Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering - (M.S.)


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

First Advisor

Keith T. O'Brien

Second Advisor

Nouri Levy

Third Advisor

Avraham Harnoy


Intuition, prior experience, and trial and error experimentation have previously been the key factors in solving the mold design and process optimization problems, when there is a dimensional change in gates and runners due to wear and tear in multi-cavity injection molding. The effect of wear and tear of gates and runners of circular and rectangular geometries, using the flow analysis package MOLDFLOW have been studied. A mold with two rectangular cavities of volume in the ratio 2:1 has been taken as the reference model for the analysis. It is observed that the amount of imbalance due to wear and tear of gates and runners is a function of the rheological properties of the material being processed.

The wear of the gates is more critical than the runners. The effect of circular gate wear is more severe on the flow balance in the multi-cavity mold. It is not possible to bring the imbalanced flow, due to wear and tear of gates and runners, back to the original balanced state.



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