Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management - (M.S.)


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

First Advisor

Howard Gage


Work in Confined Spaces poses special health and safety problems. To avoid the serious consequences which may follow poorly planned or poorly supervised confined space work, a comprehensive program of recognition, evaluation and control of potential dangers must be developed.

The work force should be aware of the extreme dangers associated with confined space and of the procedures and equipment used to overcome these dangers effectively and safely.

The purpose of this thesis is to present the hazardous conditions in a confined space and different means of overcoming these dangers which are not readily apparent. It shows how confined spaces may be threatening due to atmospheric conditions, fires, electrocution, ventilation or lack of it, entrapment, temperature extremes and stress from excess exertion.

This study includes atmospheric conditions, ventilation, general physical hazards, the precautions to be taken before and after entry, training program in aspects like protective clothing, respiratory protection and rescue operations in confined spaces. Recommendations are made based on research literature, actual fatalities statistics, and statutory regulations. The investigation also covers law on confined spaces and the summary of the proposed rulemaking of OSHA.



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