The Effectiveness of Using Near-Peer Role Models and Mentoring: A Phenomenological Reflection on STEM for Success
Bruce G. Bukiet, Cristo Leon, and James Lipuma
The proper study of communication from existing models opens the doors to scientific research that allows exploring language and coding as an integral part of effective communication to generate new models that include Trans-Disciplinary Collaboration. The authors analyze the communication factors to describe the application of Trans-Disciplinary Communication. This paper aims to define communication processes and their relationship with language, considering their impact on trans-disciplinary collaboration and innovation. After conducting a systematic literature review, the article explored the concepts of communication, functions, language, and Trans-Disciplinary Communication. This led to its application in the convergence research approach presented in the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid.
La Teoría de los Arquetipos de Northrop Frye, Invierno: Ironía y Sátira
Marcos O. Cabobianco
En esta presentación Marcos Cabobianco habla de la estructura narrativa de la desintegración irónica y su relación con el sacrificio
La Teoría de los Arquetipos de Northrop Frye, Primavera: Romance (Épica)
Marcos O. Cabobianco
En esta presentación Marcos Cabobianco habla de la estructura narrativa del ascenso del héroe.
La Teoría de los Arquetipos de Northrop Frye, Verano: Comedia
Marcos O. Cabobianco
En esta presentación Marcos Cabobianco habla de la estructura narrativa de la integración de la nueva sociedad con la vieja.
La Noción de Comunicación Transdisciplinaria
Nagib Callaos and Cristo Leon
La Comunicación Transdisciplinaria conecta disciplinas y sociedad. Aprende métodos innovadores para clarificar conceptos y fomentar el entendimiento. Accede a nuestro artículo publicado en la prestigiosa Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática y explora cómo la interdisciplinariedad transforma el conocimiento.
#ComunicaciónTransdisciplinaria #Interdisciplinariedad #Innovación #Educación #CienciaYSociedad -
AI and the Future of Marketing Education Through the Lens of The Space Merchants
Jasmin Cowin, Cristo Leon, Sabra Brock, and Xavier Oviedo Torres
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming professional marketing practices as well as marketing education. This paper employs the science fiction novel “The Space Merchants” by Pohl and Kornbluth as a metaphorical framework for critically examining AI integration in marketing curricula. The authors review existing literature examining the impacts of AI on marketing practices and education. Furthermore, they establish a qualitative methodology analyzing a real-world case study, current applications of AI in marketing education, and discuss ethical frameworks surrounding the use of AI. Utilizing “The Space Merchants” satirical portrayal of consumerism, they reflect on AI’s potential to commodify marketing education, homogenize student thought, and undermine educational integrity. Also examined are AI’s capabilities to enhance personalization, engagement, and teaching efficiency. Ultimately, the paper argues for educators’ indispensable role in ethically leveraging AI to enrich the student experience. The unique fictional lens highlights the need to balance advancement and responsibility in AI-enabled marketing education. This comprehensive ethical analysis aims to significantly advance the discourse on AI's evolving function in shaping the next generation of marketing professionals. Furthermore, by adopting a transdisciplinary approach through the integration of science fiction and ethical critique, the paper seeks to catalyze broader transdisciplinary conversations between the technical and social sciences on the impacts of emerging technologies like AI on education.
Empowering Inquiry: The Transformative Power of the Question Formulation Technique in Education
Cristo Leon
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) is a pivotal innovation in educational strategies aimed at empowering students by enhancing their ability to formulate questions. This method is not merely an academic exercise but a critical skill fostering deep engagement, critical thinking, and creativity across all disciplines. It is significant for students from underserved communities, where such skills can dramatically shift educational and personal outcomes.
Research Experiences for Students at NJIT & NSF April 2024
Cristo Leon
Presentation for NJIT students
Trans-Disciplinary Communication for Policy Making: A Reflective Activity Study
Cristo Leon
This paper reports on a workshop conducted at the NSF's 2023 Eddie Bernice Johnson, INCLUDES National Network Convening: Sustaining Equity-Driven Systems Change, held in Washington, DC, from August 2-4, 2023. Titled "Enhancing Inclusivity through Expertise Sharing: A Reflective Group Activity on Effective Policy Development," the workshop employed Trans-Disciplinary Communication (TDC) as a methodological framework. Participants represented a cross-section of academia, nonprofits, federal agencies, and the general public, focusing on STEM Education, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and traditionally underrepresented groups (TUG). The paper delineates the protocol for eliciting robust participation and facilitating knowledge sharing. Subsequently, it scrutinizes the outcomes of these interactive discussions, culminating in an analysis of the broader implications of the activity. A significant finding emphasizes the pressing need for greater dissemination and divulgation by successful programs. A pivotal question underpinning this study is: How can Trans-Disciplinary Communication (TDC) be operationalized to foster equitable and innovative policy development in STEM fields? This inquiry fosters actionable steps and constructive dialogue toward achieving equity-driven systems change.
Analyzing the Meta Dimensions in TRPGs: Meta-Action, Metacognition, and Metagaming
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
Roleplay has critically influenced academic dialogue on education, psychology, and narrative. However, little research has been conducted around "gaming sessions," specifically the "point of contact" amongst participants, due to its ephemeral qualities and the subjective nature of the co-creative process. Acknowledging the complexity of the subject, the authors established a clear set of definitions. They conducted a literature review to examine the existing understanding of critical components related to gameplay in Tabletop Roleplay Games (TRPGs). They are exploring TRPGs through the lens of narrative storytelling to understand better and categorize the 'collaborative' and 'co-designed interactions during the gameplay experience. The paper discusses the three interconnected ideas of meta-action, metacognition, and metagaming concerning the effective co-creation process and its impact on how participants collectively create and explore fantasy worlds in an imaginary cosmos by using a vast system of concepts, rules, and mechanisms that function as the background or canvas for action and interaction amongst them. As Language, Communication, and Education occupy a central role in the gaming experience, miscommunication and assumptions will lead to a break in immersion. Metagaming is commonly labeled as the "worst" that can happen in a gaming session. The problem is that it is also commonly confused with meta-action and metacognition, which are essential to the game. This article aims to provide the tools to all players that will allow them to enjoy a more engaging in-game experience, based on the idea that the more players manage metagaming properly, the better the game experience will be for all participants involved. The main focus is defining essential discourse clearly and clarifying the line between in-game and extra-game narration, description, and action. The authors will start conceptualizing the situation by defining general terms. A systematic review of the literature (SRL) integrated into the three phases, planning, management, and reporting the results, will be presented in the following sections. An analysis of the concepts of' Gaming and extra gaming' followed by brief 'Examples at the point of contact' and conversations around 'Action and Meta-actions' will serve as a reference to discuss the metacognition and metagaming concepts. Finally, the authors will present their conclusions and a glossary of terms.
Collaborative Co-Design: Transforming Traditional Professional Development
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
Objective: The primary aim of this project was to develop the "Online Professional Learning Exchange" (OPLE), a platform designed to support blended learning and facilitate a shift towards a Community of Practice (CoP) model. By integrating face-to-face, blended, and fully online learning situations, this move was intended to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of professional development. Theoretical Framework: The project was grounded in theories of adult learning and community of practice. It utilized these frameworks to foster an environment where educators could collaboratively design and engage with learning materials. This approach aimed to promote sustained professional growth and mastery of teaching concepts. Method: The development of the OPLE involved a systematic review of the literature on professional learning and training methods, followed by the creation of blended learning modules that included videos, written materials, polls, and discussions. This method facilitated varied instructional approaches to cater to different learning styles and needs. Results and Discussion: The OPLE successfully enabled educators to master relevant educational concepts more efficiently and effectively. The analysis revealed that this integrated approach supported individual learning needs and encouraged active participation in a broader professional community. Research Implications: The findings from this project underscore the potential of collaborative co-design in professional development, particularly in enhancing the adaptability and engagement of PD programs. This model presents a viable blueprint for other educational systems looking to modernize their professional development approaches. Originality/Value: This research contributes to the field by demonstrating how transitioning from traditional expert-led training to a community-based, co-design approach can significantly improve the relevance and impact of professional development. The OPLE model highlights the value of integrating technology with collaborative learning frameworks to foster ongoing professional engagement and improvement.
Collaborative Convergence: Finding the Language for Trans-Disciplinary Communication to Occur
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
The proper study of communication from existing models opens the doors to scientific research that allows exploring language and coding as an integral part of effective communication to generate new models that include Trans-Disciplinary Collaboration. The authors analyze the communication factors to describe the application of Trans-Disciplinary Communication.
This paper aims to define communication processes and their relationship with language, considering their impact on trans-disciplinary collaboration and innovation.
After conducting a systematic literature review, the article explored the concepts of communication, functions, language, and Trans-Disciplinary Communication. This led to its application in the convergence research approach presented in the Collaborative Convergence Pyramid.
Overcoming Obstacles to Interdisciplinary Research: Empirical Insights and Strategies for Transdisciplinary Communication [Presentation]
Cristo Leon and James Lipuma
Presented at Third Meeting of the International Association FOR Trans-Disciplinary Communications (AFTC)
Overcoming Obstacles to Interdisciplinary Research: Empirical Insights and Strategies [Peer-reviewed journal]
Cristo Leon Ph.D. and James Lipuma Ph.D.
Explore how to overcome obstacles to interdisciplinary research with strategies for transdisciplinary communication, breaking silos, and fostering collaboration. Read insights from Cristo Leon and James Lipuma in this impactful study.
Data Management Sharing Plan: Fostering Effective Trans-Disciplinary Communication in Collaborative Research
Cristo León and James Lipuma
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Trans-Disciplinary Communication and Persuasion in Convergence Research Approach
Cristo León, James Lipuma, Marcos O. Cabobianco, Edgar Meritano, and Bruce G. Bukiet
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Avances en Educación, Salud y Tecnología a través de la Inclusión y la Ética – Ciencias de la Educación – Puebla 2024
Cristo Leon, James Lipuma, and Rafael Moras
This e-book contains the collection of research papers presented in the education area at the International Research Congress Academia Journals Puebla IEU 2024, Education, Health, and Technology through Inclusion and Ethics, which was co-organized on August 7, 8, and 9, 2024, by Academia Journals in collaboration with IEU University and the PYSEIP Research Center, Strategic Products and Services for Research and Graduate Studies.
Analyzing the Use of the Kirkpatrick Model in Higher Education: Insights from an NSF-Funded Chemistry Curriculum Project
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Lipuma, J., & Leon, C. (2024). Analyzing the Use of the Kirkpatrick Model in Higher Education: Insights from an NSF-Funded Chemistry Curriculum Project [Non-peer review]. Academia Journals Puebla, 16(6), 4.98-4.106. /Research/Education.
Beyond Status Quo: Why is Transdisciplinary Communication Instrumental in Disruptive Innovation? [Peer-review journal]
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Explore "Beyond Status Quo: Why is Transdisciplinary Communication Instrumental in Innovation?" by James Lipuma and Cristo Leon. This groundbreaking research highlights the role of transdisciplinary communication in overcoming disciplinary silos, fostering collaboration, and driving disruptive innovation. Learn how these strategies enable systemic change, address societal challenges, and create impactful solutions. Published in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (Vol. 22, No. 7, 2024). Read more about the transformative potential of inclusive research environments and collaborative frameworks.
Converged Learning: The Spectrum of Technology-Mediated Learning
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), a four-year polytechnic research university in the United States, utilized a participatory strategic planning process to implement an innovative approach to the delivery modes between face-to-face and online instruction. NJIT defines the spectrum of online and on-ground instruction integration as Converged Education. This spectrum allows students to participate face-to-face, join remotely through real-time video conferencing technology (synchronously), or watch classroom instruction asynchronously. The article opens with a general background of NJIT's approach to the new idea of converged instructional delivery. Then, the process of defining and clarifying the terms and conceptions of the various modes to be adopted is presented. Finally, the resulting implementation of the new policy and its reflection on course offerings is shown and discussed.
Disclosure of Support Statement: Increasing Student Transparency About Support from Software Like ChatGPT
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Our latest publication in the Journal of Engineering Research introduces the Disclosure of Support Statement (DSS) tool to enhance transparency and student engagement in academic writing. This innovative tool encourages students to openly discuss and reflect on the various human and software supports utilized in their writing processes, such as professors, peers, and artificial intelligence software tools. The DSS tool seeks to initiate meaningful conversations around academic integrity and the educational journey by promoting ethical considerations and fostering critical thinking. Through a detailed pilot study, our research offers insights into student attitudes towards support mechanisms, setting the stage for further development and refinement of the DSS tool to better support academic writing and ethical understanding in the educational landscape.
Minorities and the AI Revolution: Examining the Literature on Equity and the Digital Divide
James Lipuma and Cristo Leon
Lipuma, J., & Leon, C. (2024). Minorities and the AI Revolution: Examining the Literature on Equity and the Digital Divide [Non-peer review]. Academia Journals Puebla, 16(6), 4.107-4.115. /Research/Education.
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