleksandr Rudniy, January 2012
Computer Science
Transport of terrigenous sediment and horseshoe crab eggs in the swash zone of an estuarine foreshore in Delaware Bay, New Jersey, USA, Sherestha Saini, May 2012
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Virtual reality visual feedback and its effect on brain excitability, Soha Saleh, May 2012
Biomedical Engineering
Port of call or port of conflict: the evolution of the port of New York and New Jersey, port-city relationships, and the potential for land use conflicts on the Newark bay waterfront, Colette Santasieri, May 2012
New Jersey School of Architecture
Consequences of stochastic mrna synthesis in a gene regulatory pathway, Khyati Shah, January 2012
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Advanced intelligent control and optimization for cardiac pacemaker systems, Wei Shi, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
High aspect ratio electrodes for high yield electroporation of cells, Anil B. Shrirao, August 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cerebral spasticity modeled as disorded equilibrium point control, Darnell Simon, January 2012
Biomedical Engineering
Desalination of brine and produced water by membrane distillation at lower as well as higher temperatures and pressures, Dhananjay Singh, May 2012
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Terahertz wireless communication, Ke Su, January 2012
Image statistical frameworks for digital image forensics, Patchara Sutthiwan, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Using an ontology to improve the web search experience, Tian Tian, January 2012
Computer Science
Structural analysis and auditing of SNOMED hierarchies using abstraction networks, Yue Wang, May 2012
Computer Science
Development of x-ray holography methods for structure determination : Application of high speed detectors and novel numerical methods, Yuhao Wang, January 2012
Design and implementation of a cyberinfrastructure for RNA motif search, prediction and analysis, Dongrong Wen, January 2012
Computer Science
Blind recognition of analog modulation schemes for software defined radio, Haifeng Xiao, August 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Driver behavior classification and lateral control for automobile safety systems, Jing Yang, May 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hot-melt mixing of partially miscible active pharmaceutical ingredient-polymer mixtures, Min Yang, January 2012
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Energy methods for reaction-diffusion problems, Xing Zhong, May 2012
Mathematical Sciences
Dissertations from 2011
Risk based models for the optimization of oil and gas supply chain critical infrastructure, Kingsley Oseloka Achebe, January 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Design of single-carrier frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) with transmit diversity for wireless and optical communications, Kodzovi Acolatse, January 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Uniform heating of thin ceramic slabs in a multimode microwave cavity, Shuchi Agrawal, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Some contributions to modeling usage sensitive warranty servicing strategies and their analyses, Rudrani Banerjee, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Effect of dry particle coating on the properties of cohesive pharmaceutical powders, Lauren Elizabeth Beach, May 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Study of the heating and ignition of metal powder by electrostatic discharge, Ervin Beloni, May 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Magnetic seeding aggregation to enhance the removal efficiency of TiO2 nanoparticles from water, Ashish Dhananjay Borgaonkar, May 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
From "the projects" to houses : Physical redevelopment, poverty deconcentration, and resident self-sufficiency impacts on public housing residents at hope IV developments in Camden, New Jersey, Michael C. Brown, August 2011
New Jersey School of Architecture
Asymptotic and numerical analysis of time-dependent wave propagation in dispersive dielectric media that exhibit fractional relaxation, Matthew Frank Causley, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Applications of stochastic simulation in two-stage multiple comparisons with the best problem and time average variance constant estimation, Dibyendu Chakrabarti, May 2011
Computer Science
Modeling of equilibrium point trajectory control in human arm movements, Kai Chen, January 2011
Biomedical Engineering
The impact of dynamic and passive standing on bone mineral density and appositional growth in immobilized children, Megan Diane Damcott, August 2011
Biomedical Engineering
Electrodeless electro hydrodynamic printing of personalized drug dosages, Ezinwa Okeoma Elele, May 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Study of mechanisms of phytotoxicity of alumina nanoparticles, Anthony Elijius, January 2011
Energy propagation in jammed granular matter, Xiaoni Fang, August 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Application of mass/stiffness eccentricity to control response of structures subjected to earthquake ground motion, Bakhtiar Feizi, January 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Enhanced membrane distillation : analytical and deionization applications, Ken Gethard, May 2011
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Underwater communication via particle velocity channels : principles, channel models, and system design, Huaihai Guo, January 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dispersion of particles on liquid surfaces, Sathishkumar Gurupatham, August 2011
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Study of controlled release of active pharmaceutical ingredients from functionalized nanoclays and polymer matrices, Jin Uk Ha, January 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Using feed-forward networks to infer the activity of feedback neuronal networks, Xinxian Huang, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
A 3-dimensional vascularized cardiac tri-culture model using chitosan nanofiber scaffolds, Ali Hussain, May 2011
Biomedical Engineering
Sequential bayesian filtering for spatial arrival time estimation, Rashi Jain, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Seismic characterization of recycled aggregate concrete, Amin Jamali, January 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The effects of periodic and non-periodic inputs on the dynamics of a medial entorhinal cortex layer II stellate cell model, Dongwook Kim, August 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Security systems based on Gaussian integers : Analysis of basic operations and time complexity of secret transformations, Aleksey Koval, August 2011
Computer Science
Synthesis and development of boron nanotubes and metal/ceramic-carbon nanotube composites, Jinwen Liu, August 2011
Face recognition using multiple features in different color spaces, Zhiming Liu, January 2011
Computer Science
Numerical and asymptotic modeling of evolving nonlinear ocean surface wave fields, Matt Malej, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Anti-solvent precipitation and subsequent film formation of hydrophobic drugs for drug delivery, Xiangxin Meng, May 2011
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Factors that impact seat belt usage and injury severity of belted front seat occupants, Siri Konje Lawrencia Nukenine, January 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling of non-uniform hydrodynamics and catalytic reaction in a solids-laden riser, Rajeshkumar Patel, May 2011
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Active caching for recommender systems, Muhammad Umar Qasim, May 2011
A study of three transition metal compounds and their applications, Zhen Qin, May 2011
TiN/HfO2/SiO2/Si gate stacks reliability : Contribution of HfO2 and interfacial SiO2 layer, Nilufa Rahim, January 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modeling of magnetic field driven simultaneous assembly, Rene David Rivero, January 2011
Analysis of Mueller matrices of metamaterials and multiferroics, Paul D. Rogers, May 2011
Mixing of nanosize particles by magnetically assisted impaction techniques, James V. Scicolone, January 2011
Multifunctional reactive nanocomposite materials, Demitrios Stamatis, August 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Theoretical prediction of drug release in GI tract from spherical matrix systems, Naga Lakshmi Ramana Susarla, August 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Deagglomeration and mixing via the rapid expansion of high pressure and supercritical suspensions, Daniel To, May 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Radio-derived three-dimensional structure of a solar active region, Samuel D. Tun, January 2011
Distributed synchronization algorithms for wireless sensor networks, Nicola Varanese, January 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Investigation on advanced image search techniques, Abhishek Verma, August 2011
Computer Science
A study of the New York / New Jersey coastal water : bio-optical characteristics of the harbor estuary and the effects of heavy metals on brown tide alga of the bight, Bin Wang, May 2011
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Efficient packet delivery in modern communication networks, Nan Wang, May 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Effects of operating and geometric variables on hydrodynamics and tablet dissolution in standard and modified dissolution testing apparatuses 2, Yimin Wang, August 2011
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Extensions of SNOMED taxonomy abstraction networks supporting auditing and complexity analysis, Duo Wei, August 2011
Computer Science
High-order adaptive methods for computing invariant manifolds of maps, Jacek K. Wrobel, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Pattern formation in oscillatory systems, Hui Wu, January 2011
Mathematical Sciences
A molecular dynamics simulation based principal component analysis framework for computation of multi-scale modeling of protein and its interaction with solvent, Tao Wu, January 2011
Computer Science
Markovian and stochastic differential equation based approaches to computer virus propagation dynamics and some models for survival distributions, Lianzhe Xu, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Development of advanced algorithms to detect, characterize and forecast solar activities, Yuan Yuan, May 2011
Computer Science
Model reference control for ultra-high precision positioning systems, Lan Yu, January 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Application of raman spectroscopy in pharmaceuticals, Anna Zarow, May 2011
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Optimizing resource allocation in next-generation optical access networks, Jingjing Zhang, May 2011
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Confidence bands for survival functions under semiparametric random censorship models, Peixin Zhang, May 2011
Mathematical Sciences
Dissertations from 2010
Generalized discrete Fourier transform with non-linear phase : theory and design, Handan Agirman-Tosun, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Coupled simulation of loading and response of columns under extreme events, Navid H. Allahverdi, May 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Understanding cognitive differences in processing competing visualizations of complex systems, Madhavi Mukul Chakrabarty, January 2010
Properties and device applications of silicon and silicon-germanium nanostructures with different dimensions, Han-Yun Chang, May 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Algorithms in comparative genomics, Satish Chikkagoudar, January 2010
Computer Science
Variance reduction techniques for estimating quantiles and value-at-risk, Fang Chu, May 2010
Target localization in MIMO radar systems, Hana Godrich, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hardware support for real-time network security and packet classification using field programmable gate arrays, Nitesh Bhicu Guinde, May 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Service oriented networking for multimedia applications in broadband wireless networks, Ehsan Haghani Dogaheh, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
New data structures, models, and algorithms for real-time resource management, Xinfa Hu, May 2010
Computer Science
Perturbed spherical objects in acoustic and fluid flow fields, Manmeet Kaur, January 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Constitutive modeling of glassy memory polymers, Mahesh Khanolkar, May 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Optimal train control on various track alignments considering speed and schedule adherence constraints, Kitae Kim, January 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Design of novel drug delivery system and optimal dosage regimens, Kwang Seok Kim, August 2010
Chemical and Materials Engineering
The public understanding of climate change : A case study of Taiwanese youth, Shih-Yun Kuo, August 2010
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Operating characteristics of passenger screening processes and the development of a paced inspection system, Geraldine Kelly Leone, January 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Inter-relationship of mechanical and bio-chemical processes governing the settlement of municipal solid waste (MSW) using the (C +H)/L ratio, Joseph John Lifrieri, January 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling with bivariate geometric distributions, Jing Li, May 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Motion coordination and control in the development of a gait rehabilitation system, Yazan Ahmad Manna, January 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Novel micron- and nano-scale energetic materials for advanced gun propulsion, their material properties, and their effects on ballistic performance, Thelma Gatuz Manning, May 2010
Formation of screen-printed contacts on multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) solar cells, Vishal R. Mehta, May 2010
Virtual world commerce adoption (VWCA) : a case study of second life investigating the impacts of perceived affordances, trust, and need satisfaction, Kamolbhan Olapiriyakul, January 2010
End-of-life analysis of nanotechnology products, Sun Olapiriyakul, January 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The floating contract between risk-averse supply chain partners in a volatile commodity price environment, Mojisola Kike Otegbeye, May 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Integration of electronic and optical techniques in the design and fabrication of pressure sensors, Ivan Padron, January 2010
Study of magnetic helicity in solar active regions and its relationship with solar eruptions, Sung-Hong Park, August 2010
Optimal synthesis of planar adjustable mechanisms, Chong Peng, January 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Job seeking and job application in social networking sites : predicting job seekers' behavioral intentions, Maria Marcella Plummer, January 2010
Safe haven infant protection : incidence of use and characteristics of surrendered infants and relinquishing users, Sallie Anne Porter, January 2010
New Jersey School of Architecture
Mechanisms for quality-of-service provisioning in networks with extended services, Zhen Qin, May 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Experiences of pregnancy, childbirth and post-partem period in urban and suburban immigrant Pakistani women, Rubab I. Qureshi, May 2010
New Jersey School of Architecture
Resource assignment in short life technology intensive (SLTI) new product development (NPD), Randy A. Reagan, January 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Modeling and quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of risk in credit portfolios, Bo Ren, January 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Adaptive trust and reputation system as a security service in group communications, Pitipatana Sakarindr, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Atomic and electronic structure studies of nano-structured systems : Carbon and related materials, Sumit Saxena, August 2010
Synthesis and characterization of metal oxide semiconductors for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, Sudhakar Shet, January 2010
Advanced classification of OFDM and MIMO signals with enhanced second order cyclostationarity detection, Miao Shi, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Natural selection on MRNA secondary structure and its correlation with protein functional groups, Suresh Solaimuthu, August 2010
Computer Science
Cooperative retransmission protocols in fading channels : issues, solutions and applications, Igor Stanojev, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multi-component boron coatings on low carbon steel AISI 1018, Naruemon Suwattananont, May 2010
Relationship between photospheric magnetic fields and coronal activities, Changyi Tan, January 2010
Institutional controls and brownfield redevelopment, Ronnachai Tiyarattanachai, January 2010
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Optimizing integrated service for a transit route with heterogeneous demand, Yavuz Yusuf Ulusoy, May 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transport mechanisms and modeling of riser reactor, Dawei Wang, May 2010
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Nonlinear evolution of annular layers and liquid threads in electric fields, Qiming Wang, January 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Soft-error resilient on-chip memory structures, Shuai Wang, January 2010
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Semantics and efficient evaluation of partial tree-pattern queries on XML, Xiaoying Wu, January 2010
Computer Science
Computational methods for two-phase flow with soluble surfactant, Kuan Xu, August 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Noxious odor in residential environments : Coping in reactive and proactive ways in three New Jersey communities, Maria Beatriz Yabur, May 2010
New Jersey School of Architecture
A numerical study on the propagation and interaction of strongly nonlinear solitary waves, Qiyi Zhou, August 2010
Mathematical Sciences
Dissertations from 2009
Kinematic synthesis of planar four bar and geared five bar mechanisms with structural constraints, Yahia Mohammad Al-Smadi, January 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Sensorimotor experience in virtual environments, Katherine Grace August, May 2009
Biomedical Engineering
Optimizing container retrieval operation at a port container terminal, Dejan Besenski, January 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Freeway speed-flow relationships under rain and congested conditions, Jongho Byun, May 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
I/Q imbalance mitigation for space-time block coded communication systems, Mingzheng Cao, May 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Voting in group support systems : theory, implementation, and results from an exploratory study, Kung-E Cheng, January 2009
Autonomous migration of vertual machines for maximizing resource utilization, Hyung Won Choi, May 2009
Computer Science
Precipitation of micro/nanoparticles in enhanced high energy dissipation mixing systems, Giuseppe Di Benedetto, January 2009
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Self similar flows in finite or infinite two dimensional geometries, Leonardo Xavier Espin Estevez, May 2009
Mathematical Sciences
Probing the complex magnetic, electronic and structural properties in correlated manganese oxides, Peng Gao, August 2009
Analysis of marine container terminal gate congestion, truck waiting cost, and system optimization, Chang Qian Guan, May 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Predictive decoding of neural data, Yaroslav O. Halchenko, May 2009
Computer Science
Terahertz response of microfluidic-jetted fabricated 3D flexible metamaterials, Yew Li Hor, January 2009
Electro hydrodynamic manipulation of the process of self-assembly of particles at fluid-fluid interfaces, Muhammad Mansoor Janjua, January 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Discreet dynamical population models : higher dimensional pioneer-climax models, Yogesh Joshi, May 2009
Mathematical Sciences
Determinants of risky sexual behaviors of Kenyan immigrant men in the US and during visits in Kenya, Japheth K. Kaluyu, May 2009
New Jersey School of Architecture
Optimizing replenishment order quantities in uncoordinated supply chains, Atipol Kanchanapiboon, May 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
A bioinformatics framework for RNA structure mining, motif discovery and polyadenylation analysis, Mugdha Khaladkar, May 2009
Computer Science
Electrical and optical properties of carbon nanotube intra-connects and conductive polymers, Seon Woo Lee, August 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Enhanced fluidization of nanoparticle agglomerates, Daniel Lepek, January 2009
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Surface and bulk passivation of multicrystalline silicon solar cells by silicon nitride (H) layer : modeling and experiments, Chuan Li, January 2009
Collaborative learning utilizing a domain-based shared data repository to enhance learning outcomes, David J. Lubliner, January 2009
Clustered wireless sensor networks, Renita Margaret Machado, May 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Numerical detection of complex singularities in two and three dimensions, Kamyar Malakuti, May 2009
Mathematical Sciences
Experiment and modeling : ignition of aluminum particles with a CO2 laser, Salil Mohan, January 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The influence of organizational and information systems factors on the effectiveness of post-merger technology integration, Gianilda A. Morsell, May 2009
Phosphate and thermal stabilization of heavy metals in dredged sediments, Peter Kuria Ndiba, January 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Electrohydrodynamic manipulation of multiphase fluids, Sai C. Nudurupati, August 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Road-based routing in vehicular ad hoc networks, Josiane Nzouonta-Domgang, May 2009
Computer Science
Loss of synchrony in an inhibitory network of type-I oscillators, Myongkeun Oh, January 2009
Mathematical Sciences
Synchrotron radiation-based characterization of GaN- based MQW structures and strongly correlated materials, Sean M. O'Malley, January 2009
Enterprise information technology organizational flexibility : managing uncertainty and change, Karen Prast Patten, May 2009
Processing techniques for partial tree-pattern queries on XML data, Pawel Placek, August 2009
Computer Science
Leadership in partially distributed teams, Linda Plotnick, May 2009
In-group / out-group dynamics and effectiveness in partially distributed teams, Faina Privman, August 2009
Characterization of natural organic matter and precursors to trihalomethanes using spectral flourescence signatures, Krit Punburananon, January 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Practical localized waves generation, Mohamed Ahmed Salem, August 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Accessibility in metropolitan transportation planning : visualizing a GIS-based measure for collaborative planning, Aditi Sarkar, August 2009
New Jersey School of Architecture
On modeling and mitigating new breed of dos attacks, Amey Bhaskar Shevtekar, May 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carbon nanotube electronic structures as anti-corrosion coatings, Sreeya Sreevatsa, August 2009
Optimizing fare structure and service frequency for an intercity transit system, Feng-Ming Tsai, January 2009
Civil and Environmental Engineering
High resolution solar observations from first principles to applications, Angelo P. Verdoni, August 2009
Dynamics of school playground use in low-income neighborhoods : Four case studies from Newark, New Jersey, Caryn Schneider Yaacov, August 2009
New Jersey School of Architecture
Reduced order models for fluid-structure interaction systems by mixed finite element formulation, Ye Yang, August 2009
Mathematical Sciences
Design development and evaluation of collario, a group support system for collaborative scenario creation, Xiang Yao, August 2009
A novel storage area network (SAN) extension solution over passive optical networks (PONs), Si Yin, January 2009
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heterogeneous flow structure and gas-solid transport of riser, Jun You, May 2009
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Dissertations from 2008
Ontology learning for the semantic deep web, Yoo Jung An, January 2008
Computer Science
Modeling edge effects of mesa diodes for silicon photovoltaics, Jesse S. Appel, August 2008
Projecting land use changes using parcel-level data : model development and application to Hunterdon County, New Jersey, Florencio C. Ballesteros Jr., May 2008
Chemistry and Environmental Science
The development and evaluation of software to foster professional development in educational assessment, Morgan C. Benton, January 2008
The role of short term synamptic plasticity in temporal coding of neuronal networks, Lakshmi Chandrasekaran, May 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Synthesis and characterization of plasma enhanced chemically vapor deposited tantalum films, Weizhong Chen, May 2008
Abstraction, extension and structural auditing with the UMLS semantic network, Yan Chen, January 2008
Computer Science
Probing spin, charge and lattice coupling in manganites, Zhiqiang Chen, August 2008
Multiclass intermodal network model : the use of combined model on system evaluations, Yi Deng, January 2008
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Architecture design and performance analysis of practical buffered-crossbar packet switches, Ziqian Dong, January 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Flexible electronics : materials and sensor fabrication, Katherine J. Duncan, August 2008
Appropriation of privacy management within social networking sites, Catherine Dwyer, May 2008
Density relaxation of granular matter through Monte Carlo and granular dynamics simulations, Oleksandr M. Dybenko, May 2008
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The impact of cultural differences in temporal perception on global software development teams, Richard William Egan, May 2008
Synthesis and characterization of atmospheric pressure chemically vapor deposited aluminum, Sipeng Gu, August 2008
Roles of gap junctions in neuronal networks, Joon Ha, May 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Perception gaps and the adoption of information technology in the clinical healthcare environment, Karen Hare, May 2008
Mechanisms of ionic current changes underlying rhythmic activity recovery after decentralization, Olga E. Khorkova Sherman, January 2008
Federated Department of Biological Sciences
Optical properties and carrier transport in Si/ Si1-xGex nanostructures, Eun Kyu Lee, May 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design and analysis of scalable scheduling schemes for high-speed input-queued packet switches, Chuan-bi Lin, January 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Novel polypropylene based microporous membranes via spherulitic deformation, Kuan-Yin Lin, August 2008
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Taux : a system for evaluating sound feedback in navigational tasks, Robert J. Lutz, January 2008
User evaluation of the performance of information systems, Edward Mahinda, January 2008
Dynamics of online chat, Mihai Moldovan, May 2008
Instabilities of volatile films and drops, Nebojsa Murisic, May 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Modeling inventory and responsiveness costs in a supply chain, Robert Nearier, May 2008
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Investigation into the acupuncture and meridian system, Jingong Pan, August 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ionic liquids as additives for biodegradable polyactic acid, Ku-Il Park, August 2008
Signal transmission in epithelial layers, Filippo Posta, May 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Complex adaptive systems based data integration : theory and applications, Eliahu Rohn, January 2008
Micro, meso and macro materials processing using high-speed liquid projectiles, Veljko Samardzic, May 2008
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Multi-functional, self-sensing and automated real-time non-contact liquid dispensing system, Qiong Shen, August 2008
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Service supply chain management : a hierarchical decision modeling approach, Roger Angel Solano-Cayama, August 2008
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Automatic prediction of solar flares and super geomagnetic storms, Hui Song, January 2008
Production of nanocrystalline rdx by ress : development and material characterization, Victor Stepanov, May 2008
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Optimized scheduling of highway work zones, Yimin Tang, January 2008
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Optimal allocation of blood products, Godson A. Tetteh, May 2008
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Removal and recovery of fermentation-produced volatile organic compounds by a novel liquid membrane-based pervaporation technique, Atsawin Thongsukmak, May 2008
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Some combinational optimization problems on radio network communication and machine scheduling, Xin Wang, January 2008
Computer Science
On the rolling motion of viscous fluid on a rigid surface, Xinli Wang, August 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Propagation and scattering of beam waves in vegetation using scalar transport theory, Michael Yu-Chi Wu, January 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Data allocation in disk arrays with multiple raid levels, Jun Xu, May 2008
Computer Science
Vector support for multicore processors with major emphasis on configurable multiprocessors, Hongyan Yang, May 2008
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Leader delegation and trust in global software teams, Suling Zhang, January 2008
A mathematical and computational exploration of the effect of the A-current in determining the activity phase of follower neurons, Yu Zhang, August 2008
Mathematical Sciences
Degradation of polylactic acid in the presence of microsize and nanosize fillers, Quyuan Zhou, August 2008
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Dissertations from 2007
Hydrodynamics investigation of in-vitro dissolution testing, Ge Bai, January 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Problems related to efficacy measurement and analyses, Sibabrata Banerjee, May 2007
Mathematical Sciences
A collaborative, hierarchical, incremental, and problem solving information systems development model, Timothy Joseph Burns, January 2007
The impact of combined maternal alcohol and tobacco use on low birth weight in singleton pregnancies : a population based study in the US, 2003, Della A. Campbell, May 2007
New Jersey School of Architecture
Sifting customers from the clickstream : behavior pattern discovery in a virtual shopping environment, Peishih Chang, May 2007
Prediction of mRNA polyadenylation sites in the human genome and Mathematical modeling of alternative polyadenylation, Yiming Cheng, May 2007
Mathematical Sciences
Designing multimodal interaction for the visually impaired, Xiaoyu Chen, August 2007
In vitro studies of degradation and bioactivity of aliphatic polyesther composites, Georgia Chouzouri, May 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Reliability Studies of TiN/Hf-Silicate Based Gate Stacks, Naser Ahmed Chowdhury, May 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
High resolution studies of complex solar active regions, Na Deng, January 2007
Solar activity detection and prediction using image processing and machine learning techniques, Gang Fu, August 2007
Computer Science
Nanoparticle formation and coating using supercritical fluids, Abhijit Aniruddha Gokhale, January 2007
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Mobile information communication technology for crisis management : understanding user behavior, response and training, Elizabeth Avery Gomez, August 2007
New approaches to scaled-up carbon nanotube synthesis and nanotube-based metal composites and sensors, Amit Goyal, August 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Low jitter phase-locked loop clock synthesis with wide locking range, Adnan Gundel, May 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design and implementation of split TCP in the Linux kernel, Rahul Jain, August 2007
Computer Science
Reactive modification and crystallization behavior of foamed poly(butylene terephthalate), Byeong Joon Jeong, January 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Direct simulations of cells motions and deformations in flow, Quan Jin, May 2007
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Modeling projection neuron and neuromodulatory effects on a rhythmic neuronal network, Nicholas Kintos, January 2007
Mathematical Sciences
Solvent resistant microporous/nanoporous polymeric hollow fiber and flat film membranes and their applications, Praveen B. Kosaraju, January 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Some contributions on MIMO radar, Nikolaus Lehmann, January 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
People-search : searching for people sharing similar interests from the web, Quanzhi Li, May 2007
Small and large-scale magnetic fields involved with solar flares, Chang Liu, January 2007
Construction of FASR subsystem testbed and application for solar burst trajectories and RFI study, Zhiwei Liu, May 2007
Design and application of near infrared tunable filter for ATST and NST, Jun Ma, August 2007
Novel model of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics based on hemodynamically driven cyclic brain compliance variation, Bruno A. Mantilla, August 2007
Biomedical Engineering
Long exposure point spread function estimation from solar adaptive optics loop data, Jose Marino, May 2007
Formation of RDX nanoparticles by rapid expansion of supercritical solution : in situ characterization by laser scattering, Takuya Matsunaga, May 2007
Ligand-based drug design : I. conformational studies of GBR 12909 analogs as cocaine antagonists; II. 3d-QSAR studies of salvinorin a analogs as kappa opioid agonists, Deepangi Pandit, May 2007
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Investigation of formation and applications of high-speed liquid projectiles, Oleg Petrenko, January 2007
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Central and peripheral autonomic influences : analysis of cardio-pulmonary dynamics using novel wavelet statistical methods, Anne Marie Petrock, May 2007
Biomedical Engineering
Design and performance of CDMA codes for multiuser communications, Radharani Poluri, May 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Enhancement of fluidization and filtration using nanoparticle agglomerates and aerogels, Jose A. Quevedo, January 2007
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Flow characteristics and phase interactions of evaporating sprays in gas-solid suspensions, Muhammad Mushahid Rafique Qureshi, January 2007
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ion assisted magnetron sputtering of tantalum thin film deposition and characterization, Hua Ren, August 2007
Community-based evaluation of the air toxic provisions of title III of the 1990 clean air act amendments : risks, costs and benefits, Keith C. Silverman, January 2007
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Characterization and modeling of low-frequency noise in Hf-based high -kappa dielectrics for future cmos applications, Purushothaman Srinivasan, August 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Synthesis and analysis of reactive nanocomposites prepared by arrested reactive milling, Swati M. Umbrajkar, May 2007
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Interaction of methoxyethyl methyl imidazolium-based ionic liquids with uranium and its effect on bioreduction of uranium, Hao Wang, August 2007
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Automatic physical database design : recommending materialized views, Wugang Xu, August 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analysis of truck delays at container terminal security inspection stations, Dae-Gwun Yoon, May 2007
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Doppler spread estimation in mobile fading channels, Hong Zhang, January 2007
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design, fabrication and testing of a fiber optic stress/strain sensor for soft stretchable materials using polarization imaging technique, Jianjun Zheng, August 2007
Dissertations from 2006
Study of propagation and detection methods of terahertz radiation for spectroscopy and imaging, Aparajita Bandyopadhyay, May 2006
Constitutive modeling of the thermo-mechanics associated with crystallizable shape memory polymers, Gautam Barot, August 2006
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The impact of abiotic and biogenic mn oxide coatings on contaminant mobility, bioavailability, and attenuation, Thipnakarin Boonfueng, August 2006
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Image segmentation and pattern classification using support vector machines, Shouxian Cheng, January 2006
Computer Science
Text mining with exploitation of user's background knowledge : discovering novel association rules from text, Xin Chen, January 2006
Facial feature representation and recognition, Chao-fa Chuang, January 2006
Computer Science
Characterization of hypertension through multivariate analysis utilizing linear and nonlinear methods, Diane L. Donnelly, August 2006
Biomedical Engineering
Color image quality measures and retrieval, Yan-Yu Fu, January 2006
Computer Science
On mitigating distributed denial of service attacks, Zhiqiang Gao, August 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
HfO2 as gate dielectric on Si and Ge substrate, Reenu Garg, January 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Design and stability analysis of high performance packet switches, Zhen Guo, January 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Probabilistic approaches to the design of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, Zhen Guo, January 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dynamic simulations of particle suspensions subjected to an external electric-field, Xianjin Jiang, January 2006
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Medium access control design for all-IP and ad hoc wireless network, Zaihan Jiang, May 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gas chromatography on self assembled single walled carbon nanotubes, Mahesh Kumar Karwa, May 2006
Chemistry and Environmental Science
Analytical model for staging emergency evacuations, Vivek V. Korikanthimath, August 2006
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Linear and log-linear models based on generalized inverse sampling scheme, Soumi Lahiri, May 2006
Mathematical Sciences
The effects of aging on cardiac mechanics, Samuel C. Lieber, January 2006
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Advanced methods in automatic modulation classification for emerging technologies, Hong Li, May 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Multilevel adaptive security system, Hongwei Li, January 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unified architecture of mobile ad hoc network security (MANS) system, Li Ling, August 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cross-layer design for wireless sensor relay networks, Lichuan Liu, May 2006
Electrical and Computer Engineering