Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering - (M.S.)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Farhad Ansari

Second Advisor

William R. Spillers


An automated system was developed for the microscopic determination of air content and the related parameters in hardened concrete using the principles of Image Analysis and Computer Technology. Slices taken from the concrete specimen were viewed through a microscope with 40X magnification. The magnified image of the concrete slice is digitized by an Image Analyzing Software. Methodologies were developed for analysis of the digitized image and determination of air content and the required parameters. The automated system included a motorized positioner which translated microscope stage in a frame by frame sequence so that the whole image is digitized. Several tests were conducted on mortar and concrete to observe the behavior of entrained air with varying amounts of air entraining agents.



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