Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Athanassios K. Bladikas


The present network of highways, soaring bridges, airports, seaports, and transit systems that serve the New York Metropolitan region are part of this region's inheritance from the generation of Americans who built them before us. These massive and sometimes daring achievements supported the economic growth of the region. Now that inheritance is in danger. The quality of the region's transportation infrastructure is barely adequate to fulfill current requirements, and insufficient to meet the demands of future economic growth and development. We are spending our inheritance.

A major problem is financial. Overall investment in transportation has slowed down in the last two decades. We have worn out the cushion of excess capacity built into earlier investments. In effect, we are now drawing down from past investments without making commensurate investments of our own. There is no quick fix to the problem. It's much more likely to be solved through deliberate remedial steps rather than any dramatic actions.

This study considers the surface transportation funding requirements of the New Yokk metropolitan region for the next 25 years (1990-2015) and discusses the financial contributions that the region's sectors have to make in order to support a transportation infrastructure capable of servicing the region's economic needs.



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