STEM for Success Showcase contains collections of student STEM creations.
Cartelera Espanto: Análisis de cartel cinematográfico de terror en México del siglo XX
Karla Daniela Frías González and Edgar Meritano
División Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño
Tesis para obtener el grado de Licenciado en Diseño de la Comunicación Gráfica
En el siglo XX hubo una explosión de cambios que revolucionaron al mundo, el cine se instauró como uno de los medios artísticos y de comunicación más importantes, un arte particularmente relacionado con la tecnología, que durante estos cien años se elevará a su máximo desarrollo pasando del cine mudo hasta el cine a todo color; con los movimientos bélicos obtuvo protagonismo, desde de la educación política, pues describía los valores de una nación o dotándose a sí mismo de una filosofía y narrativa propia, capaz de contar casi cualquier historia. En México la nombrada “Época de Oro” transformó la manera de producir y consumir cine, volviéndose un referente dentro de Latinoamérica y el mundo justamente en los periodos en los que se dieron las grandes guerras mundiales; la industria cinematográfica fue afectada en los países que más lo producían, entre ellos Estados unidos y regiones europeas. México logró destacar al otorgar de una nueva visión del cine, ganando el reconocimiento del público y la crítica, demostrando tener una industria sólida. Los años posteriores fueron complicados con las primeras transmisiones de la televisión mexicana pues el cine resintió la competencia con este medio que penetró profundamente al espectador mexicano, afectando directamente a un género de por sí poco explorado en el cine nacional, con poca relevancia para el público, pero que cuenta con piezas claves algunas señaladas incluso como cine de culto: el cine terror. El género de terror tiene un efecto en el espectador contemplativo de querer sentirse abrumado y empático con las experiencias de un protagonista dentro de situaciones agobiantes desde lo paranormal o lo prohibido, del mito, la crueldad de la realidad todo a través lenguaje propio en lo narrativo y que, dentro de la historia polifacética e irregular del cine mexicano, trajo historias peculiares; sobresalen películas de décadas como los 60´s y 70´s ganándose el nombre de Época de Oro del cine de terror y ciencia ficción mexicana.
La Atmósfera del Horror: Un Análisis de los Elementos Visuales en Tomie de Junji Ito
Leslie T. García Cabrera and Edgar Meritano
New Perspectives on Horror Manga
The primary objective of this study is to analyze Japanese horror comics, known as manga, through the works of Junji Ito, particularly Tomie. This author has become a central figure in the genre, and his work is essential for understanding how horror in manga achieves an impact that goes beyond its graphic elements, utilizing a distinctive visual and narrative style that creates a unique atmosphere and evokes profound emotions in its readers.
The analysis begins with a comparison between sequential horror media, such as happenings, and editorial media like comics, where the resources available are different: while the former include sound, characters in motion, and dynamic storytelling, comics must rely on visual strategies to achieve equally powerful horror effects. This research aims to explore the artistic evolution of Junji Ito and how, through the use and modification of lines and styles, he constructs atmospheres that immerse the reader in his narratives.
Throughout this study, the artistic styles that characterize horror manga will be examined, detailing the visual techniques that intensify the atmosphere, generate tension, and build unsettling narratives. The research seeks to answer a fundamental question: how is it possible to achieve, within editorial media—specifically horror comics—the same atmospheric effect that is present in sequential media?
This analysis of Junji Ito delves into the visual and narrative elements that define his style and have earned him a prominent place in horror manga. The study also considers the direct and indirect consequences of modifications in illustration on atmosphere and story development, highlighting the use of line work, onomatopoeia, and other essential resources for creating visual impact.
This work not only describes the influence of Junji Ito but also aims to serve as a guide for design and art students interested in illustration, providing tools to understand and construct effective atmospheres that instill in audiences a constant desire to explore further. In this sense, understanding Junji Ito’s style and techniques is fundamental for learning how to depict horror and tension within the realm of printed and editorial media.
Thesis for the Degree of Bachelor in Graphic Communication Design
Nuevas perspectivas del manga de horrorEste trabajo tiene como propósito principal analizar el cómic de horror japonés, conocido como “manga”, a través de la obra de Junji Ito, particularmente Tomie. Este autor se ha convertido en una figura central en el género, y su trabajo es esencial para comprender cómo el horror en el manga logra un impacto que va más allá de sus elementos gráficos, usando un estilo visual y narrativo distintivo que crea una atmósfera única y despierta profundas emociones en sus lectores.
El análisis parte de la comparación entre los medios secuenciales de horror, como los happenings, y los medios editoriales como el cómic, donde los recursos son distintos: mientras los primeros cuentan con sonido, personajes en acción e historias en movimiento, los cómics requieren de estrategias visuales para alcanzar efectos de horror igualmente potentes. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar los cambios en el arte de Junji Ito, y cómo, mediante el uso y la modificación de trazos y estilos, construye atmósferas que sumergen al lector en sus relatos.
A lo largo del trabajo, se examinan los estilos artísticos que caracterizan el manga de horror, detallando las técnicas visuales que intensifican la atmósfera, generan tensión y construyen narrativas perturbadoras. El estudio busca responder a una pregunta fundamental: ¿cómo es posible lograr en medios editoriales, específicamente en el cómic de horror, el mismo efecto atmosférico que se alcanza en los medios secuenciales?
En este análisis de Junji Ito se profundiza en los elementos visuales y narrativos que definen su estilo y le han dado un lugar destacado en el manga de horror. El estudio también considera las consecuencias directas e indirectas de las modificaciones en la ilustración sobre la atmósfera y el desarrollo de la historia, destacando el uso de líneas, onomatopeyas y otros recursos esenciales para crear impacto visual.
Este trabajo no solo describe la influencia de Junji Ito, sino que también busca servir como guía para aquellos estudiantes de diseño y arte interesados en la ilustración, proporcionando herramientas para entender y construir atmósferas efectivas que generen en el público un deseo constante de explorar más. En este sentido, comprender el estilo y las técnicas de Junji Ito es fundamental para aprender a plasmar el horror y la tensión en el ámbito de los medios impresos y editoriales.
Tesis para obtener el grado de Licenciada en Diseño de la Comunicación Gráfica
Questioning Reality: The Progressive Development of Modern Physics
Joshua Lancman
Humanity has a tendency to divide time. The past is distinct from the present which is entirely separate from the future. In supposedly 20-20 vision history is neatly divided into different sections, distinct eras with sharp lines between them. What is present and in the future is always modern. What is past is something else with another name.
Yet time is not divided so neatly. We know this living through it: years and decades blend into one another in a non-uniform progression. To divide human history into separate eras is a necessary simplification, as it helps to ascribe order onto otherwise chaotic chronology. It is still, however, a simplification, and gives incorrect significance to the people and events used to mark beginnings and ends. Rather, the view of history as a constant and uneven progression is more correct.
In a simple definition, modern is “of, relating to, or characteristic of the present or the immediate past.” To be modern is to be in current times, meaning that which is pre-modern is necessarily in the past. If, then, modernity is also defined by the characteristics of the immediate past, what caused that dividing line to fall down between the pre-modern and current eras, so different between one another? What makes modernity?
The field of physics exhibits a sharp divide between modern and classical branches, defined by different theories, each true in different ways. The modern era of physics is commonly defined as beginning in the 20th century, with the classical era, having begun with the works of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton in the 16th and 17th centuries respectively, preceding it. “The beginnings of anything like a corrected history of the science which is now called physics may be placed with considerable definiteness about the beginning of the 17th century and associated with the great name of Galileo,” as Henry Andrews Bumstead writes.
1905, the so-called miracle year of Albert Einstein, in which he published revolutionary papers on mass-energy equivalence, brownian motion, and, most importantly, the photoelectric effect and special relativity, is most often used as the sharp dividing line between physics’ past and present. “Modern physics is the physics of the 20th century…” since “the main building blocks, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, were developed early in that century.”
Einstein’s breaking down of absolute time and space in his theory of special relativity, a commonly held assumption for millenia beforehand, is what would distinguish the modern from the classical. The aftermath of special relativity is quantum theory, in which strict causality and infinitely divisible space in physics (assumptions from Newton) were also broken down to show that these concepts did not entirely apply at an extremely small scale, namely the atomic and subatomic realms. This concept was also preceded by Einstein’s work, building on that of Max Planck.
Alternatively to a dividing line, physics can also be viewed as a gradual development in which assumptions are constantly broken down and reshaped, a position I will argue for here. Newton demolished the prime mover theory of Aristotle, James Clerk Maxwell reshaped Newtonian concepts with the addition of fields and statistical mechanics, Einstein the absoluteness of space and time, and the great quantum physicists of Planck, Niels Bohr, Erwin Shrodinger, and Werner Heisenberg, along with others, determinism, infinitely divisible space, and orderly mechanics with the discovery of the absolute strangeness of quantum mechanics.
Instead of seeing two eras as completely separate and distinct from one another, with a point in time or event dividing the two, I will argue in this paper that scientific development in physics is always preceded by previous discoveries by looking at the development of modern physics out of the classical. Nothing comes about independently, as some sort of scientific isolate, as I will show in part I. All advances in physics are built upon the shoulders of giants, and mostly come about as a result of developments within the field itself. In part II, I will also focus on how the great revolutions which created what is now commonly referred to as modern physics were the effects of a larger, sociological questioning of authority occurring throughout the Western world at this time. Modern physics’ emergence is notable for occurring at a time and place in human history, the western world at the turn of the 20th century, which was rife with intense social and intellectual upheaval.
Presentation 'Examining the Expertise of TTRPG for STEM Education'
Cristo Leon Ph.D. and James Lipuma Ph.D.
This presentation explored the integration of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) in STEM education, emphasizing their potential to enhance learning by simulating scientific concepts and processes. A key focus was the role of Dungeon Masters (DMs) as facilitators of structured yet flexible learning experiences, drawing parallels to educators who incorporate TTRPGs into their teaching methodologies.
The session introduced the General-Particular-Specific (GPS) Model as a conceptual framework for analyzing games, RPGs, and TTRPGs in educational settings. It also provided an overview of a mixed-methods study to investigate the intersections between experiential learning, STEM Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), and the facilitation techniques used in TTRPGs.
The primary objective of the presentation was to gauge participants’ interest in contributing to an ongoing research study through a survey designed to assess the potential of TTRPGs in STEM education. The survey was introduced and piloted during the conference, with an 80% participation rate among attendees. Insights gathered from this engagement will refine the study’s methodology and future research directions.
By fostering an open dialogue, the presentation encouraged discussions on how role-playing dynamics can support STEM education and invited attendees to contribute their perspectives, further enriching the study’s findings.
Save Us- Save our Oceans
Tara Cotter
Students researched sustainable development goals created by the Untied Nations. 17 goals that are an urgent call to action for all countries. The students then created a video of an SDG they felt passionate about and they thought they could bring awareness and change to.
Implementación de Estrategias Didácticas en la Asignatura de Química en el CETMAR 38
Irene García Hernández and Cristo Leon
Título de la Presentación: Implementación de Estrategias Didácticas en la Asignatura de Química en el CETMAR 38
Evento: STEM for Success: Congreso Educativo 2023 - Diciembre, 15, 2023
Presentadores: Irene García Hernández, Centros de Estudios Tecnológicos del Mar (CETMAR) 38 y Cristo Leon, NJIT
Objetivo General: Nuestra meta es introducir y evaluar estrategias didácticas innovadoras en la enseñanza de la Química para fomentar un aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes de Educación Media Superior del CETMar No. 38. Buscamos transformar el enfoque pedagógico tradicional hacia uno que sea interactivo, inclusivo y que promueva la curiosidad científica.
Hipótesis: Postulamos que la adopción de estrategias didácticas innovadoras, centradas en el estudiante y basadas en la práctica, resultará en una mejora sustancial en la comprensión y aplicación del conocimiento químico (materia y sus interacciones) por parte de los alumnos.
Resumen de la Ponencia:
En un mundo en constante cambio, donde la ciencia y la tecnología juegan roles cruciales, la educación STEM se ha convertido en un pilar fundamental para preparar a los estudiantes para los desafíos futuros. Esta presentación abordará cómo las estrategias didácticas innovadoras pueden ser implementadas efectivamente en la asignatura de Química para maximizar el aprendizaje significativo. Discutiremos métodos prácticos que involucran aprendizaje basado en proyectos, uso de tecnología educativa y técnicas de gamificación para captar la atención y fomentar una comprensión profunda de los conceptos químicos. Con el apoyo de datos empíricos y ejemplos del CETMAR 38, destacaremos cómo estas estrategias no solo mejoran el rendimiento académico, sino que también aumentan la motivación y el interés de los estudiantes en la Química.
La Psiconutrición en estudiantes del CETMAR 38
Dallana Javier de los Santos and Cristo Leon
Título de la Presentación: La Psiconutrición en estudiantes del CETMAR 38
Evento: STEM for Success: Congreso Educativo 2023 - Diciembre, 15, 2023
Presentadores: Dallana Javier de los Santos, Centros de Estudios Tecnológicos del Mar (CETMAR) 38 y Cristo Leon, NJIT
La psiconutrición es un campo emergente que estudia la interacción entre la nutrición, la psicología y el bienestar integral. Explora cómo nuestras emociones y pensamientos influyen en nuestras elecciones alimenticias y, viceversa, cómo lo que comemos afecta nuestro estado anímico y cognitivo. En la era digital actual, donde las redes sociales perpetúan ideales corporales inalcanzables, es crucial abordar cómo estos estándares influyen en los hábitos alimenticios de los adolescentes y en su salud mental.
Objetivo General:
El principal objetivo de esta presentación es concienciar a los estudiantes sobre cómo sus emociones interactúan con sus hábitos alimenticios y desarrollar estrategias efectivas para promover una alimentación consciente y saludable dentro del entorno educativo.
Objetivos Particulares:
Fomentar una reducción en el consumo de alimentos no saludables entre los estudiantes del CETMAR 38.
Educar sobre los fundamentos de una dieta equilibrada y nutritiva.
Investigar y discutir la relación entre la mente, el cuerpo y cómo las emociones y comportamientos afectan la nutrición.
Preguntas Hipotéticas:
¿Cuáles son las causas predominantes de una dieta inadecuada en los estudiantes del CETMAR 38?
¿Cómo afecta la alimentación a la salud física y mental de los jóvenes?
¿De qué manera nuestros estados emocionales y pensamientos moldean nuestra relación con la comida?
Planteamiento del Problema:
Este estudio combina análisis cualitativos y cuantitativos para abordar problemas nacidos de la observación de hábitos alimentarios poco saludables en los estudiantes. Se centra en la necesidad de comprender la psicología detrás de nuestras decisiones alimenticias y cómo fomentar un cambio positivo que se refleje en el aprendizaje y desarrollo estudiantil.
Water Analysis of Various Issues: Local Issue: Beavers in Butler
Michael Konopinski
In my 6th Grade Academic Technology Class, the students have been learning about various water issues that have taken place globally, nationally, and now locally. Students have analyzed interactive drought maps of our country, worked on inventions to help water scarcity in developing nations, and now students are currently researching and creating solutions to a local issue in our community. Currently, there is a beaver constructing a dam in our local river.
Students have researched, analyzed the area, and now are creating solutions to this unique situation. Upon completion of the research, finding the location of this issue using Google Earth, and creating solutions to this situation. Students have recorded a video presentation thoroughly explaining this unique situation in our community!
Water Analysis of Various Issues: Local Issue: Beavers in Butler
Michael Konopinski
In my 6th Grade Academic Technology classes, the students have been learning about various water issues that have taken place globally, nationally, and now locally. Students have analyzed interactive drought maps of our country, worked on inventions to help water scarcity in developing nations, and now students are currently researching and creating solutions to a local issue in our community. Currently, there is a beaver constructing a dam in our local river.
Students have researched, analyzed the area, and now are creating solutions to this unique situation. Upon completion of the research, finding the location of this issue using Google Earth, and creating solutions to this situation. Students have recorded a video presentation thoroughly explaining this unique situation in our community!
Ecological Water Pollution Mystery - Linwood School 6th Grade Science
Jeannine Lanphear Ms
This video is the culminating activity for students completing an ecological water pollution mystery. The mystery was solved using math (parts per million), science (water testing, ground water and the water cycle), topographical mapping (following plumes and determining point/non-point source pollution) and scientific reasoning. The students simulated a town meeting following the attached agenda as shown in the attached video to present their results and then review community options for next steps. Students took stakeholder roles in the presentation. Students will be applying these ideas to engage with their town representatives to discuss local issues with water pollution and engage with STEM-based improvement approaches that students can promote in the community.
Student Inventors for the one that just has STEM Interest Sweepstakes
Alissa Schonmann
Students were challenged to create sustainable inventions to make the world a better place!
I Have A Dream
Lerone B. Smith
Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech has been the subject of much conversation and debate for 50 years. King’s dream was that of one person; however, he opened the door for everyone to have a dream.
In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., our scholars were encouraged to write about their dreams and hopes for a better world. They were told to consider a social, community, or environmental issue they want to improve. Students were challenged to describe what they were thinking about doing and how their idea might make the world a better place.
Area Activity
Admin STEM for Success
Lesson plan to teach students about area including an activity plan, activity description, activity video, and additional activity materials
Arithmetic and Geometric Series
Admin STEM for Success
-Introducing the concept of arithmetic and geometric series/discussing the differences
-Multiplying, adding, dividing, subtracting, exponents
Balloon Tower Activity
Admin STEM for Success
This activity challenges students to build a safe and sound tower using only balloons and tape.
Basic Math Terms and Properties
Admin STEM for Success
Basic Math Terms
In a math equation or sentence, the operator identifies the action taken. The equal sign shows the relationship that the expressions on the two sides are equal in value.
Bridge Building
Admin STEM for Success
Students learn about different bridge styles and designs in this activity that challenges them to build their own successful bridge.
Bubble Wand Activity
Admin STEM for Success
Students use this activity to practice their engineering skills by building a bubble wand.
Activity Video Link:
Building Structures
Admin STEM for Success
This activity challenges students to build a safe and sound structure using only candy and toothpicks.
Calming Jar Activity
Admin STEM for Success
Students use crazy glue and water to make a "calming jar."
Candy Heart Experiment
Admin STEM for Success
Students practice the scientific process by running an experiment to discover how well candy hearts dissolve in different liquids.