Document Type
Date of Award
Fall 1-31-2009
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics - (Ph.D.)
Federated Physics Department
First Advisor
John Francis Federici
Second Advisor
Robert Benedict Barat
Third Advisor
Dale E. Gary
Fourth Advisor
Andrei Sirenko
Fifth Advisor
M. Vargas
Conventional materials exhibit some restrictions on their electromagnetic properties. Especially in terahertz region, for example, materials that exhibit magnetic response are far less common in nature than materials that exhibit electric response. However, materials can be designed, namely artificial man-made metamaterials that exhibit electromagnetic properties that are not found in natural materials by adjusting, for example, the dielectric, magnetic or structural parameters of the constituent elements.
This dissertation demonstrates the use of new fabrication techniques to construct metamaterials in THz range via a material deposition system. The metamaterials are fabricated by stacking alternative layers with conventional designs such as single ring- split ring resonators (SRR) and microstrips to form a 3D metamaterial structure. Conductive nano-particle Ag, Cu and semiconductor polymer fluids are used as structural mediums. The metamaterials are fabricated on polyimide substrate. Their flexible nature will be advantageous in future device innovations. In order to obtain electromagnetic resonance in the terahertz range, the dimensions of the single ring-SRR and microstrips are first approximated by analytical methods and then confirmed by numerical simulation. The fabricated metamaterials are then characterized in transmission mode using Time-domain THz Spectroscopy (THz-TDS) in the 0.1 to 2 THz range.
Recommended Citation
Hor, Yew Li, "Terahertz response of microfluidic-jetted fabricated 3D flexible metamaterials" (2009). Dissertations. 889.