Dissertations | Electronic Theses and Dissertations | New Jersey Institute of Technology

In 1964, the Newark College of Engineering granted its first Doctoral Degree in Chemical Engineering. To date, NJIT has awarded more than 1,500 Doctorates. Prior to 1990 the doctoral degree awarded by institution was the Doctor of Engineering Science. These dissertations are included here with the PhD dissertations. The library has accepted electronic submissions since 2010 and has been digitizing new theses and dissertations since 2000. We continue to digitize our catalog working backwards and by request.

The Robert W. Van Houten Library provides this service in an effort to make our graduates’ research more widely available.


Dissertations from 1996


The constant fracture angle model for cementitious materials, Suk Ki Kim, May 1996

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Global fuzzy control based on cell mapping, Tea-Quin Kim, May 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Study of stress in microelectronic materials by photoelasticity, Hancheng Liang, October 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Experimental and numerical investigation of abrasive waterjet polishing technology, Fenggang Li, May 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


An investigation of the mechanism of advanced oxidation processes (AOP) involving free radicals and charged species., Yaw-Kuen Lin, January 1996

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Experimental and analytical investigation of waterjet cleaning process, Ping Meng, May 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Development of a multivariate QSAR model to predict desorption of halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons from activated sludge solids, Sudhi Ranjan Mukherjee, May 1996

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Fracture mechanics of high strength concrete members, Rajendra K. Navalurkar, October 1996

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Characterization and fabrication of a (6H)-SiC as a piezoresistive pressure sensor for high temperature applications, Robert Sylvester Okojie, May 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Investigation of dynamic friction in lubricated surfaces, Hanuman Rachoor, January 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Reduction of inertia-induced forces in a general spatial mechanism, Sahidur Rahman, May 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


On the adaptive multi-stage detector for cancellation of multiuser interference in CDMA wireless communication systems, Nadir Sezgin, January 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Anaerobic digestion and acid hydrolysis of nitrocellulose, Fong-Jung Tai, January 1996

Civil and Environmental Engineering


On optimal design and applications of linear transforms, Mehmet V. Tazebay, January 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons under anaerobic conditions, Monica Turner Togna, October 1996

Chemistry and Environmental Science


A full wave method for rough surface scattering using fictitious current distributions, Anthony A. Triolo, May 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


On the optimization problems in multiaccess communication systems, Gangsheng Wang, January 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Integrating hypertext with information systems through dynamic mapping, Jiangling Wan, May 1996

Computer Science


Discrete element modeling of dry granular material using a massively parallel supercomputer, David W. Washington, May 1996

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Knowledge discovering for document classification using tree matching in Texpros, Ching-Song Wei, May 1996

Computer Science


Theory and design of portable parallel programs for heterogeneous computing systems and networks, Ying-Chieh Wu, May 1996

Computer Science


Motion estimation and video coding, Xiaochun Xia, October 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Scheduling and discrete event control of flexible manufacturing systems based on Petri nets, Huanxin Henry Xiong, October 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Local stresses on lateral pipe-nozzle with 45 degree angle intersection, James Jin Xu, October 1996

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Continuous monitoring of volatile organic compounds using microtrap based gas chromatographic systems, Yonghua Xu, May 1996

Chemistry and Environmental Science


Design, process and performance simulation of a 360x360-element very high frame rate burst-image sensor, Guang Yang, May 1996

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Identifying and exploiting concurrency in object-based real-time systems, Guohui Yu, January 1996

Computer Science


Emulsion liquid membrane removal of arsenic and Strontium from wastewater : an experimental and theoretical study, Ding-Wei Zhou, May 1996

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Towards designing a knowledge-based tutoring system : SQL-tutor as an example, Gang Zhou, May 1996


Dissertations from 1995


Computer-aided process design for waste minimization, Konstadinos Abeliotis, October 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Theory, design and applications of linear transforms for information transmission, Adil Benyassine, January 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Intermodal commuter network planning, Maria P. Boile, October 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Micromechanics of hot mix asphalt material formulation and numerical simulation, Kuo-Neng G. Chang, April 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Document preprocessing and fuzzy unsupervised character classification, Shy-Shyan Chen, May 1995

Computer Science


Mapping of portable parallel programs, Song Chen, May 1995

Computer Science


On adaptive code division multiple access detectors, Wenping Chen, January 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Automatic visual recognition using parallel machines, Yui-Liang Chen, October 1995

Computer Science


Dichloromethane pyrolysis and oxidation : formation of chlorinated aromatic precursors to PCDD/F, Hong-Ming Chiang, May 1995

Chemistry and Environmental Science


Experimental and numerical determination of fluid velocity profiles and turbulence intensity in mixing vessels, Chun-Chiao Chou, January 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering


A theoretical analysis of volatile contaminant removal by the pneumatic fracturing process, Yuan Ding, October 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Robust approach to object recognition through fuzzy clustering and hough transform based methods, Tianxiong Fu, January 1995

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Automatic office document classification and information extraction, Xiaolong Hao, October 1995

Computer Science


Composite beam analogy fracture model (CBAFM) : a non-linear fracture mechanics model for concrete, Mohammed Enamul Haque, May 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Design and micro-fabrication of tantalum silicide cantilever beam threshold accelerometer, Chang Joo Kim, January 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


A petri-net based methodology for modeling, simulation, and control of flexible manufacturing systems, Venkatesh Kurapati, January 1995

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Section I: Thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon radicals, peroxy hydrocarbon and peroxy chlorohydrocarbon molecules and radicals Section II: Kinetics and reaction mechanisms for : (1) chloroform pyrolysis and oxidation (2) benzene and toluene oxidation under atmospheric conditions, Tsan-Horng Lay, January 1995

Chemistry and Environmental Science


Electrical characteristics of novel heterojunction diodes of thin relaxation semiconductors/p-Si/, Hyung Joo Lee, January 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Vibration as an aid in robotic peg-in-hole assembly, Hsin-Te Liao, October 1995

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Grain-size optimization and scheduling for distributed memory architectures, Jing-Chiou Liou, May 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Investigation of hybrid message-passing and shared-memory architectures for parallel computer : a case study : turbonet, Xi Li, May 1995

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Combustion of methyl chloride, monomethyl amine, and their mixtures in a two stage turbulent flow reactor, Fuhe Mao, January 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Visual pattern recognition using neural networks, Jenlong Moh, May 1995



Removal of VOCs from air by absorption and stripping in hollow fiber devices, Tarun K. Poddar, October 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Particle deposition on surfaces in a divergent channal flow, Ding Sun, October 1995

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Analysis of plates and reinforced concrete columns by cubic b-spline function, Gang Wang, January 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Biodegradation of mixed wastes : basic kinetics and reaction engineering for cyclic reactor operation, Kung-Wei Wang, May 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Shear strength and fatigue crack propagation in concrete by energy method, Wei Wang, October 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The effect of sulfur and phosphorus compounds on supported platinum catalyst activity, Yi Wang, October 1995

Chemistry and Environmental Science


Performance analysis for genetic algorithms., Hermrean Wong, October 1995

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


A nondestructive method for the determination of fracture energy in concrete structures, Been-Jyh Yu, October 1995

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The effect of chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus compounds on deactivation of palladium catalysts, Tai-Chiang Yu, October 1995

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1994


Behavior of concrete and slender reinforced concrete columns under cyclic axial compression with bidirectional eccentricities, Byong Youl Bahn, October 1994

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Removal of vapors from air by selective membrane processes, Junseok Cha, May 1994

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Adaptive nonlinear control using fuzzy logic and neural networks, Shu-Chieh Chang, May 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Computer aided stress analysis of the femur with prosthetic hip stem utilizing computed tomography, Wei-Chun Chang, January 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Local thermal stress factor of pipe-nozzle, David Chihwei Chen, October 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Local stress factors of pipe-nozzle under internal pressure, Jih-Lian Jack Ha, October 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Human visual system modelling : analysis of evoked potential dynamics, Zongqi Hu, January 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Analytical and simulation models of weaving area operations under non-freeway conditions, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, October 1994

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Oxidation of pollutants in a batch recirculation bioreactor with immobilized microorganisms, Jongtai Jung, May 1994

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Blind detection in channels with intersymbol interference, Raafat Edward Kamel, May 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


An investigation of the formation of turbulent water and abrasive water jets, Md. Ekramul Hasan Khan, January 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Investigation of paraelectric PTL thin films using reactive magnetron sputtering, Hyun Hoo Kim, May 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Particle dynamics modeling of vibrating granular beds, Yidan Lan, May 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Algorithms in fault-tolerant CLOS networks, Hyunyeop Lee, October 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


An office document retrieval system with the capability of processing incomplete and vague queries, Qianhong Liu, October 1994

Computer Science


Improvement of waterjet and abrasive waterjet nozzle, Zheng Li, October 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Estimation and cancellation of friction in control systems, Sofia Mentzelopoulou, May 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Behavior of biaxially loaded concrete-encased composite columns, Pedro Ricardo Munoz, April 1994

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Motion estimation using optical flow field, Jingning Pan, May 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Numerical investigation of flow through wide angle diffusers, Moududur Rahman, January 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Theoretical evaluation of the break off test for concrete, Arjuna Priyara Ranasinghe, October 1994

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Engineering analysis of a packed-bed biofilter for removal of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, Zarook M. Shareefdeen, May 1994

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Biological denitrification : fundamental kinetic studies, and process analysis for sequencing batch reactor operation, Jun-Hsien Wang, May 1994

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Motion synthesis of mechanisms using constraint manifolds in image space, Yeou-Kai Wu, April 1994

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Aqueous absorption of nitrogen oxides induced by oxychlorine compounds : a process development study for flue gas treatment, Chen-Lu Yang, January 1994

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Heart rate variability study using phase response curve, Peizhuan Zhang, May 1994

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1993


Analysis of the optimum extraction system design for the separation and purification of rare earths, Kenneth Yeon-Kang Chan, January 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Investigation of the striation formation in the course of abrasive waterjet cutting, Jo-fei Chao, January 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Minimum redundancy array structure for interference cancellation, Wan-Ling Chen, May 1993

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Deposition of particles in a convergent channel, Hsi-Chung Chiou, October 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Competition between two microbial populations in a sequencing fed-batch reactor and its implications for waste treatment applications, Sitaram Dikshitulu, May 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Tensile behavior of concrete and mortar under direct impact tensile load, Kayumars Emad, May 1993

Civil and Environmental Engineering


A comprehensive part model and graphical schema representation for object-oriented databases, Michael H. Halper, October 1993

Computer Science


Pyrolysis and oxidation of chloromethanes experiment and modeling, Wenpin Ho, October 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Utilization of fly ash in concrete, Chai Jaturapitakkul, May 1993

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Engineering design of an anaerobic-aerobic system to treat chlorophenols, Chih-Ju Jou, October 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Methodology for modeling high performance distributed and parallel systems, Rakesh Kushwaha, October 1993

Computer Science


Algorithms for generation of path-methods in object-oriented databases, Ashish Mehta, May 1993

Computer Science


Unreinforced masonry structures : nonlinear analysis and evaluation of some rehab schemes, Sanjay Mehta, May 1993

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Dmodel and Dalgebra : a data model and algebra for office documents, Fortune Solani Mhlanga, May 1993

Computer Science


Analysis of a band-saw, Suat Ali Ozsoylu, January 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Investigation of reactor design parameters towards optimizing biodegradation of chlorophenols by phanerochaete chrysosporium, Nirupam Pal, January 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Medium access control mechanisms for high speed metropolitan area networks, Michail Papamichail, October 1993

Computer Science


Characterization of advanced etching reactors using novel diagnostic tools, Vipulkumar Patel, May 1993

Electrical and Computer Engineering


On adaptive censored CFAR detection, Loizos Anastasiou Prastitis, January 1993

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Morphological operations in image processing and analysis, Chamim Christopher Pu, October 1993

Computer Science


Study of surface properties produced by magneto-plasma on nitriding for improving wear resistance, I-Tsung Shih, January 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Kinetic study of decomposition of azo dyes and phenol in advanced oxidation processes reaction mechanisms, pathways and intermediates, Hung-Yee Shu, May 1993

Chemical and Materials Engineering


On orthogonal collocation solutions of partial differential equations, Herli Surjanhata, May 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Kinematic synthesis of adjustable four-bar mechanisms for multi-phase motion generation, Shao Jie Wang, January 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Constitutive equation for concrete using strain-space plasticity model, Yuxiang Xing, May 1993

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Investigation of the consumer electronics bus, Jaesoo Yang, January 1993

Electrical and Computer Engineering


MegSDF Mega-system development framework, Tamar Zemel, May 1993

Computer Science


On generalized adaptive neural filter, Zhiqiang Zhang, October 1993

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Statistical, random and fractal characterizations of surface topography with engineering applications, Gongyao Zhou, October 1993

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Dissertations from 1992


Development of prediction technique for the geometry of the abrasive waterjet generated kerf, Yichung Chung, May 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


A study on radical scavenging and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of stable radical nitroxides, Shiey-Shiun Horng, October 1992

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Behavior of high strength concrete and slender reinforced concrete columns with and without steel fibers, Lin Showmay Hsu, October 1992

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Expert system for the injection molding of engineering thermoplastics, Tzy-Cherng Jan, October 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Particle dynamics modeling of boundary effects in granular couette flow, Hyeong-Jin Kim, May 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Process technology and characterization for field emission devices, Jong Min Kim, May 1992

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Performance evaluation of spread spectrum system with cochannel interference through a nonlinear channel, Yong H. Kim, May 1992

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Investigation of waterjet-workpiece interaction, Hung-Yuan Li, May 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Structural reliability using finite element method, Che-Chen Liou, May 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Improving the throughput of plasticating extruders : manufacture of non-circular pellets, measurement of their interparticulate friction coefficient, and implications for screw design, Chia-Ying Liu, January 1992

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Fabrication and characterization of gated silicon field emission micro triodes, Nanchou Liu, October 1992

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Kinetic studies of photo-initiated oxidation of toxic organic pollutants including the formation and the destruction of intermediates, Yuan-Shen Li, May 1992

Chemical and Materials Engineering


A modified approach to flood prediction in urban watersheds, Joseph Ofungwu, May 1992

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The influence of pore fluids on shear strength and stress-strain behavior of granular soils, Prasanna Ratnaweera, October 1992

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Investigation of epitaxial lift-off GaAs and langmuir-blodgett films for optoelectronic device applications, Divyang M. Shah, May 1992

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Thermal desorption and decomposition of hazardous organic compound I: Mass transfer of benzene and chlorobenzene in soil matrices II: Oxidation and pyrolysis of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in methane/oxygen/argon, Yo-Ping Wu, May 1992

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1991


A generalized, parametric PR-QMF/wavelet transform design approach for multiresolution signal decomposition, Hakan Caglar, December 1991

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The theory of bootstrapped algorithms and their applications to cross polarization interference cancelation, Abdulkadir Dinc, May 1991

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Crystallization kinetics and polyblends of poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled from post-consumer beverage bottles, Peming Peter Hsu, August 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical modeling of mass transfer in microvascular wall and interstitial space, Daekyung Kim, May 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Integrated anaerobic-aerobic system for the biodegradation of highly chlorinated aromatic compounds, Cheng-Ming Kung, October 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


A combined gel entrapped and membrane attached microbial process for biodegrading organic compounds, Fayaz Saifuddin Lakhwala, January 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical modeling of chemical vapor deposition processes and its application to thin film technology, Norman W. Loney, May 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


On local stresses and spring constants of a sphere-nozzle connection, Ban-Li Lyow, January 1991

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Thermodynamics of strong electrolyte solutions : prediction of osmotic coefficients by pair correlation function method, One Kwon Rim, January 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Behavior of square and L-shaped slender reinforced concrete columns under combined biaxial bending and axial compression, Wen Hu Tsao, December 1991

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Investigation of stagnation flow heat transfer for a heated horizontal round plate, Ching-Hua Wei, May 1991

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Kinetic studies on pyrolytic and oxidative decomposition of chlorocarbons in a tubular flow reactor, Yang Soo Won, May 1991

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1990


Mass transfer of hazardous organic compounds in soil matrices relevant to thermal desorption/incineration, Jong-In Dong, May 1990

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Effect of inorganic salts on adsorption process, Pai-Yuan Horng, January 1990

Civil and Environmental Engineering


On the performance of minimum redundancy array for multisource direction finding, Byung-Seub Lee, May 1990

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Computer aided localization of neurological diseases, Yusuf Parlar, May 1990

Electrical and Computer Engineering


On local stresses and spring constants of pipe-nozzle connection, Hson-Chih Sun, December 1990

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Computer modeling and analysis of biological rhythms, Shi Xiong Yang, May 1990

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1989


Thermotropic liquid crystalline polyesters based on the monomer of poly(ethylene terephthalate), Satish Baliga, May 1989

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Correlation between particle velocities and conditions of abrasive waterjet formation, Wei-Long Chen, December 1989

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Bond and fatigue characteristics of high-strength cement-based composites, Somboon Chimaphant, May 1989

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Propagation of millimeter wave signals in forests using the equation of radiative transfer with strong forward scattering phase functions, Nack Yang Cho, November 1989

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Air stripping of volatile organic contaminants using rotating disc contactor, Kai-Ping Hsueh, May 1989

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene with the addition of sugar using activated carbon-fluidized beds, Suxan Huang, May 1989

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Kinematic synthesis of mechanisms for multiply separated positions, Hyoung Jun Kim, May 1989

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Close-range, noncontact distance measurement by controlled image irradiance, Jaeho Kim, May 1989

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Biodegradation of benzene and a BTX mixture using immobilized activated sludge, Mayur Padamshi Lodaya, May 1989

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Protein separation with mathematical modeling for chromatographic operation, Hsien-Chih Ma, August 1989

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Fault-tolerant interconnection networks for multiprocessor systems, Hamed Mohamed Nassar, May 1989

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Kinetic study on pyrolysis of C6H5Cl and m-C6H4Cl2 diluted in H2 : detailed reaction kinetics and thermodynamic property estimation techniques, Edward Robert Ritter, May 1989

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Isoparametric finite elements for linear isotropic micropolar plate bending, Vallanore K. Suresh, May 1989

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Permeability and volume change characeristics of bentonite-sand mixes in a contaminant environment, Yuan-Hsun Wu, May 1989

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dissertations from 1988


Sorption and desorption of organic compounds by flyash, Kashinath Banerjee, May 1988

Civil and Environmental Engineering


A feasible direction procedure for general multiple objective optimization, Wen-Tsia Liu, April 1988

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Reactor design for hazardous waste treatment using a white rot fungus, Daewon Pak, May 1988

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Adsorption of organic compounds by microbial biomass, Ariamalar Selvakumar, December 1988

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Assessment of autonomic regulation of heart rate variability, Shaw-Jyh Shin, May 1988

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Gas-phase reactions of methylene chloride and methylene chloride-trichloroethylene mixture with methane in tubular flow reactor and atmospheric pressure, Javad Tavakoli-Attar, October 1988

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Multiyear drought simulation with periodic-stochastic hydrologic processes, Lankeswara Hemal Wijayaratne, May 1988

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dissertations from 1987


Transient analysis of macromolecular blood-tissue exchange in microvascular bed, Alex Yefim Bekker, October 1987

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1986


Fluid flow and gas absorption in an ejector venturi scrubber, Iclal Atay, May 1986

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Deposition of particles in tubes due to gravity and electrostatic charges, Win-Chung Chen, April 1986

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Two and three-dimensional isoparametric finite elements for axisymmetric micropolar elasticity, Fuang-Yuan Huang, April 1986

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Deposition of suspensions in convergent channels due to electrostatic image forces, Kwok Wah Hui, April 1986

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Computer aided stress analysis of long bones utilizing computed tomography, Shlomo Asher Marom, April 1986

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


The use of pure cultures as a means of understanding the performance of a mixed culture in the biodegradation of phenol, Chirasakdi Varuntanya, December 1986

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Reactions of chlorocarbon species with hydrogen over palladium on alumina catalyst and zeolite catalyst-development of deactivation models, Yuh-Der Yang, April 1986

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1985


Kinetic modeling of a laminar-flow reactor, Shih-Hsin Chang, May 1985

Chemical and Materials Engineering


An industrial ethanol azeotropic distillation process : modeling, analysis, and simulation, Harpreet Singh Chawla, October 1985

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Investigation of pre-detection signal processing of pseudonoise communication signals in the presence of additive white gaussian noise and CW and bursty interference, Israel Mayk, June 1985

Electrical and Computer Engineering


An analysis of the heating and densification process during rotational molding of a thermoplastic powder in a uniaxially rotating cylindrical cavity, Floyd Steven Ribe, April 1985

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Ternary ion exchange in fixed beds : equilibrium and dynamics, David W. H. Roth, August 1985

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The effect of single electrolytes on the vapor-liquid equilibrium of mixed solvents, Peggy Tomasula, August 1985

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The effect of a higher order pole on the optimum design of minimum threshold phase locked detectors, Bernard Zivotofsky, May 1985

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1984


Use of an optical probe to measure bubble characteristics in gas fluidized beds, Thomas Tai-Pai Chu, May 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mixing effect on chemical reaction in liquid phase, Ming-Teh Hsu, August 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical simulation of proteins separation in a packed bed, Jing James Huang, October 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical modeling of unsteady state photo-polymerization, Rong-Fa Liang, May 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical modeling of distillation operation from non-equilibrium approach, Wen-Dow Pan, May 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The effects of pressure on the kinetics and mechanisms of the bod reaction, Peter Sereico, May 1984

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Mathematical modeling of carrier mediated mass transfer through liquid membrane systems, Keng Chao Wang, October 1984

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1983


The settling of an arbitrary number of spherical particles arranged on the corners of a regular polygon in a viscous fluid, Eric Robert Bixon, October 1983

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Mathematical models of unsteady operation of a packed column, Jen-Fu Chao, October 1983

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Broadband base isolated asymetrically fed VHF antenna, Peter Edward Cunningham, April 1983

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The effect of ultrasound on the hydrolysis of carbohydrates, Adel A. Khamis, May 1983

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Optimization of a new linear FM detector using digital signal processing techniques, Edward J.A. Kratt, May 1983

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Application of fuzzy theory to pattern recognition, David Usechak, May 1983

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Decentralized optimal control with application to dynamic routing in computer communication networks, Ning Wang, December 1983

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1982


Remote attitude measurement techniques, Frank John Elmer, May 1982

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Removal of fluoborate from electroplating rinse water by ion flotation, Ray Haralson, October 1982

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Separation of proteins via pH parametric pumping with electric field, Helen Conway Hollein, September 1982

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Fractionation of multicomponent mixtures by staged sequence cyclic process and parametric pumping, Charles Omotayo Kerobo, September 1982

Chemical and Materials Engineering


An experimental study of multiple steady states in a photopolymerization reactor, Chih-Ning Kuan, May 1982

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Crimp-type electrical connectors, Ted Lai-Che Kuo, May 1982

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


The entrainer effect on azeotropic distillation column design, Charles Ming-Hsiao Tsai, May 1982

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Motion of viscous liquid in rotating cylinder, ChiCheng Wu, December 1982

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1981


Parametric pumping with pH and ionic strength : enzyme purification, Zikri Mostafa Ahmed, May 1981

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Investigations of gate turn-off structures, Hans Werner Becke, May 1981

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Deposition of particles in vertical conduits due to electrostatic charge, diffusion, and gravity, Melvin Wilbur Gelber, May 1981

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Mathematical modeling and analytical solutions of dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand profiles under three-dimensional, unsteady-state conditions, Uing Woong Kim, May 1981

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Statistical averaging in position determination by holography under turbulence conditions, Paul Aloysius McGovern, May 1981

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Separation technique on proteins via a pH-Parametric pump : a theoretical and experimental study, Ura Pancharoen, December 1981

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Correlation and prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium in electrolytic solutions, Anil Krishna Rastogi, May 1981

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Analysis of oscillations in nonlinear systems using multiple input describing functions, Frederic Lee Swern, June 1981

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Separation of proteins via continuous pH parametric pumping, Steve Wu, May 1981

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Separation via multi-column pH parametric pumping, Wei Tai Yang, May 1981

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1980


Correlation of thixotropic parameters and related tests of blood from human subjects, Walter Fabisiak, May 1980

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The minimum maximal-cube covering approach to switching theory, Yu-tsang Gene Hwang, May 1980

Electrical and Computer Engineering


An investigation of the dynamic response of the activated sludge process, Tin-Bai Pan, December 1980

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Thixotropic properties of whole human blood, Jen An Su, May 1980

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1979


Signal processing techniques for analysis of heart sounds and electrocardiograms, Alan D. Bernstein, May 1979

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Theory and design of cyclotron-wave traveling-wave amplifiers, Arthur H. Gottfried, October 1979

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Inplane and out of plane buckling of thick rings subjected to hydrostatic pressure, Thomas Michael Juliano, May 1979

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Development and verification of a laboratory model for use in the study of a continuous flow pressurized activated sludge process, Wayne Frederick Nolte, December 1979

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Synthesis of multiarea grid power systems, Bharat C. Patel, May 1979

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The use of natural sorbents for the treatment of industrial sludge leachate, Mung Shium Jack Sheih, May 1979

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Noise performance of the Klapper-Kratt low delay FM detector, Allan Brown Tarbell, May 1979

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1978


Dynamics of submerged cylindrical shells with eccentric stiffening, Kerry Kier-ten Chu, May 1978

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Interaction between structures and fluids, Rahim Falsafi-Haghighi, September 1978

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Axisymmetric air jet impinging on a hemispherical concave plate, Stefan Jachna, April 1978

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Deposition of suspensions in laminar flow in the entrance region of channels with diffusive, electrostatic and gravitational effects, Thomas Anthony Korjack, May 1978

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


The continuous non-equilibrium parametric pump: a theoretical and experimental study, John Lawrence Rak, May 1978

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Paper recycling : recovery of secondary fibers by selective wettability, Gary Keith Welshans, May 1978

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dissertations from 1977


Reliability and surface degradation aspects of synthetic insulator materials for HV application, Satyapal S. Bhatia, October 1977

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Thermal stratification and circulation of water bodies subjected to thermal discharge, Mohammad A. Borhani, March 1977

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Acoustical holography by holographic interferometry, Amin Mohamed Hanafy, May 1977

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Nonlinear buckling of deep cylindrical shell panels with imperfections, Madhusudan H. Jhaveri, May 1977

Civil and Environmental Engineering


A fast boundary tracking alogorithm for constrained nonlinear mathematical programming problems, Jacob Yaghoub Moradi, June 1977

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Flow of polymer melt blends through porous media, James Atwood Parker, May 1977

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Dynamic analysis of structures with solid-fluid interaction, Rennee Ramona Pedrido, April 1977

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Reliability of MOS devices : threshold voltage instability, Sesha Rajamani Shankar, September 1977

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1976


Distributed parameter sensitivity theory to solve certain reliability problems, Moses Nee Buernor Ayiku, May 1976

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Application of multilevel control techniques to classes of distributed parameter plants, Frederick Donald Chichester, September 1976

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The effects of optical path perturbations during recording on a reconstructed holographic image, Stevan Israel Feldman, June 1976

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Preparation and magnetic properties of rare earth garnets and apatites, Rostam Mondegarian, May 1976

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Investigation and optimum design of the generalized second-order phase-locked loop, William Allen Novick, May 1976

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Separations of multicomponent mixtures via thermal parametric pumping, John Daniel Stokes, May 1976

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1975


Optimal control and identification of stochastic systems using differential game theory, Harry Marvin Burbank, June 1975

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Deposition of suspensions in laminar flow in the entrance region ofa channel and in a diffuser, Shawki Mahmoud Eldighidy, August 1975

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


An analysis of the passenger vehicle interface of street transit systems with applications to design optimization, Walter H. Kraft, September 1975

Civil and Environmental Engineering


An investigation of the optical absorption properties of silicon as related to its electrical conductivity, Onofrio Louis Russo, June 1975

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1974


Synthetically-generated holographic memory system utilizing partially coherent light, William A. Barrett, May 1974

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The interpretation of infrared and raman spectra using pattern recognition, John Martin Comerford, September 1974

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Optimal planning of fixed route bus transit systems : a systems approach, Young Lee, May 1974

Civil and Environmental Engineering


The theory of multiple measurements techniques in distributed parameter systems, Babajimi Claudius Okunseinde, June 1974

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Characterization of thixotropic materials and modification of the Weissenberg rheogoniometer, Paul Joseph Orosz, October 1974

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Effect of gas temperature gradients and radiant heat transmission on kinetic model behavior, Richard W. J. Robertson, May 1974

Chemical and Materials Engineering


A nonlinear viscoelastic model, Yon-Li Shangkuan, May 1974

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Design and analysis of an instrument system for rheological testing of whole blood samples, Robert Rimvydas Sinusas, December 1974

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Dissertations from 1973


Adaptive, differential pulse-code modulation for speech processing, Peter Cummiskey, June 1973

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Dynamics of interconnected systems with pulse frequency modulators, Halil Ozcan Gulcur, October 1973

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The effect of ultrasonic vibrations on heterogeneous catalysis, William Lintner, June 1973

Chemical and Materials Engineering


A simulation modeling approach to central city dynamics, Leonard William Schaper Jr., June 1973

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Representation and characterization of thixotropic fluids, Huei-Hsiung Wang, June 1973

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1972


Vibration and buckling of elastic plates with shear and rotatory inertia, Bomi Batiwalla, May 1972

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Methods for acoustic holography and acoustic measurements, Wolfgang Fischer, June 1972

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Structure and magnetic properties of rare earth garnets, Milan R. Kokta, June 1972

Chemical and Materials Engineering


An investigation of the neuromuscular command in the control of respiration, Nirmal Kumar Mishra, June 1972

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Electromagnetic wave propagation in nonuniform waveguides with perfect conducting walls, Irwin Share, June 1972

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The preparation of CIS- and trans-1,2-dimethoxyethylene. The study of the CIS-trans-rearrangement and evaluation of equilibrium constants, James T. Waldron, September 1972

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1971


A theoretical and experimental study of the mechanism of axoplasmic convection in nerve fibers driven by peristaltic surface waves, Robert John Biondi, March 1971

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Transverse vibration of a class of orthotropic plates, Nicholas J. De Capua, March 1971

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Sidelobe suppression in chirp radar systems, Stephen N. Honickman, May 1971

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Centering in parallel channel systems, Allen Katz, June 1971

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Local mole fraction equations for the excess free energy of mixing, Jose Mario Marina, May 1971

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The effect of variable properties on the laminar flow of gases, Norman Shilling, November 1971

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


The oxidation of carbon monoxide by magnesium aluminate, James A. Whelan, September 1971

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1970


On the classification of the solution space of linear anisotropic elasticity, Richard Clement Carman, June 1970

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Continuous esterification of lactic acid with n-Butyl alcohol, Robert Dix, June 1970

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Oscillations in pulse frequency modulated control systems, Warren Joseph Guy, May 1970

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Non-linear analysis of electrocardiogram tracings in detection of occult coronary artery disease, Joseph Robert Levitt, May 1970

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Reliability aspects of semiconductor surface protective coatings, Robert Edward McMillan, May 1970

Electrical and Computer Engineering


A kinetic study of the anionic polymerization of neopentylethylene oxide, Albert Edward Meisinger, June 1970

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Extension and application of the Sedov-Berdichevskii variational principle, Francis X. Prendergast, May 1970

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Dynamic stress concentrations about an epilliptical discontinuity in an elastic solid, Kenneth Roy Schroll, May 1970

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Theoretical and experimental evaluation of cardiac state utilizing indicator dilution methods for nonuniform ventricular mixing, Stanley Myron Welland, June 1970

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


A study of the dynamics of gas adsorption in an air fluidized bed, William Charles Zalewski, June 1970

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1969


Simulation of periodic tank reactors, Noshir Pirojshaw Mistry, September 1969

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Concepts in LSI servo-control-electronics, Alfons Alfred Tuszynski, May 1969

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1968


Viscosity-density correlation of Newtonian liquids, Melvin Leonard Druin, June 1968

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The mechanism of second breakdown in transistors, Eugene David Fabricius, June 1968

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Noise spectral density as a diagnostic tool for reliability of p-n junctions, Young Duck Kim, May 1968

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Boiling heat transfer in the presence of electric fields, Ronald Francis Lovenguth, June 1968

Chemical and Materials Engineering


The generalized virial equation of state, Ghanshyam R. Patel, June 1968

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Design of linear control systems with distributed parameter elements by parameter plane techniques, Murray Weinberg, May 1968

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1967


Linear and adaptive delta modulation, John Edward Abate, May 1967

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Kinetics of hydrogen reduction by manganese dioxide, Herbert Eugen Barner, June 1967

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Relationships between some properties of pure homologous organic liquids, Herbert Rudolph Kemme, June 1967

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Effects of partial coherence on holography, Michael Jay Lurie, May 1967

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Energy transfer and electron conduction in the fluid transpiration arc column, Pin-Seng Tschang, February 1967

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dissertations from 1966


A systematic evaluation of alternate chemical routes, Arthur H. Bobis, April 1966

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Design of feedback control systems with transport lag by parameter plane techniques, Lawrence Eisenberg, June 1966

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Kinetics of the lactic acid-butyl alcohol esterification reaction, Joel Howard Kaplan, June 1966

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Improving the reliability of electronic systems by minimization of the variances and stabilization of the mean values of the system performance criteria, Emil Carl Neu, June 1966

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Hydrotropic extraction of hydrocarbon mixtures, Michael Jay Ram, May 1966

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1965


Optimum linear and adaptive polynomial smoothers, Stanley Bruce Alterman, June 1965

Electrical and Computer Engineering


The electrochemical oxidation of cholesteryl acetate dibromide, Abraham Cooper, June 1965

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Current-potential effects of trace impurities in manganese electrowinning, George Robert Ferment, June 1965

Chemical and Materials Engineering


Prediction of batch heat transfer coefficients for pseudoplastic fluids in agitated vessels, Donald William Hagedorn, June 1965

Chemical and Materials Engineering

Dissertations from 1964


Salt effects in liquid-liquid equilibria, Edwin Otto Eisen, May 1964

Chemical and Materials Engineering