Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Farhad Ansari

Second Advisor

William R. Spillers


This thesis presents an experimental evaluation of J-Integral for plain and fiber reinforced concrete subjected to impact loading. A computer assisted instrumented Charpy test system was employed in applying the impact loads. Twenty two three point bend specimens with two different notch lengths were tested under impact velocity of 43.29 in/sec. Development and testing of a new fiber optic sensor, for the determination of internal Crack Tip Opening Displacements (CTOD) in concrete is described.

Evaluation of JIC values from experimental results of this study indicate that JIC can be characterized as a material constant. The Dynamic value of JIC increased as the steel fiber content was increased, for plain concrete it was calculated to be 1.294 lb/in ( 225.12 N/m SI units) whereas for 1.5 % fiber reinforced concrete was found to be 2.354 lb/in. (411.95 N/m SI units). The critical CTOD δc values were found to decrease as the fiber content was increased.



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